

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Battle of Choosen Ones

In the Realm of Nominee, a smiling individual can be seen wandering alone on one of the numerous snowy top mountains.

Figure has pale appearance, scarlet eyes, a muscular body, and walks with complete confidence.

The figure comes to a halt as the guardian levitates above him, arms folded and gazing down at him. The guardian gradually begins to descend to the ground while mocking the figure. "You made a terrible mistake, buddy. And now you will perish from here." 

Guardian pauses before continuing, asking, "You know what? I am feeling benevolent, so how about you leave my domain? That way, you will not be injured or sealed away.

Figure smiles and responds, "Oh, you must be the one who sealed Nethrasul, aren't you?"

Guardian narrows his eyes and laughs, saying, "Oh, another demon. You don't stop treading on your own demise, do you?"

Figure replies, "My demise? Nah, you must be on drugs or something to boldly proclaim my demise." Guardian scowls before bursting into laughter.

Figure is slightly annoyed and says, "What's so hilarious? You are laughing as if you saw a comedian."

Guardian stares down at Figure and boldly taunts, "That is because you are correct. I see a genuine comedian standing in front of me, believing he is god or some supernatural person capable of matching my abilities."

Figure smirks and says, "Oh, you think I'm joking, right? You know absolutely nothing about me."

Guardian continues to stare down at the figure before responding, "Oh, I know everything about you, Malgorth. You are an S-tier demon." After hearing the answers, Malgorth raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, Congratulations, You know my name, That's crazy." Malgorth mocks the Guardian.

Guardian narrows his eyes and asks, "What are you here for? Do you want to get revenge on me for trapping your companion in a metaphysical void?

Malgroth smirks and responds, "Oh nah, I don't care about that weakling. That dude can go rot in the void. I'm here to demonstrate my abilities for the next battle, as well as that laughable diamond."

Guardian materializes his sword and responds, "Humph, let's see what you've blessed with your grace of heavens."

Malgorth and Guardian surge forward, clashing fists and swords. Crater appears on the ground as a result of the clash, and debris is flying everywhere.

They both push themselves backward while surfing on the ground.

Malgorth smiles as he runs towards Guardian, but Guardian fires his sword energy beam at him. Malgorth notices a sword energy beam speeding towards him, and his eyes flare bright blue as he fully nullifies the beam.

Guardian narrows his eyes, but leaps at Malgorth with his sword, launching a sword blow with incredible speed. Malgorth's eyes flame blue again as he totally tanks the sword stroke, remaining uninjured.

Malgorth Quickly counters it with a punch in the guts. Guardian easily senses the attack and instantly tries to dodge punch. Malgorth's eye flares crimson as Guardian tries to evade punch. But, in the end, Malgorth delivers a blow to the gut that sends the guardian flying backwards and dribbling for a few meters.

Guardian lays down before slowly rising up, clearing dust from his clothes and saying, "Those moves. I see you've mastered 'Immense Invulnerability' and 'Immense Vulnerability'."

Malgorth grins wider and responds, "Oh, so you know these moves." Malgorth chuckles before continuing, "It's interesting that someone like you can understand these abilities."

Guardian tosses his sword at Malgorth. But to his surprise, Malgorth grabs the sword and says, "Thanks for the sword, buddy." But the guardian smirks as he pulls his sword with Malgorth's telekinetic abilities.

Malgorth's eyes are wide open as a result of this skill. Guardian launches a kick in Malgorth's face, but Malgorth's eyes flash a blue flare as the activation of 'Immense Invulnerability', rendering Guardian's kick utterly damageless and useless.

Malgorth smiles as he clenches his teeth and launches an uppercut to the guardian's face, saying, "Nah, give up, you stand no chance." Guardian responds by easily ducking it and throwing a jab in the face. Malgorth dodges the jab with a clinched teeth smile, but the guardian throws another jab in response. Only for the second jab to be weaved again.

Malgorth aims for the knee, aiming for the guardian's chest. Guardian easily blocks the knee with his bare hand and responds with a 360 crescent kick to the face. Malgorth easily grabs the kick and hurls it to the opposite side, sending the guardian skidding for a few meters.

Guardian quickly regains his balance while dribbling off the ground and uses it to propel himself to levitate with his arms open and gazes down at Malgorth.

Guardian smiles as he levitates over Malgorth. Malgorth becomes furious and says, "What's with your zesty egoistic pose? Why do you feel so special looking down at me while levitating?" 

response: "I must say, I underestimated you, You're definitely way more threat then Nethrasul was." Malgorth scowls in response.

