
Primal Saiyan

First let me start by saying this is an AU and I plan of messing with canon a bit to make things fit my narrative and not anyone else's. I don't mind suggestions but I will be delete whiny comments because I didn't do something the way you think I should. If this story is not for you just move on, no need to spread hate and negativity. NOW on to the synopsis A die hard DBGT and DBZ fan dies and gets a chance at another life but the ROB that reincarnates me takes his choices away and decides for him because he wants to really spice the story up. I DO NOT OWN DRAGONBALL Z OR GT OR SUPER OR ANY OF THAT I ALSO DO NOT OWN THE COVER IT WAS FOUND ON GOOGLE IF THE ARTISTS WANTS ME TO REMOVE IT MESSAGE ME AND I WILL TAKE IT DOWN.

Lawless_jack · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


*Beep beep beep*

A sound echoed through our pod waking me up. We had spent a whole year in this pod mostly sleeping our way through the universe.

When I opened my eyes I saw through the small round window the blue and green planet we were approaching. 'Earth.. I'm back...kinda... You may not be the earth I knew but I will still protect you none the less.' I think looking at it. Then a thought hit me... 'This landing is gonna suck...' I thought before looking for some restraints or something I could use to make sure Kakarot and I didn't get tossed around too much. I found a dinky looking seat belt probably never used before seeing as the saiyans weren't really known for taking safety precautions, but I wanted to insure my brother and I came out of this unscathed. I quickly got us strapped in and held on to Kakarot as we entered the atmosphere. 'Fuck we're not slowing down at all.' I thought then...


Our pod crashed in the forest.

Once I was sure Kakarot was okay I unstrapped us and pressed the button to open the door. Kakarot was about to crawl out but I grabbed him. "wait.." I said to him and somehow I think he understood because he just sat down on the open door. I quickly searched the pod and all the compartments.

I found a bag of seeds an old model scouter. 'Saibamen, and an old scouter. I'm sure Dad got this scouter for us especially so it shouldn't be bugged. And these saibamen will be useful for training.' I think before storing them in the pockets of my black pants. I then got down and helped Kakarot walk on his feet instead of crawling. It took about an hour but I got him walking on his own two feet around the crater our pod created. "Good job bro." I said not pretending I couldn't talk anymore. I could see my praise made him smile so I smiled back.

*leafs rustling*

I turned just in time to see a bearded old man coming through the bushes and the iconic dragonball hat on his head. "Children... what are you two doing out here all by yourselves? Where are your parents." I took a defensive stance on instinct. 'well that's weird... saiyan genetics at their finest...' I thought considering my actions.

With genuine tears in my eyes I looked the old man in the eyes. "Gone..." I said and I could hear Kakarot sniffling behind me. Glancing his way I could see him standing defensively too copying my movements. I just put my arm over his shoulder to comfort him and let him know we weren't in danger. I turned my attention back to the old man who had somehow gotten very close to us without making a sound. I could feel Kakarot's muscles tense in preparation to lash out. I just looked him in the eye. "No.. wait..." I said he nodded, confirming my suspicion that he understood a great deal for being only three-ish.

"I mean you no harm little ones. My name is Gohan! You both can call me Grandpa if you like." The kind old man said. I just looked at him and nodded. "You have tails... How strange and you little one have fur all over your arms, such an oddity. Oh I'm sorry I'm rambling, gets lonely out here after all these years, hehe. Do you two have names?" He asked a twinkle in his eyes.

I pointed at my brother. "Kakarot." I said shooting down his need to name him Goku. I then pointed to myself. "Scalis" I said. 'I'm gonna keep it short for the time being I don't want him thinking I'm more of a freak than he already suspects.' I thought.

"Ah very good, you're a smart one. Well come along with me then I will get you both cleaned up and fed at my home." He said picking Kakarot up. He went to pick me up but I refused. I need to get this body used to working so I can get stronger.


Once we arrived at Gohan's house he started laying out dished for us to eat which caught me a bit by surprise. ' If he's the only one out here in this forest why is this man has a full blown feast prepared for just him?' I thought in wonder looking at all the food. 'Anime logic' was the only solution I came up with I saw Kakarot get ready to dive in wildly ready to attack the food. I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes sternly. "Sit... Eat slowly.." I said and made sure the message got through. He just nodded and sat down and began eating. My own stomach made an unreasonably loud noise telling me I needed to eat as well and NOW.

"Go ahead little one eat your fill." Gohan said with his kind smile and I did as he said. I began with the dumplings, they were always a favorite in my past life. "Oh my you too must have been starving." Gohan said after what must have been my tenth plate of food and Kakarot's eighteenth.

"Yes" was all I said as I pushed myself away from the table and found my way to a cushion on the floor to sit on. Kakarot practically fell asleep where he was sitting and Gohan carried him over to a bed in the corner of the small dwelling. As Gohan began cleaning up after the meal I closed my eyes and began to reflect inward, my attempt at meditation. 'Since coming to this world, everything has been a blur of events and I haven't really had any thoughts to learn anything about myself.' I thought. Due to having full grown Vegeta's knowledge I found the necessary techniques to calm my mind. I began sensing ki around me and my own ki. Myself and Gohan were about equal and Kakarot's ki was paltry in comparison. I then began circulating my ki inside me and found my ki control was amazing.

