
Pregnant Before the Royal Marriage

Jiang Ning limped out of her quarters one day and entered the Jiang family's second courtyard, just as the Emperor was selecting a concubine for Prince Yu.  Noble ladies from high-ranking families put in their best efforts to participate in the selection, but the flower fell on Jiang Ning, who was merely there to watch the spectacle.  Jiang Ning was confused. She dared not let Prince Yu be a scapegoat, so she tried every possible way to tell everyone she was pregnant. However, no one believed her.  When she vomited after eating, they laughed at her for feigning illness. When she felt tired, they laughed at her for pretending to be delicate. When her belly grew larger, they laughed at her for overeating.  When Jiang Ning wanted a doctor's confirmation, all eighteen doctors she consulted had the same opinion: "You're just eating too much!" The fifth prince, Prince Yu, was a dashing and handsome young man. He exuded an air of sophistication and regal beauty. This was how the common people of Chang'an City typically described him.  But the real Prince Yu was cold and ruthless, using women without any emotional attachment.  He knew that the second madam of the Jiang family was the Emperor's secret love, and he also knew that the daughter recently brought back by the Jiang family looked exactly like the second madam in her youth.  So, even though the girl had a limp, he still tossed the embroidered flower in his hand into her lap. After their marriage, he knew she was just a pawn. But for the sake of the throne, he had to pretend to cherish her even though he detested her, until...

Gongsun Xiaoyue · General
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1013 Chs

Chapter 10: The More You Look, the More Real It Appears

Translator: 549690339

She hadn't taken a proper bath since she arrived here so long ago.

After bathing, several maids took to the task at once - drying her body, combing her hair, dressing her.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ning was dressed in a round-neck blouse, a willow-flower skirt, and had a simple single bun adorned with a small delicate pearl hairpin, revealing her smooth forehead and long neck.

Mother Zhou was practically mesmerized, "Seventh Miss...you look exactly like Madam did when she was young."

At that moment, a brazenly clear laughter resounded from outside.

Mother Zhou frowned, and went out to see the visitors, "Fifth Daughter, Sixth Miss is here."

Fifth Daughter, Jiang Yuan, walked straight in, "We heard Seventh Sister has returned, we came to see."

Mother Zhou attempted to deter her, only to be slapped, "Mother Zhou, who do you think you are to stop me?"

"Fifth Sister, don't behave like this." Sixth Miss, Jiang Yan, tried to persuade.

"Sixth Sister, aren't you curious what kind of person our Seventh Sister is?"

As they entered, they saw a young girl sitting in a wheelchair, a cat sprawled on her lap, and she was feeding the cat using a bowl in her hand.

The young girl's silhouette was graceful and elegant.

"So she's really a cripple?" The sight of a wheelchair reassured Jiang Yuan.

Even if she's the legitimate daughter, what use is she in such a disabled condition?

She couldn't possibly surpass her standing.

Recently it was revealed that the Emperor was looking for a consort for the Prince of Yu.

All the noble ladies of Chang'an City were eagerly waiting, and amidst this, the Jiang Family announced they found their legitimate daughter, creating unnecessary chaos.

So when they heard the Seventh Miss came back, the girls of the Jiang Family couldn't wait to meet her, keen to know what the Seventh Sister who was retrieved from the common people looked like.

Who knew, she turned out to be a cripple!

They couldn't help but feel schadenfreude.

No matter what, the royal family wouldn't possibly consider a disabled woman as the princess consort.

Jiang Fifth Daughter, completely reassured, felt relaxed, and in a good mood, she began taunting Jiang Ning.

Hearing them speaking, Jiang Ning moved her wheelchair to face them.

Upon seeing her face, both Jiang Yuan and Jiang Yan were taken aback.

Astonished by her stunning beauty, and by her striking resemblance to Madam.

Without investigating anything else, her face alone was enough to confirm her identity.

Madam was the most beautiful woman in Chang'an City in her youth, seeing Jiang Ning's face made Jiang Yuan feel a sense of bitterness.

"You're the Seventh Sister, right?" Jiang Yan approached in surprise, "Seventh sister, you look so much like Madam. Where have you been living all these years?"

"Didn't you hear? They found her in a thatched hut of a broken-down household." Jiang Yuan laughed lightly, "Seventh sister, there is no shortage of anything in our house. It's one thing to bring a dirty cat, but why did you bring a broken bowl? You are not here to beg."

Jiang Ning lifted up her bowl, "Oh, you mean this? It's said that the Miss Jiang is knowledgeable and smart, but how come you can't recognize such a precious thing?"

"Isn't this just a broken bowl? How can it be a precious thing?"

"This, it's a bowl left behind by a high monk who travelled west to seek the Buddhist scriptures, it's worth a city!" Said Jiang Ning, making it up on the spot.

With her experience, fooling a couple of young ladies felt like child's play.

Jiang Yuan wavered between belief and disbelief. Although she refused to believe, seeing Jiang Ning so certain, she couldn't help but get a second look at the bowl.

Look once, look twice.


Why does it seem real the more she looked at it?

Jiang Yan also started wondering in her heart.

She and Jiang Yuan exchanged a glance.

Jiang Yuan moved forward, "Let me have a look!"