Guardian smriks while calmly chanting, "Aurora Flare," which causally unleashes a burst of immense white light from Heavens directly at Malgorth. 'Aurora Flare' hits Malgorth precisely before he can react.

Guardian begins to laugh, saying, "Begone, Demon. You have no hope against the powers of the the heavens; you will perish from the face of existence.

As Smoke fades away slowly, Malgorth asks, "Are you sure?"

After the smoke clears, Malgorth is seen battered, with a few injuries on his body and his clothes nearly torn away, but his confidence remains unshaken.

"For sure, Heavenly power hits harder and faster then i can react, But don't get too carried away." Malgorth asserts boldly.

Guardian grunts with a smile as he slowly descends to the ground, closing his arms and responding to Malgorth, "After all that, you still have the audacity to declare that Heavens cannot beat you. No matter what you say, you will be defeated."

Malgorth lunges at Guardian, launching a punch at him. Guardian tries to dodge the strike, but Malgorth's eyes flare red with 'Immense Vulnerability', causing Guardian to freeze for 1 second.

Guradian realizes and says, "Shi-" before being punched in the face, causing him to stagger. Malgorth instantly grabs guardian by his collar, hurls him into the air, and shoots a laser beam with his eyes that assumes the shape of DNA in the form of electricity. As the laser beam reaches Guardian aloft, Malgorth begins to dribble Guardian mid-air.

After a few moments of dribbling, Malgorth hurls guardian to the ground with a smile. Malgorth begins to slowly walk towards Guardian.

Guardian struggles to rise up since there is a prominent hole in his stomach. Guardian begins to heal his body while fully standing up.

Malgorth smiles and says, "I'm going to name this attack... Hmmm, Yea, 'Biozap' sounds cool, doesn't it?"

Guardian heals completely and says, "How dare ya mock me." Malgorth smirks and says, "Huh, what happened to your confidence now?"

Guardian smirks, saying, "Humph, You sure have balls to think your victory is inevitable." Malgorth chuckles at Guardian's words, saying, "Yeah, congratulations on realizing the truth."

Guardian pulls his sword and goes at Malgorth. Malgorth becomes even more excited and rushes toward Guardian. Both collide, causing a crater and rattling the entire realm with a single impact.

Both of them are smiling as they clash. Malgorth launches a kick at the guardian's chest. Guardian blocks the kick with his sword and counters it with a sword swing in the chest, but Malgorth garbs the sword swing with both of his hands. Guardian recognizes this and grabs Malgorth by the throat with his other hand, dangling him hard for a few moments before levitating in the air and grabbing Malgorth.

Malgorth fights to free himself from the guardian's grip, but the guardian tightens his grip on his throat before dumping him to the ground from high in the air.

Malgorth dribbles on the ground while tossed around. While Guardian instantly tosses his sword at Dribbling Malgorth, the Tossed Sword is stabbed in Malgorth's arm and falls to the ground, causing Malgorth to stop dribbling like a bouncing ball and become trapped.

Malgorth groans in misery. Guardian effortlessly descends to the ground and begins to stroll towards Malgorth, smiling. 

"What happened, All that talk, yet no hand." Guardian says, rotating his head slightly with a grunt of smile, "I thought, Your victory was inevitable."

Malgorth's eyes narrowed in rage, and he responds, "The battle ain't finished yet, dude. Don't get carried away."

Guardian smiles even larger, responding, "Oh, really." As Guardian replies, dark bolts emerge just beneath his foot. The Guardian's eye is wide open due to dark bolts, as Malgorth smirks.

Guardian immediately leaps in the air to evade Dark Bolt. Another Dark bolt appears, but Guardian jumps away from it. Another one appears, and Guardian hops sideways. It continues to happen for a few moments.

As Guardian successfully dodges all of the Dark bolts, he notices Malgorth fully rising from the ground, massaging his wrist with the other hand and smiling at Guardian.

Guardian lands on the ground, smirking, "Well, I guess it truly isn't finished yet." Malgroth clenches his teeth and smiles as they both surge forward.

Malgroth launches a jab to the chest, but Guardian effortlessly blocks it and counters with a roundhouse kick. Malgroth blocks a roundhouse kick with one hand, then fires a punch to the face, which Guardian ducks sideways and counters with a 360 spin kick that knocks Malgroth backwards.

Neither of them has lost their smile. Malgroth sprints forward and propels himself onto Guardian's chest in the air. As Malgroth's leg interacts with Guardian's chest, he launches his leg with force off the chest, causing Guardian to trip backwards. In the meantime, Malgroth backflips mid-air and lands smoothly on the ground. He tilted his head upwards and smiled.

