
Worthy Of A King


Aaron told everyone about Dorian and our life In the dark flame pack. Mother was overjoyed to find out how much Dorian loved and cared for us. She couldn't wait to meet him.

I went outside to the garden to take a walk, giving mother time to rest. She wouldn't stop chatting with the kids.

Malcolm had to steal them away to give her some time to rest and I got some time to myself.

I chose to stroll around the garden because it was my favorite part of the manor. It was the only place where I don't feel suffocated.

I sat in the middle of the peonies. These flowers were planted by me back when I was here. I had so much time in my hands being the unwanted child. So I spend my time planting flowers and peony happened to be my favorite.

I remembered my dream of having my wedding dress adorned with peonies. A sigh escaped my lips as I laid amidst the flowers. I decided to call Dorian since I was free now. I can imagine how worried he'd be as I haven't called him.

"Melody!" His voice thundered through the telephone, sending deafening waves straight to my ear. I had to take the phone few inches away from my ear to avoid going deaf.

"Hi Dorian," I replied, ignoring his thunderous voice.

"How dare you do this to me?!" He shouted. Then his voice became low and worry filled. "Did something happen? Did anyone say anything to you?"

I sighed and closed my eyes. I held my chest as his voice sent relief through me. Dorian gave me so much comfort that my heart couldn't help but warm up. He was my refuge.

"Calm down, Alpha, Nothing happened and no one said anything to me." I replied to all his questions.

"Are you sure about that, my dear Luna?" He asked.

"Yes Dorian, I'm really okay."

Silence ensued as neither of us spoke. We listened to each other's breath.

"I miss you." I broke the silence.

My life has evolved around Dorian so much that I could barely spend a day without him. The journey took two days and now it feels as if it been two year.

"I miss you so much more." Dorian became quiet again. "I have been putting on that shirt, the one you wear when you are having a sleep over at my place. I will put it on until you get back and don't you dare tell not to, because I won't listen, Mel."

"But.. dirt...." I stuttered, surprised by his words. "You can't keeping wearing one shirt ...."

"I don't care!" He said in his calm tone. "Mel, your scent that is on this shirt is the only thing that is keeping me sane."

I gulped at his words. I know Dorian cares about me, I just didn't know he would go as far as this. If only hr knows that I also miss him too. I wish there was something of his that i could hold close too. Then my eyes traveled to my fingers where the ring was sitting.

There was Silence between. We were engulfed in silence as if we were both lost in our thoughts.

"I'll be back soon." I promised, breaking the silence. I wanted to assure him. To help him stay calm.

Dorian could look tough on the outside but this vulnerable part of him was shown only to me.

"I don't know if I can keep still until then." His voice became raspy. "Its raging, Mel," he declared.

I knew he was referring to his wolf, which sometimes make me wonder if I really am his second chance mate and if I am, I wonder why I don't feel the bond.

Could it probably because I'm not a werewolf or a lycan, hence I don't feel the bond as much as I should. Also, when Derek rejected me, I didn't feel the pain as much as I expected. Or could it be because I had my life ruined shortly after that?

I didn't know which one is more painful, my distorted life or Derek's rejection. However, I'm proud of whom I have become.

"I can't keep him tamed without you." Dorian hissed, snapping me back to present.

"Just keep hanging on. And tame him with the thought of our joining as soon as I get back. We'll get married."

"I love you, Mel," He voiced, sending his breath through the receiver.

"I know and I love you too." I smiled as, I pictured the look that Dorian would have on his face at my response.

"Be good, Mel and don't get bullied. Remember that you are Dorian's Luna, A dark Flamian, and my Luna isn't to be bullied."

"Yes, Alpha. This Luna won't get bullied" I replied, clinging on to the phone as if my life depended on it. I wish I could bring him out of the phone and place him beside me.

I laid in the bed of peonies and faced the sky with my hands under my head as I thought of my life. My pups and Dorian have become the best of my life. What more could I ask the moon goddess for?

"Melody? Is that you?"

My body stiffened at the voice and I froze. I know that voice too well. She was my best friend after all.

The Prince might be a jerk, but the princess was nothing but sweet. After the Prince rejected me, I did all i could to avoid the princess because seeing her face would constantly remind me of the Prince's cruelty towards me. Besides, the Prince clearly ordered me to steer clear off his path and that wouldn't happen if I still visited the palace.

"Your highness," I turned around to face my best friend. However, I was met by the worst surprise of my life. Standing before me right beside Sophia was prince Derek, my mate who rejected me. But right now, he looked different.

He looked more mature and strong and wait... The crown.....

Derek wasn't wearing a prince's crown...on his head was the round, golden arrow edged crown.

My eyes widened as realization hit me. Derek wasn't prince anymore, he is king now. Beside Derek was a beautiful lady with long black hair. They had their hands conjoined with the lady leaning lovingly on him.

What a lovely couple.

I looked away and gave a curtsey worthy of the king. I didn't who the lady was or how I was supposed to address her, so I ignored her and greeted the king alone. "Your Majesty."