
President Li, Her Ladyship Doesn't Deserve to Die

Jake was sprawled on his bed, scrolling through social media feeds that seemed to blur into a monotonous stream of memes, selfies, and food pics. His cramped apartment was dimly lit, the flickering bulb doing little to lift the gloom that had settled over him.

Leevi007 · Urban
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318 Chs

Chapter 23: Keeping Her Illness Under Wraps  

"He's signed the surgery consent form and the critical condition notice. He knows about your illness," Qin Mo said.


"Can you help me whip up a medical report that keeps him in the dark?" Shen Zhichu's voice was so hoarse it was barely audible, probably from being out cold for too long. But Qin Mo got what she meant.


Qin Mo furrowed his brows, confused. "If you're into him, why not spill the beans about your illness? Lay it all out for him."


"That's exactly why I can't tell him – because I care about him."


"Don't you want him to give you a little extra TLC, to feel for you?"


Shen Zhichu shook her head, swallowing the bitterness in her heart. How could Li Jingshen possibly feel for her? If he knew she was knocking on death's door, he might even set off fireworks to celebrate finally being rid of her.


Besides, even if he did feel something, it would be out of pity. And the last thing the Shen family's princess needed was pity.


"We're headed for splitsville anyway. His concern doesn't mean squat to me. Besides, as someone on borrowed time, I'd rather make a quiet exit," Shen Zhichu said as she slowly closed her eyes, her face the picture of calm.


Qin Mo felt a pang in his heart, so sharp it was like his heart was cramping. "No way, there's hope. They're working on a wonder drug for stomach cancer back home. What you think is a death sentence is just a hiccup to the researchers. Once the drug's out, you'll be right as rain."


Shen Zhichu's lips moved slightly as she whispered, "Qin Mo, I'm not fazed by the whole life-and-death thing. In fact, kicking the bucket might be a relief. But I might need to ask you for a favor – donate all my organs and cremate me. Scatter my ashes in the sea…"


"Cut the crap!" Qin Mo's eyes welled up as he stared at her, unblinking.


Shen Zhichu gave a small smile. "I'm not talking nonsense. I've been cooped up in the Shen family my whole life, never got to see the world. Maybe my ashes can travel with the currents."


Tears welled up in the corners of Qin Mo's eyes. He handed her a tissue. "Don't talk about the afterlife. If you really want to see the world, I'll take you once you're divorced from Li Jingshen. I'll keep it hush-hush from him. But if he finds out you 'tricked' him, who knows how he'll react…"


"What's the worst that could happen? I'm used to it."


Qin Mo frowned. "Used to it?"


Realizing she'd said too much, Shen Zhichu quickly changed the subject. "You should get back to work. I'm fine here, just leave a nurse with me."


Seeing she didn't want to talk, Qin Mo didn't press further. He arranged for a nurse, gave some instructions, and left the room.


Shen Zhichu, having undergone surgery, couldn't sit up for now. She gazed out the window.


Being used to it didn't mean it didn't hurt. The wounds Li Jingshen inflicted on her heart were deep. Physical wounds could heal with time and medicine, but heartache was like a knife twisting in her chest.


Li Jingshen was in the smoking area, puffing away. The ashtray was overflowing with cigarette butts – who knows if they were all his or if it was already like that.


The sterile white lights in the hallway cast an icy glow on Li Jingshen's face, making his handsome features even more cold and distant. Hearing footsteps behind him, he crushed the cigarette in his hand and turned around to see Qin Mo approaching.


Brushing off the ash from his clothes, he walked straight up to him. "How's Shen Zhichu doing?"


His voice was back to its usual cold tone, as if the guy who was a wreck outside the operating room a couple of days ago wasn't him.


Qin Mo shot back sarcastically, "As long as you don't go in there and piss her off, she might live a little longer."