
President Li, Her Ladyship Doesn't Deserve to Die

Jake was sprawled on his bed, scrolling through social media feeds that seemed to blur into a monotonous stream of memes, selfies, and food pics. His cramped apartment was dimly lit, the flickering bulb doing little to lift the gloom that had settled over him.

Leevi007 · Urban
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318 Chs

Chapter 13: Li Jingshen, I Can Live Without You

Shen Zhichu was locked in her bedroom for three days. She couldn't get out, and her phone was outside, so she couldn't call for help.


The first day was bearable, but as time went on, she felt worse and worse.


The tap water wasn't filtered, but she was so thirsty she drank it anyway. When she got hungry, she chewed and swallowed toilet paper. When the pain got too much, she took stomach medicine and painkillers.


To conserve energy, Shen Zhichu stayed in bed. She was sweating buckets, then getting cold, then sweating again. Her face was as pale as the wall behind her. She felt like she was fading away.


Three days felt like an eternity. She had never felt time drag so much, especially at night, sitting in the dark, time seemed to stop.


She closed her eyes, her mind in a fog. As a cancer patient, her body was weak. She felt feverish and touched her forehead. She didn't have a thermometer, but she could tell her temperature was rising.


Her eyes were dry and sore. She couldn't sleep, and as time passed, her mind got slower, like a rusty machine.


The only thing that kept her going was what Li Jingshen had said – that she would be let out after three days.


But when would that be?


She pulled the blanket tighter around her. Strangely, even wrapped in the blanket, she felt cold. Her whole body was shivering, and her toes curled from the cold.


Her stomach hurt so much, and it felt like the cancer was spreading to her other organs. She clenched her teeth so hard that they made a grinding sound.




Shen Zhichu was using all her strength to fight the pain. She had no idea that outside, her world was falling apart.


Her family's company was in crisis, stocks plummeting. Her disappearance had everyone on edge.


Her father, Shen Changnan, had also hit rock bottom. His recent investment in a real estate project turned out to be an illegal coal mine that collapsed, killing and injuring many workers.


Illegal mining plus loss of life – Shen Changnan was screwed.


Shen Zhichu, who had been locked up for three days, went from being the pampered heiress to the daughter of a criminal, vilified by everyone online.


Li Jingshen thought it was time to fetch Shen Zhichu and watch the drama unfold.


He went to get her on the fourth day, early in the morning, with a smug smile on his face.


He walked straight to the bedroom in his villa. The place was eerily quiet. He fumbled with the keys, finally finding the one for the bedroom.


He unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open. The room was dark, the curtains blocking all light. He looked around and saw Shen Zhichu curled up in a corner of the bed.


He turned on the light, and she flinched. He frowned.


"What's she doing? I'm here, why isn't she reacting?"


"Shen Zhichu." Li Jingshen walked over and yanked the blanket off her. She looked like a ghost – pale, fragile, like she would break if he touched her.


He had never seen her this weak, and it twisted something in his chest.


"Get up, what are you playing dead for?" He touched her arm and realized she was cold as ice.


Panic set in, and he scooped her up. She was even lighter than three days ago. Who knew you could lose so much weight in three days?


She felt like a bag of bones in his arms, so lightweight and fragile that it was almost awkward to hold her.


The light outside was blinding. Shen Zhichu's eyelashes fluttered as she slowly looked up. Her beautiful eyes were empty, devoid of life.


She had made it through.


She looked up at Li Jingshen's chin, his thin lips, nose, and eyes, scanning him bit by bit.


Tears she had held back for three days started to fall. Li Jingshen felt it and looked down to see her teary eyes staring back at him.


She used to gaze at him with deep affection, which he found disgusting. But now, her eyes were like a dark abyss, and he couldn't find a trace of that affection.


Something in Li Jingshen's chest tightened, like being hit with a sledgehammer.


Shen Zhichu was severely dehydrated and tormented by her illness. She was like a withered flower, too weak to speak. She strained her voice and managed to croak out, "Where are we going?"


"To the hospital," Li Jingshen replied as they reached the car.


"I don't want to go to the hospital." She had always hated hospitals. To her, they were where tragedies began. Her mother had died in one. And if she went, her illness would be revealed to Li Jingshen.


He shot her a cold glance. "What, you'd rather die?"


