

Skyline University, a place where the rich and powerful attend. From well known and renowned families from all over the world come to home their skills, to become the best of themselves, future leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, businessmen, Models, Lawyers, Ect. All your dreams can be achieved here, as long as you have money and a good name, the university will accept you in any way shape or form. However if your unlucky like ‘Dean’ then you may find yourself in countless situations where your put down due to your social status i the hierarchy of power. Dean is a 19 year old living in his own, due to complications back home he’s runaway and made it to a city that’s completely unknown to him. But luckily he manages to fend for himself, landing three consecutive jobs just to pay for his living expenses, and to attend a the prestigious school Skyline University, in order to get a better job. But there’s always trouble awaiting our dear MC, from bullying, harassment, discrimination, and brutal life threatening fights. Dean struggles his way through this life called the big city, but without a doubt in his mind he still finds it better than being at his old home, he strives for a simple life and that’s all there is to it. Watch him as he make his way through this Prelude.

Iamjustjay · Action
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4 Chs

Assembly (2)

Nora walked through the crowd of people, she was making her way to the front entrance to the university's head office. As she made her way to the office, she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder, her eyes widen as she stopped dead in her tracks as saw what would appear to be a familiar face.

Just then a woman's voice called over to her, her hand peaked out from amongst the crowd of people. She had long dark red hair, crystal clear Cantaloupe-colored eyes, and a slim-yet built figure. The woman called out to Nora once more in a happy frantic manner.

"Nora! It's so good to see you again!"

"Olive? Now that's a surprise, what are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to attend Skyline university. Did you change your mind, or was it something else?"

"Well, truth be told, it was mainly due to my mother's publicity and social standing. But I willingly came here to skyline for another reason."

Olivia smiled widely. Nora couldn't help but give her long-time friend a good eyebrow raise and asked.

"Okay, why did you wanna come?"

"Why else, look around you Nora, these guys are top-notch when it comes to looks, well most anyway. And they come from great backgrounds and families, just think about it. Marrying into one of these people's families would be like a dream come true, honestly, it would be a miracle for me"

"Ah, I see, you haven't changed huh Olivia? But that's fine, as long as you have a goal and a determined attitude then it's somewhat acceptable, BUT don't get out of hand trying to nab all the boys here got it? I don't want another 'Money Trouble' incident on my hands"

"Relax Nora, I promise I won't cause you any trouble. Well, unless I find someone suitable, then I might be a bit hectic later down the road, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there~"

Olivia jokingly foreshadows her endeavors. Nora on the other hand simply smiles, hugging her friend then ends up parting ways with her to go to the head office of the university.


Elsewhere, a young man with short blonde hair, and clear turquoise-colored eyes, is at the gymnasium of the university. He stands amongst the many students around him, waiting for something.

"Single file line everyone, not pushing or shoving, you'll all get a flyer"

A man with a long white coat could be seen handing out what could be seen as flyers for an upcoming welcome ceremony being held for the newcomers to skyline university.

"Yo Finn, sorry for leaving you here!"

Finn looked over his shoulder with a bit of an annoyed yet slightly relieved look. Another young man with short light brown hair, and light green eyes, approached Finn, slightly nudging his way between him and Finn.

"Took you long enough, I thought I was gonna die of boredom due to how long this line was. Ben, don't ever make me wait like this again man~"

"Alright, alright, sorry for making you bored out of your mind. But, I went to go check out the campus ground, and this place is humongous, the male and female dormitories are rather large, not to mention the classrooms, club rooms, and other buildings in this place. It's like a maze, so I naturally got lost"

"Oh, is that what happened? Dude you could've just texted me, we both could have gotten a chance to look around. But if you found your way back then, I'm assuming you got directions right?"

Finn asked in a teasing manner. Ben though annoyed at Finn's remark, nodded. Ben thought about the guy he passed by along the way, Ben couldn't help but like the guy's vibe.