Guardian fully rises from the ground, wiping blood from his mouth with a smile. "It truly has gotten intresting for me." He declares with a wide grin.

Guardian and Malgroth begin to walk toward one other with a big smile on their faces. "I guess, After all, This is what happens if two choosen ones fight each other." Malgroth says this with a big smile on his face.

Guardian nods slightly before releasing a punch at Malgroth's face. Malgroth weaves punch by bending his body down before striking Guardian with a hook punch in the stomach. Guardian blocks the hook punch with his bare hands, but Malgroth follows up with a blow to the face.

However, Guardian weaves punch by lowering his face. Malgroth observes the weave with wide eyes, but Mallgroth swiftly follows up with a knee in the face, denying Guardian a time to counterattack.

The knee strikes Guardian in the face, causing him to stumble backward. Malgroth quickly runs at Guardian, performs a flawless handstand on Guardian's shoulders, falls precisely on the ground from the handstand, and hurls Guardian backwards, causing Guardian to dribble on the ground before sliding on the ground, face down.

Guardian struggles to get up, but eventually manages to stand up.

The Guardian smirks, replying to Malgroth, "You might think you can harm me, but it's far too early to assume that you've already won." Malgroth smirks and responds, "Oh, really? You think you know it all, don't you? Why don't you just throw in the towel? 

Guardian smirks, stating, "Ready to throw in the towel already? Oh please, who do you think you are? The Guardian confidently materializes in front of Malgroth, Taking him by surprise, Guardian confidently lands a powerful punch to his guts. 

Malgroth clumsily spills blood and takes an ungraceful step back. The Guardian confidently smirks as he effortlessly seizes Malgroth by the head, effortlessly hurling him to the opposite side. With an air of superiority, he proceeds to unleash a powerful energy blast at Malgroth while he is still airborne.

As Malgroth is struck by an energy blast, a massive plume of smoke billows out behind him, forcing him to slide backwards along the ground. 

As the smoke dissipates, Malgorth is revealed to be heavily damaged. In response, the Guardian smirks confidently and remarks, "Well, looks like all that boasting was just empty words."

Malgroth smirks, his teeth clenched in pain, slowly transforming into a sly smile. Malgroth responds, "Ah! Your contempt for me is outrageous. What a shameless way to meet your demise." The Guardian raises an eyebrow, smirking as he responds, "My end! Well, well, well, The audacity you possess to boldly and confidently assume that you can defeat me never ceases to amuse me."

Malgroth responds, "Why don't you just keep quiet and disappear?" Malgroth charges at Guardian, his fist clenched tightly. "This will be your downfall, you illiterate scam!" Malgroth yells as he lunges at Guardian.

The Guardian swiftly reacts by effortlessly catching the incoming fist. With a smug expression, Guardian remarks, "Impressive, it seems that feeble attack of yours is meant to be your last. Enjoy your final moments." With a confident smirk, Guardian effortlessly delivers a powerful punch to Malgroth's stomach, sending him rising through the air. The Guardian effortlessly materializes behind Malgroth in mid-air. The Guardian effortlessly executes a 360 kick, sending Malgroth crashing to the ground. Malgroth effortlessly glides off the ground, propelled by the sheer force of the kick, leaving behind massive craters and sending debris soaring through the air.

Malgroth lets out an exasperated grunt, "Ugh!" Malgroth raises his head towards Guardian, a mix of anger and a slowly forming smile on his face. Guardian notices Malgroth's smile and remarks, "Well, well, isn't it fascinating that you can still manage to smile amidst all of this." Malgroth smirks, "Oh please, don't flatter yourself. You were in the same predicament when I handed you a defeat just moments ago."

The Guardian charges forward, delivering a powerful punch directly to Malgroth's face. But Malgroth grins, utilizing his 'Immense Vulnerability' to make a red flare appear in his eyes. Malgroth confidently delivers a swift punch to his abdomen from an unexpected angle. The Guardian is forcefully pushed back, struggling to maintain their balance. 

Malgroth openly charges towards Guardian, delivering a swift kick. The Guardian effortlessly intercepts Malgroth's attempted kick. Malgroth's eyes widen as he is unexpectedly caught off guard. The Guardian confidently unleashes a relentless assault on Malgroth, forcefully slamming him into the ground and then effortlessly hurling him backwards.

"GAH!" Malgroth lets out a pathetic cry of pain as he is forcefully thrown backwards. Guardian confidently strides towards Malgroth, declaring, "You might as well surrender, Demon. Your chances of victory are negligible. It's clear that our efforts are futile, as it's evident that I have emerged victorious and there is no conceivable way for you to impede my progress."