I'm dying anyway, she thought. A cough sent pain through her stomach. She pressed her hand against it and said with tears in her eyes, "Let's... let's go to the government agency and get a divorce."


"You still want a divorce?"


Li Jingshen's face was as cold as winter. His gaze was like a thousand knives.


Shen Zhichu had no escape. She swallowed hard, and with a hoarse voice, she said, "What else? It's not like I can't live without you. Look, you locked me up for four days, and I'm still here, aren't I?"


Li Jingshen's lips thinned. He was standing by the back door but moved to the passenger side, holding Shen Zhichu in one arm and opening the car door with the other.


"If you're doing just fine, then let's go somewhere else." He had planned to take her to the hospital, but apparently, she was in high spirits!


He was rough, not caring about her feelings. He practically threw her into the car. Her head hit the steering wheel, and her brain buzzed.


Li Jingshen got into the driver's seat and slammed the door. The car shook.


Shen Zhichu curled up in the seat, looking like she was in pain, her face twisted.


Li Jingshen leaned over and buckled her seatbelt, then hit the gas and took off.


Shen Zhichu didn't know where he was taking her. The car was moving fast, and the scenery flew by. She grew up in Rong City and knew the streets well. She looked at the road signs.


Li Jingshen, are you taking me to the criminal court?


Why? Were they going to court for the divorce? But divorce cases didn't go straight to court. And why would it be a criminal case?


Shen Zhichu's head was spinning. She looked out the window at the foggy sky, heavy clouds hanging low.


Li Jingshen wanted Shen Zhichu to have the strength to witness what was coming. He stopped at a breakfast place and got her some porridge.


She took the porridge with a dazed look. When he said, "Eat," she snapped back to reality.


She held the warm cup and took a small sip through the straw.


She had to admit, this was the best porridge she had ever tasted – so warm and sweet.


Tears welled up in her eyes. She sniffled and scolded herself internally: Is this all it takes to move you, Shen Zhichu? Have you forgotten how Li Jingshen insulted you? How he locked you up for four days? How can you be touched by this?


But it was Li Jingshen, the man she had loved for sixteen years... She was weak, easily swayed by small acts of kindness, which is why she couldn't let go after all these years.


Her stomach was full of chewed-up toilet paper, and now with the porridge, it felt like a storm inside her. She clenched the straw and retched.


Li Jingshen, who was driving, glanced at her. "What, not good enough for you, princess?"


His voice was dripping with sarcasm. Shen Zhichu clenched her teeth and covered her mouth, forcing down the vomit that had risen to her throat. Her mouth was sour, and she didn't dare open it, afraid she would throw up.


It hurt so much...


She had to lean back in the seat, closing her eyes and pressing her lips together.


The porridge in her hands grew cold. The ones who truly care would ask about your well-being, not the porridge.


She held the cold porridge against her chest, but it couldn't warm her anymore.


When they arrived at the courthouse, Li Jingshen parked in the underground garage.


Shen Zhichu tried to open the car door, but it wouldn't budge. Eventually, Li Jingshen opened it and pulled her out.




Shen Zhichu pressed her lips together and said nothing.


This time, he was a bit smarter. He took the porridge cup from her and tossed it in a trash can.


She watched it go, then lowered her head, her long hair hiding her expression.


The courthouse was crowded with people, and there were over a dozen police cars parked outside, making it intimidating.


Besides the police cars, Shen Zhichu saw news vans. Her anxiety grew.


She could barely stand, and Li Jingshen had to practically drag her through the crowd.


Someone in the crowd recognized her and started pointing and whispering. She heard someone say, "Her dad's about to get the death penalty, and she's here cozying up to a man. Shameless!"


Shen Zhichu felt like the life was sucked out of her. She went limp and clung to Li Jingshen, her legs shaking.


She looked up at him with a rigid expression. He had a cold, mocking smile on his lips.


"What did you bring me here for?" She gritted her teeth. She had a sinking feeling she knew why, but the thought was too horrifying.


"Why the rush? You'll find out soon enough," he said.


"I don't want to go in! Li Jingshen, let me go! I want to go home!" She was frantic, her eyes wild with fear.


"Shen Zhichu, you've guessed it." He tightened his grip on her waist and quickened his pace, his mocking smile growing. "You can't handle it now, what will you do later?"