Ben's thoughts were interrupted though due to the sudden change of atmosphere around both him and Finn. Students started coming in one after another into the gymnasium, ready to get their flyers. Finn let out a deep and timid sigh of exhaustion. Ben couldn't help but lowest a little, due to the vast number of females and males coming in.

"Looks like this line is going to get hectic, so glad we managed to snag a standing while we were early."

"Yeah no kidding, I wouldn't even last a minute given how long the line is now, Beijing Redance League Technology Co., Ltd. Be damned if they saw this many people"

"Yeah, but unlike that, these guys aren't here for a dance"

Finn and Ben looked at one another, they started laughing joking about the current state that the line of students was in. They then focused their attention up front readying themselves to receive a flyer.


Near the very large football field owned by the school, Dean would be sitting on a bench eating what was left of the snacks he bought at the snack bar, he simply couldn't believe a school can be so extravagant about their choice of simple snacks.

"Well that's the owner of an entire city for you, they're bound to want to spoil some of the brilliant minds here"

Dean spoke to himself silently. He walked along the sidewalk near the field and simply began to make his way through some of the people forming groups, despite it just being the first day it would already seem like students were already trying to find clubs to join. Dean felt a bit overwhelmed by all the activity happening around him, he simply pushed his way through the many students and made his way to the gymnasium. Why he was going there? It was because flyers were being handed out to new students who've joined the university, these flyers contain everything newcomers need to know about the university's foundation, classes, clubs, academic programs, and more. Dean at least wanted to get his hand on one before he was ever assigned, classes.

"Better get going now before it gets any later, that line seemed like it was getting bigger the further away I got"

Dean spoke to himself. But as he began to walk, he accidentally bumps into someone's shoulder, causing a collision to make both parties fall over.




The sound of two bodies hitting the stone cold floor, as well as small yelps, gave the circumstances. Dean slightly bruised his arm but managed to shrug it off. As he turned his attention upfront to apologize to the person he bumped into, he was surprised to see someone he recognized.

It was a woman, with a slim hourglass figure, and long slightly serrated golden hair and her eye color was a light chestnut shade. Her name was…

"Trish O'neilia…"


"…oh nothing sorry…I was speaking out loud"

"..no wait…how did you…"

Before the confused Trish can even comprehend what was happening, she heard her name being shouted over to her from afar.


"…huh? Su?"

As Trish turned her attention away from Dean, he took this opportunity to escape without any further notice. Trish turned her head back at that same moment…however dean was nowhere to be found.

"..who was that-"

"Trish, stop ignoring me already!"

"Ah! Sorry, Su, I didn't mean to ignore you. It's just that I ran into this guy-"

"WHAT?! And he didn't even apologize to you? Geez! I swear people these days, they have no shred of credibility for their actions"

The angry woman next to Trish spoke aloud. Her name was 'Su Najime'. She had a very similar slim body figure to Trish, her short dark grey hair showed a mature charm to her fiery personality. Her light blue eyes, gave off a more stunning charm to her entire body, while the clothes she wore were all designer clothing, they all seemed especially expensive.

Trish did her best to calm down her now agitated friend, but her mind was still fixated on the person she meet. His face seemed so familiar to her, but she couldn't quite remember who he was.


"Ah! Sorry, I'm really out of it right now Su"

"Did falling make you this muddled? Or am I just being a tad-bit paranoid over your well-being?"

Trish smirked at her worried friend, assuring her that she was all well and fine. Su nodded and laughed a little knowing her friend was alright, she faintly let out a sigh of relief. However, Trish couldn't help but occasionally look over her shoulder, wondering where the guy she saw ran off to.

Meanwhile, the dean was already ahead of them, waiting in the middle of the long, long, line of people waiting to get flyers. Dena merely let out a sigh of exhaustion, tired of how much his first day pursuing a normal university life could be so dreadful.

"At least now, the hard part is over. No more of those chance encounters, I wonder if this is what people my age call, 'A String Of Bad Luck'? If so then I really hope I'm wrong"

Dean looked upwards to the sky, only praying for good things to come his way during this journey of his.

Keep Calm And Wait For The Next Chapter

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