
Primal Gate

A lot of people wonder what happens when they die. Dylan didn't care. Life, quite frankly, had been shit. He was 28, lived with his syringe-ridden mother, and worked at a local fast food joint. The only saving grace in his life was his girlfriend, Lila. That was until he found her dead body on his porch, one night coming home from work. Before he even has a chance to recover from the shock, something hard and heavy hits his head, and everything goes black. "Dude, get up already." a deep, but smooth voice said in annoyance. "People usually don't take this long." Dylan slowly came to, with the realization that someone was talking. He couldn't make out what was said, so he decided to open his eyes. When everything focused, he noticed his entire field of view was covered with a mans face. 'Well you could call it a man, or I guess it could be a woman.' Dylan thought, as he contemplated this attractive strangers gender. The person then swept their slightly long, blonde hair out of their face. With that motion Dylan could see the full profile of the person. "It's about time," the person said. "You got slim-pickings when it comes to worlds to start from, so lets get going!" "Names Homer," the person said as they stretched a hand to help Dylan off the floor. "And, you died." Dylan's eyes narrowed, as he registered what Homer had said. 'Really?' he thought. "Thank God!" he shouted. "God-sss. With and 'S' young man." Homer said in a whimsical tone. "And oddly enough, one of them would like you to thank them in person." - A story of pain, regret, power, swords and magic. If you enjoy any of @Warmaisach's work, or other antihero/OP protagonist style novel's, you'll enjoy this! - Author: fxckshawnfiction Contracted with @webnovel Premium chapters start after chapter 20

fxckshawnfiction · Fantasy
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78 Chs


A young boy played in the central area of the Dawn Guard HQ.

A lot of members had children and would often have them on base for safety. This resulted in them playing in areas otherwise normally vacant.

Such as the Chamber Hall.

The Chamber Hall was a giant dome shaped building, that housed all the prisons and isolation chambers. Cells lined the walls, and the chambers were buried underneath.

Leaving a huge open space for the children to play various games.

Due to the high security, it was dubbed the safest place in the Kingdom of Crane.

Until today.


Grain had regained his consciousness weeks ago.

He had spent the weeks sense, practicing his mana manipulation. He was able to pull mana from outside the chamber into his body. This would usually be impossible, as no one had ever possessed the ability to manipulate foreign mana.