"Well aren't you a mystery? I can sense you're not a normal child in any sense." Gohan's voice broke my concentration and I opened my eyes to see the man observing me with a look of amazement in his eyes. 'Well so much for keeping a low profile for a while. In my defense I didn't think the old man could sense what I was doing...Welp cats outta the bag I suppose.' I thought. 'Maybe I'll show a little more but I don't need to go overboard.'

I pointed to my chest. "Anomaly.. My people aren't like me." I said looking at the man.

"Your people? Tell me young one why are you and your brother here." Gohan asked in curiosity.

"To survive.." I said simply.

"So the rest of your people?" he asked.

"Dead.." I answered sadly. Truthfully I was only sad my parents died.

"Tell me young one. What do you want now that you're here? I can tell you're smart, smarter than you're letting on even." Gohan asked.

"To get stronger... To protect my brother.." I answered truthfully.

"Well I can help you with that,hehe. I am something of a martial artist so I can teach you if you want to learn." He said with a smile.

'With all of Vegeta's knowledge I don't really need you help Gramps. *sigh* But Kakarot will need this and I will help contain the little beast and try to tame him.' I thought before answering. I pointed to Kakarot. "Train him..." I then pointed to my own head. "I know how.."

"Hhmm, well I will train your brother but tomorrow you will show me what you know then we'll see what I can do to help you." He said, obviously a bit unhappy that I didn't want his training for myself.


(time skip)

10ish years later:

Alot has happened in these last thirteen years. Unfortunately Grandpa Gohan still passed away. Only this time it was of old age instead of being crushed under my brother. It was a sad day for both Kakarot and myself. I eventually became very attached to the old man that out of the kindness of his heart took my brother and I in expecting nothing in return. 'I will always appreciate what you did for us old man.' I thought before turning my attention to my brother.

He was currently going through the katas that Grandpa and I had taught him. I pushed my sense over to the boy and felt his growth. 'Hhmm, he's alot stronger than his canon counter part.. I guess due to having a strong sparring partner and better training. And not being a hair brained dunce..' I mused looking again at the cold seriousness on his face as he practiced. I took the scouter from the pocket of my baggy black gi pants. I placed it on my face then pressed the button. *beep beep beep* "500" The number read. 'Yup absolutely astronomical compared to canon.' I thought looking approvingly at my brother in his blue weighted gi. Grandpa Gohan had several sets of weighted clothes in a trunk in the house. My own black pants and blue gi top were weighted as well. I kept the boots and gloves, I came in since they stretched to fit me even now. 'Anime logic and all' I mused. I looked a bit older than Kakarot with no fat and pretty muscular and was about 6 inches taller too. Kakarot however wore black slip on shoes but kept his black wrist warmers as they reminded him of our mother. He looked almost identical to his canon counter part other than the seriousness and intelligence in his eyes and a bit more muscular less baby fat.

Apparently he remembered our departure that day vividly and with my help I informed him of our race and our abilities. On full moons he's even learned control of the Oozaru form as long as he goes into the transformation ready and not accidentally. I myself couldn't transform, probably due to being always in this pseudo Oozaru form. The full moon did however give me a small boost in power though just not the 10X my brother got in his state.

I turned to scouter to look down at my own body next. *beep beep beep* "1550" The numbers read. 'Well, its not Frieza level but I still have time.' I mused. While not really substantial growth with my wealth of knowledge, I have to hold back alot during spars and the weighted clothes stop being beneficial long ago. Kakarot's normal zenkai boosts have helped him immensely, I seem to get more from zenkai though making it harder to get injured and receiving more, also meaning I have to train many times harder than Kakarot to see any progress. 'Now should it should be soon when Bulma shows up, should I tag along or should I let my brother have this adventure like the story to help him grow more as a person?' I thought taking a seat. While my presence has changed Kakarot making him less idiotic but still growing up he has only been exposed to Grandpa Gohan and myself. I have tried to tell him stories and things to make him more accustomed to the outside world but hearing about it and experiencing it are totally different. 'If I let him go alone what the hell will I do? I can't just sit around here on my hands...' I thought.

"Earth to Scalis.." I was brought from my thoughts to see my brother's small hand waving in my face. Seeing me finally react, "I've been asking you for a few minutes if you wanted to go fishing with me for dinner but you were all spaced out. What's on you mind bro?" He asked.

"Ah, it's nothing Kakarot... Just thinking about how to get stronger is all. I'm not really seeing any gains lately." I answered semi honestly. I see him downcast a bit at his inability to help me in this. "It's not your fault I'm different bro, I'll figure it out. For now why don't you go fishing and I'll get a fire started and prepare some sides yeah?" I said and I can see him cheer up alot at the thought of food. Which I have made sure everything Kakarot has put into his body has been fully cooked and healthy since I believe the cause of his heart virus was eating raw food as a child or food that was spoiled from not knowing any better. I simply refuse to let him go through that again.

"Okay! I'll be back before you know it!" Kakarot shouts happily rushing to grab the power pole leaning against the house and then bolting for the tree line. 'Still such a silly kind hearted goofball, hehe' I mused.

The rest of the day passed by normally, just us brothers enjoying a meal and me telling Kakarot my "made up" stories to help prepare him for being out in the world. He can read, write, do simple arithmetic, and knows anatomy thanks to books and such Gohan had and I took it as a challenge to get the old man to "teach" us, well Kakarot anyways. Goku from the anime and manga isn't my brother, this new existence is a smarter more thoughtful warrior. A fact I am very proud of.