
primal system

in a universe where strength is everything and mysterious forces work in shadow alongside gods it may be of no surprise to learn that there's an entire race meant for great power, that race is called the primals, each possessing a power, an essence, derived from their mother, nature. each one is strong and gifted, able to control entire regions, but only one will stand out from the rest, Syn. this lone primal conquers anything in his path as he journeys through his very long life, starting as nothing but a simple and humble created creature before traversing the large depths of power that god hood brings. growing at an incredible rate, will his astounding growth attract too much attention or is his growth the only thing keeping him alive in this cutthroat world? the only answer to that question is found in his survival. follow him on his travels, through pain and suffering, through good moments, through all the mysteries of the world he encounters. what waits our unusually destructive primal in this world? and most importantly.............will he ever stop being so god damn violent?

classy_fied · Action
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161 Chs

the end

I jolted up in bed covered in sweat, my alarm clock showing 2:35 am.

I slowly leaned over and grabbed it, an uneasy feeling seemed to settle uncomfortably in my gut, for some reason I felt as if something was wrong but I couldn't quite place it, my room didn't even look familiar to me, neither did my phone.

something really weird had happened and I wasn't sure what to make of it, I wasn't wasn't sure what was going on right now, nothing felt quite right.

uneasily I stood from my bed and made my way to my window, sliding open the curtains and staring outside, the parking lot of my apartment complex was as packed as it always was but even that didn't feel right to me.

I just could not shake this feeling I had that this wasn't my life, I just....I dont know.

whatever dream I had must've been crazy!


sorry about the lackluster and terrible ending but I feel like I'd lost the direction inwas taking this and felt it was easier to end it now rather than keep going and lose all hope of salvaging anything, I thank you all for reading and hope that it wasn't an overall terrible experience.