
Pregnant by a murder

BloodyWritter · Teen
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Chapter one

Andi's pov

*Beep Beep Beep*

I woke up to me alarm screaming for me to get ready as it was time for school. I groan getting up slowly rubbing my eyes. I looked at my alarm clock and turned it off not wanting it to wake up my aunt and her stupid husband. I get dressed quickly and walks downstairs trying not to make a sound. I grabbed my bag and house keys and walked out heading to school.

~At School~

I got to school and sat at the bench in front of the main Entrance. It was only 6:55. The door don't open for another 5 minute. As I sat down I read my favorite book and ate my small breakfast. As time was going slow I heard footstep. I look up and see a guy in a white hoodie and black jeans with black vans running. I was confused on why he was running but paid no mind to him but then something strange happen the guy fainted in the middle of the streets. I ran up to the guy worried as I was the only one around. When I went up to him his hoodie was covered in blood I picked him up slowly putting his arm around my shoulder and walked to my secret place where are I go when I don't want to go home.

~10 Minutes later~

When we got to my mini house I placed him on my bed and then went to my kitchen and got a bowl of warm water and a small towel. I went to my room and then went to the guy. I know what your thinking "why the hell would I take a stranger to my house" well you see I'm to nice to let him be on the middle of the floor bleeding. I took off the guy's hoodie and put it on the floor underneath his hoodie was a black t-shirt. The guys face had scares as if it was cut into a smile but is now gone. I put the small towel into the bowl of warm water then took off the guy's shirt and put it with his hoodie. The guy was cut and was bleeding. I out the warm towel on his wound carefully trying not to hurt him or wake him up as I left it there I went to out his hoodie and shirt to wash. I got back and continued to clean his wounds. After I cleaned and wrapped his wound I went to the kitchen to cook something small so when he wakes up he can eat. I checked the time as it was 7:10. Class was going to start soon but I didn't want to just leave him but I had too. I grabbed my things then went to school. When I got to school my best-friend Nia walked to me upset and worried.

"Andi where have you been I have been looking all over for you."

"oh sorry I got distracted walking to school I saw a dog and well then kinda followed it home but then realized I had school so here I am."

"girl I swear you are to nice to even be here."

We both laugh but then stopped when we saw the two sluts walking towards us.

"well we'll if it ant nerd1 and nerd2"

"Jessica don't you me trash1 and trash2"

Both Jessica and June laughed as Nia and I rolled are eyes.

Before we could walk away one of Jessica boyfriends came and dropped coffee on Nia and June boyfriend dropped a smoothie on me then coffee.

Both Nia and I were soaking wet. I could tell that Nia was done and ready to fight all of them but I held her wrist to calm her down tapping my index finger on her wrist softly to keep her calm. As all four of them walked away laughing. I took Nia to the attindence office and saw Mr.Jackson.

"good morning girls. Oh my what happened."

"Jessica and June" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Girls I'm so sorry"

"it's not your fault so don't apologize"

"well... Okay I'm going to mark you both present so you two can go home and change."

"Thank you Mr.Jackson"

I smile as Mr.Jackson winks at me then I take Nia to my mini house

"I see you two are the same"

"Nia I don't know what you are talking about"

"girl you know what I'm talking about and you know it's forbidden."

"I know"

"I noticed something about you two"

"what is is Nia"

"Well you two have known each other for so long we were only 4 when we meet him."

"yeah he was 9 now he is 22 and are teacher wow time goes by to fast."

"yeah I still can't believe he graduated at the age of 16"

"well damn he is hot and smart like that's whole boyfriend material"

Nia and I laugh as we think about Adrien Jackson. We get to my mini house and walk in.

"Nia you can go shower I will bring you some clothes but you have to be very quiet."

"why is Tae sleeping"

"yes and someone else is"

Nia eyes widen as she runs to me and screams

"you brought a guy here didn't you"

"shh he is sleeping and before you say did I have sex no I actually found him in front of the school this morning that's why I was a little late."

Nia hits my shoulder hard as I hiss in pain

"bitch how dare you lie to me"

"well sorry but did you have to hit me."

"yes and can I see him"

"yes but you have to be quite he is sleeping"

She nods as we both walk to my room being quiet as her jaw dropped

"damn he looks like Adrien but hotter."

I shake my head no

"no way Adrien is hotter"

"well girl you can have Adrien I want him."

I hit her shoulder as she hiss in pain

I look at his wounds and noticed that the bandages were filled with blood. I take them off as Nia watches. I cleaned his wounds then put new bandages on him.

