
Priest in the Multiverse

A simple teen is given the chance to a second life as The One Above All's personal priest(Entertainment).

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Yuki stared thinking "Um three?"

"Servant Berserker Kiyohime."

"Servant Berserker Morgan Le Fay"

"Servant Caster Tamamo-no-mae!"

"Are you my master?"

They all said at the same time before realising that they all have the same master.


Yuki scratched his head thinking he messed up so he asked "Um so how did I summon three of you?" Tamamo went first "They just told me that I'd find my future hubby!" Kiyohime responded "I won the grail and my wish was to be summoned by my future husband."

Morgan stayed silent and looked at Yuki. Yuki started off first "Well nice to meet you again. Also welcome to the modern world Morgan." Kiyohime and Tamamo looked at Yuki before asking "You've met her before? How old are you?" Yuki smiled "Since when did I say I age? Also she's a friend" They all widened their eyes. Yuki shook his head "I'm not a stupid vampire. I'm simply just a strong priest."

Yuki watched as they disappeared into motes of light as he looked at his new task. "WHY!? I thought I had a break?" He had a quick dinner before disappearing into motes of snow flakes as he took his servants with him.

Tamamo simply watched as they disappeared with their master.

Yuki reappeared as he looked at his damned mission.

[Supreme Overseer of the Holy Grail War]

[Context: Apocrypha]

Yuki shouted to the skies "WHY SO MUCH WORK?"

Yuki and his servants had eventually snuck into the castle of the black faction. Yuki made sure to remember and confirm everything was the same. So far none of the servants were different. He nodded as he jumped down right into the middle before bowing "Thank you for the confirmation." He turned around to walk out before muttering.

The fat one shouted first "Hey who the hell are you?" Yuki smiled politely before turning around as his hair swayed showing his serene smile and kind look in his eyes. 'I'm the supreme overseer of this holy grail war. I hold the highest authority even higher than Ruler. Well, Ruler holds the highest authority but I have the strength needed to suppress anything."

The woman with glasses asked "So are you a servant?" Yuki smiled and answered after all it was his job "No I'm simply a human priest." Vlad sneered as he doubted it the priest's presence was like a gentle snowfall constantly wavering yet under all that he could see a raging blizzard ready to sweep anyone under six foot deep.

Yuki twirled out of the way as a large pike impaled the air where he was standing before. "Oh Vlad are you really trying to kill me?" Yuki slapped hand onto his mouth as he realised he had just revealed that he knew Lancer's true name.

Multiple pikes rose up as Yuki moved out gracefully and smashing them to bits with his crucifix. Everyone looked at the priest who reintroduced himself "Yuki Mizuki, the winter priest, now I'll be going."

Yuki disappeared while the voices from his servants were yelling "Why did you not let us help you?" Yuki answered truthfully "The truth is, you guys are sort of pointless for me." Kiyohime could tell that he was telling the truth. "The reason you're here isn't to fight in a bloody war were you're forced to fight, truth be told I just needed company."

That was also the truth as they kept that in their minds as Yuki soon arrived at the church where the red faction was supposed to be gathered. Yuki's presence detection showed him something very interesting as he burst into the church after hearing "Aren't you being to lax master?" Yuki smiled "Very interesting."

Shirou Kotomine or rather Shirou Amakusa was talking to his servant Semiramis until they heard the door to the church burst open as wind and snow? blew in. This sight was one he was quite used to as a sing song calm voice was heard "Oh little Shirou were are you?" Semiramis had presence concealment on as she asked her master "Do you know that man?" Shirou gulped as he whispered "If that's who I think it is. I'm screwed."

Semiramis wondered who it was as she asked "You want me to take him out?" Shirou shook his head immediately "You won't last long against him." Semiramis was even more intrigued as her master was telling her that this human would defeat her easily?

"Shirou were are you?" Shirou was hiding behind one of the church benches as he held his breath in. He sighed as Semiramis watched a pair of blue eyes appear next to her master. "Found you Shirou!" Shirou locked onto the glowing blue eyes as he yelped before crawling away.

Semiramis was being told by the link not to interfere. She simply watched as the priest's hand found its way to Shirou's head as it squeezed before lifting him up. Shirou started yelping and struggling as the hand pressured a bit more. "Why are you doing this sensei? Forgive me for whatever I've done!" Shirou found his feet back onto the ground as a hand print left itself in his spiky hair.

"So you finally remembered me huh?" Yuki sat down as he looked over to the darkness as he asked "So you going to show me them or do I need to do it myself?" Semiramis watched as her master's sensei had appeared but he couldn't be older than 20.

Kiyohime materialised as she grinned at the other invisible servant before sitting on his lap. Tamamo soon materialised and tried to budge Kiyohime whose strength did not allow any room at all. So she opted for the next best solution hug from the back. Yuki looked at this as he sighed.

The servants of red reading themselves as they were prepared to take the man on. Yuki simply ignored them as he concentrated on Shirou Kotomine.

"So Shirou what are you doing in this war?"