

Fiksi Realistik
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Ausya Moran Ramieraz, perempuan berusia 28 tahun yang kini menyandang status istri dari Ulrick Kevan Tenuta Mathies. Seorang lelaki yang terlahir dari keluarga Mathies yang masih menjunjung tinggi keselarasan. Sosok Ausya yang harus menanggung semua tuntutan keselaran itupun berpikir keras apa yang harus ia pilih saat ketika ia di sadarkan tentang kenyataan yang adiknya tuturkan, Ghailan. Di samping itu, kehadiran sosok Faris dari masa lalunya datang dengan membawa kisah-kisah yang terdengar indah di masa kini. Di samping itu pula, dengan mati-matian Ulrick mempertahankan pernikahannya dengan Ausya dari perceraian yang orang tuanya minta. Berusaha meyakinkan hatinya kembali untuk tidak memilih salah satu dari apa yang ada di hadapannya. Namun, hari itu Ulrick sadar apa yang selama ini Ausya inginkan. Perempuan itu bukan hanya sekedar ingin hidup di penuhi kebahagiaannya, namun ia juga ingin melakukan banyak hal yang merupakan kewajibannya bersama dengan pasangannya. Ulrick seakan lupa bernafas saat melihat Ausya bertemu dengan sosok masa lalunya yang memenuhi kriteria Ausya untuk bahagia. Seketika Ulrick marah emosinya mencuat tinggi, tapi bukan pada lelaki itu. Tapi pada dirinya yang seakan melupakan kebahagiaan Ausya

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Warnings : if you don't like weak to strong or an MC who earn his powers from scratch or use Deception and trickery for himself then is not for you. especially if im slow in update because I've learn my leason that haste will just degrade the quality of my chapters. this is also a slow story. if there are wrong grammars etc then its probably because im dead tired to respond naturally, forgot to use Grammarly or just plain lazy which is unlikely. ---- There are various types of Gods. as long you have one of the O, then your a God ( Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient ) Lately he was... infuriated. He was annoyed on the random anomalies ( SI ) entering inside his territory ( Multiverse) and causing troubles. so he wondered what would happen if HE return the favour by sending his own 'Champions'. Normally He isn't allowed to pick souls as that would gain Ire from Gods of Rebirth. so he snatched two random souls. A 17 Year old human male that already seen the harsh Reality. ( Frame up. Disowned. and Died because of his Traitorous only Friend that used him as a stepping stone for his own goal. ) and a 19 Yr old. Lustful good for nothing human N.E.E.T with a serious history of Sexual Assault that leads to his death. ( Mutilated by the Victim's Brother. ) Expectedly there was a veritable difference between the two Soul signatures in question; while the Former soul felt like calculating, ruthless and selfish coldness. the latter gave him a nefarious and unpleasant feeling of malice, malevolent hate and all around utter evilness with a large amount of Lust. Would this combination enough too cause havoc around the Universe? maybe. Would they team up? Unlikely. Would they fight each other? so long as they interfere each other.

Demiurge_Ohara · Anime & Comics
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