"wow your really good at cleaning wounds Andi"

"well when we were younger you would always get hurt so I had to learn"

"Aww you care about me"

Nia hugs me as we both walk out of my room and Nia goes and showers as I clean a little bit.

When she got out I told her to eat ass already know she is going to be hungry because she doesn't eat in the morning.

I went and took a short shower.

When I was done I went downstairs and into the kitchen to see Nia eating the food I made. I made more food for the guy and stuck it in the oven so it won't get cold.

"Andi I got a question?"

"Yes what is it Nia"

"If Adrien wasn't are teacher would you have gone out with him."

"well yeah but I can't because he us are teacher" I looked up at Nia as she had a sad expression on her face.

"what's wrong Nia"

"Andi please don't hate me for what I'm about to say"

"Nia I could never hate you."

"Andi I-I um"

I grabbed Nia hand softly showing her it was okay and that she can tell and I won't judge her.

"I like girls and boys Andi"

I was speechless but smiled.

"really that's great and that's okay"

Nia teared up as she cries and comes up to me and hugs me tightly.

"hey it's okay Nia I expect you for who you are."

"I thought you-you- you would hate-hate-hate me" she cries out as I hug my best friend

"like I said I could never hate you. Your my best friend your my ride or die."

We both laugh softly at my last comment. I wipe her tears

"we should get going before we are late."

She nods as we grab are things they headed back to school.

When we got to school we went straight to first period.

~After school~

The moment the last bell rang it was time to got home. When it rang I walked to Mr.Jackson's class room.

Nia was already in his room when I got there. I sat next to Nia as it was are daily routine to meet in Mr.Jackson's classroom after school. We normally eat.

"Adrien your finally here" Nia said as Adrien walks into the room.

"Ms.Nia it's Mr.Jackson to you."

"well you see Mr.Adrien it is after school hours so it's Adrien." I said ask smile and stick my tongue out at him as he walks to both Nia and I.

"your right Andi." he smiles as he pulls a chair up and sat in front of us.

"so how was your day ladies"

"Well it was shit" Nia says as she sighs

"Why is that Nia"

"Because Jessica and June ruined my new jacket."

"Nia I would just buy you a new one."

"Really aww thanks Adrien"

Nia hugs Adrien as he smiles

"So how was your day Andi"

"Well it was good at first then went to Boring"

"why is that Andi"

"well first Jessica and June then the ton of homework I got today from your class and Mrs. Moons class" Adrien chuckles as he licks his lips softly and leans back in his Chair.

"Your being dramatic it's only two pages from my class and most of it is reading."

"But Adrien that's a lot." I pout as Adrien looks at my lips and plays with my bottom lip softly.

"well if you need help you know where to find me."

"omg can you two stop flirting and kiss already"Nia said as she eats her Chips.

Both Adrien and I blush as we both look away from each other.

~2 Hours later~

It was getting late as it was time for me and Nia to head home. I was saying bye to Adrien when Nia grabbed my hand and walked out of his room and out of the school.

"Nia what's wrong"

"I don't want to be in that hell hole any longer."

I laugh softly as both me and Nia part ways as she walked home I went yo my Mini house to go check in both my dog and the guy.

When I got there I walked into my house to see Tae by his dog bowl and water bowl. I smile as I feed and give him water then walk to my room to change out of my clothes. As I was changing I hear movement behind me as I put a shorts on as I was only wearing short and a bra now. I turned around to see the guy waking up. He woke up and tried to sit up fast but hissed in pain. I walked over to him and helped him sit up. The moment I touched him he pinned me to the bed and held a Knife to my throat.

"Who the hell are you and why the hell am I here." He spoke in anger. I rolled my eyes and poked his wound as he hissed and let go of me. I sat up and looked at him.

"First of all you're not going to do that and second of all I helped you when you where bleeding on the streets."

His expression changed as he looked at my chest blushing then looked away.

"can you please put a shirt on." I looked down and realized I was only wearing a bra and shorts.I grabbed a shirt and put it on.

"okay there now the real question is who are you and what happened to you."

"listen her little girl you don't ask me questions I ask you questions."

"ugh first of all I'm not little I'm actually 17."

"your still little to me then"

"okay then how old are you."

"I'm 18"

"wow your only one year older then me."

"who cares now why am I here?"

"I helped you when you fainted on the floor."

"well thx now I'm leaving."he tried to get up but the moment he did he fell back and yet again pinning me to my own bed.