
Pretty programmer

He's a 10 but...................................................................... is still lacking something. WHAT CAN THAT BE ? :) :) :)

namakausiii · Celebrities
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Rose pov

"cut, cut, cut finally I'm done." says rose as she has just finished perming the wig for her bestie y/n

who got invited to an interview with one of the biggest technology companies in South Korea.

Rose: "are you going to treat me to ice cream." she asked her best friend with an enthusiastic smile.

Y/n: "ofc bestie and thanks for the wig by the way"

Rose: "but before our ice cream date let's head out and shop for men's clothes".

A/n pov

So I know y'all are confused but let me give you a back story. JJ technologies which stand for Jeon Joungkook technologies is South Korea's biggest technology company which focuses on web development and game creation. All its departments have both men and women as employees but only one department only has men in it the game programming department. Because in that department were only genius programmers and if you had basic programming skills you would never get a job in this department, many have tried to apply for jobs in the department but end up failing. this department has most of the best and most genius programmers in South Korea. but y/n thinks the Ceo dislikes women so she came up with a plan of dressing like a man and having a fake man's name. and this is how they are going to shop for men's clothes. end of backstory

y/n pov

after shopping, we went home and I headed to my room to study because her interview was in two days.

Time skip

y/n pov I heard my alarm ring this was around 4 am because I always wake up at 4 am to work on my programming but this time I studied until 5 am, did my morning routine which included exercising, wearing the wig, choosing an outfit for the interview, prayer, and breakfast by the time all of this was done it was 7 am the interview was at 8 am.

Rose: "Good luck y/n"

Y/n: "thank rose"

I walked to JJ technologies because it was only a ten-minute walk from where I live and I arrived at 8:11 am because 10 more people applied for the job. I headed toward the receptionist

y/n: "good morning"

receptionist: "good morning miss how can I help you," she said with a smile

y/n: I'm here for the job interview

receptionist: " please show me the letter"

y/n: "okay"

receptionist: "okay from here using the lift goes to the 4th floor and you will see a room written interviewing room you can go in when your name is called"

y/n: "ah kamsahamnida" I replied in Korean.