
primal strength

The insane lone wolf has been hurt by many but still has the primal strength and desire to stand and defend those he loves

insanelonewolf21 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Lustful demons

They decide to stop before they get there to get some rest so they don't have to deal with any drama that might start when they get there so they stop at a hotel and pair up for the night Aiden, Erica and Alex all sleep in the same room when they get in the room they realize there is only one big bed Alex says well we already shared a bed and took a shower together so this isn't that big of a deal they agree and try and figure out who going to take a shower first Aiden then says we already took a shower together before why don't we just do that Alex agrees and once again Erica has been outnumbered by them Alex heads to the bathroom first followed by Aiden then Erica joins them a few minutes later this time Alex started washing Aiden and Erica washes Alex they continue like this for a few minutes till Erica decides to go down lower than she should Alex starts breathing hard when she does that makes Aiden start kissing his ear Alex can't help but groan at this making them continue Alex then starts slowly rubbing down Aiden thigh making him groan they end up getting hot and heated then Erica stops and steps out the shower followed by Aiden Alex stands there in shock and watches as they walk to the bedroom he soon follows to see Erica kissing Aiden at this sight Alex starts breathing hard again and joins them on the bed sitting on the edge watching them they soon stop and look at him they then continue where they left off in the shower ending with them falling asleep around 4 am. The next day they get up to head to Alpha Roy pack so they can go ahead and get that over with when they are 20 minutes from his pack Aiden mind links the pack and tells them to go head of them so they pull up first then Aiden will pull up after then Erica and then Alex will be the last one to pull up, they all say ok, and they pack goes ahead. When they pull up the pack hops out and stands there waiting for Aiden he pulls up and pulls up so he is in front of them then he gets off his bike and removes his helmet then Erica pulls up beside him doing the same he introduces his pack while Erica looks confused Aiden then mind links her and told her that he told Alex to wait a minute before showing up she relaxes and says ok Alpha then says is that everyone Aiden then says no there is one more person I must introduce you to and with that Alex pulls up and takes his helmet off not getting off his bike Aiden then says this is our mate Alex and with that Alpha Roy mouth falls open and says it good to see you Alex which he responds can't say the same to you Alpha Roy Aiden then cuts in and says I know all about what you and your worthless son have done to my mate Alpha Roy says you can't trust anything he says Aiden then says i can tell it true just by looking at your son face he looks like he seen a ghost but enough of that show us to our rooms and then I will come find you in your office later and with that Alpha Roy sends his son to show them there rooms they follow jack to their room after showing everyone to their rooms but Alex Aiden tells Alex to tell him if anything happens and with that Alex follows jack to his room when they get there Alex steps in and goes to close the door but jack then puts his foot in the door stopping from closing it Alex looks at his foot and ask him what he is doing jack replies I just wanted to talk Alex then says calmly we don't have anything to talk about jack gets angry at that and grabs him by the throat and makes him walk backwards in the room jack closes the door with his foot then locks it and says your still my mate to which Alex replies no I am not jack makes Alex walk backwards until he falls on the bed and jack towers over him and says you can't get rid of ,me I am your mate not them Alex grits his teeth and says they are more of a mate then you will ever be jack then screams I am your mate not them his eyes hazes over for a second meaning he is mind linking someone he then says be lucky my father needs me he then gets up to walk to the door before he leaves he says you better be in your bed tonight and with that he leaves.