Malgroth radiates a vibe of unwavering confidence as he gracefully stands up, "Hahahaha, Do you honestly believe you stand a chance against me? Oh please, spare me your delusions, Guardian."

The Guardian's smile quickly fades, replaced by an irritated expression. "It seems you have a rather limited understanding of your own capabilities. You will face consequences for your arrogance." Guardian confidently lunges towards Malgroth, his face set with focus, intent on seizing him by the throat. However, Malgroth confidently exploits his 'Immense Vulnerability' at Guardian, swiftly following up with a powerful punch to the chest. 

The Guardian is forcefully propelled backwards. Malgroth replies, "Ultimately, I have to acknowledge that we possess equal power, which may explain why we often gain the upper hand over each other." The Guardian effortlessly performs a backflip, gracefully landing on the ground.

Guardian tilts his head towards Malgroth with a confident smile, saying, "Well, I have to agree with you... Perhaps if I didn't restrain myself." Malgroth's eyes widen in response, a smile of excitement spreading across his face. He respond with "There's no chance you were holding back. Well, guess what? I was also restraining myself."

The Guardian remains silent for a few minutes before finally responding, "Let me get this straight. Are you suggesting that both of us managed to exercise self-restraint?" Malgroth smoothly approaches Guardian, a sly smile on his face. He coolly remarks, "Get ready to face your ultimate downfall." Guardian confidently pulls his sword back, stating, "Feel free to give it your all, but it won't alter the outcome either way."

Malgroth slowly opens his eyes, responding, "Let's see if your words hold up." Guardian immediately charges towards Malgroth, swiftly swinging his sword with precision towards his opponent's chest. Malgorth effortlessly sidesteps the sword swing, only to be met with a swift change in Guardian's reaction. Malgroth effortlessly sidesteps once more.

The Guardian follows up with a swift sweep of his sword, strategically aiming for a low attack. However, Malgroth effortlessly leaps over the sweeping obstacle, a confident smirk on his face as he gracefully lands on the ground.

The Guardian swiftly moves with incredible agility, leaving only a blur in their wake. With an air of supreme confidence, Guardian effortlessly strikes Malgroth in the face, leaving a lasting scar in his wake.

Malgroth gazes intensely with a serious expression. Malgroth confidently chants, "Preva." After a few seconds. The Guardian's own sword penetrates through him, his eyes wide and pure white, a shocking twist of fate. 

The Guardian is taken aback by the sudden pain, catching him by surprise. The guardian collapses to his knees, his sword still impaled in his stomach.

Malgroth displays an air of self-assurance as he gazes down at Guardian, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. Malgroth asks with pure arrogance, "What seems to be the issue this time? Overpowered by an excessive amount of surprise."

Guardian musters a feeble attempt to raise his gaze towards Malgroth, muttering, "Well, I suppose I understand. A glimpse into the near future manipulation." Malgroth's eyes widen in surprise at the response.

Malgroth responded, "Well, it seems you've managed to figure out my 'Preva' Ability. Quite impressive, I must say."

Malgorth declares, "But now, prepare to meet your end." The Guardian chuckles as he stands tall, pulling a sword from his stomach. He retorts, "Do you honestly believe that I would be intimidated by your abilities?" Malgorth wears a look of confusion as he says, "I don't understand. Preva should be able to make you feel fragile, as I have a certain control over the future."

Guardian chuckles even harder, remarking, "Oh, it seems you fail to grasp the gravity of the situation." The Guardian once again begins to move at an astonishingly rapid pace. However, this time, Malgroth relentlessly pursues Guardian with astonishing speed.

Both of them engage in a fierce aerial battle, leaving behind only fleeting traces of their presence. 

The realm trembles as Guardian and Malgroth engage in a fierce battle, showcasing their lightning-fast agility and reflexes. 

Malgorth attempts to land an effective punch on the guardian. However, Guardian effortlessly parries Punch with his sword. Malgorth delivers a swift punch to the face. The Guardian effortlessly deflects the jab with his sword, displaying his exceptional skill. 

Malgroth becomes enraged and attempts to forcefully grab Guardian by his collar. However, Guardian swiftly swings his sword into Malgroth's stomach with remarkable speed, sending Malgroth flying backwards and skidding across the ground.

As Malgorth attempts to rise, his stomach is pouring blood from a vicious sword strike. Malgorth collapses to his knees, wracked with pain. Malgorth grits his teeth in discomfort. Malgorth gazes at Guardian with a disdainful tilt of his head.

The Guardian swiftly appears behind Malgorth, delivering a decisive blow that pierces through his spine. Malgorth grimaces in discomfort as he spills out blood. Guardian speaks, "I must admit, you've managed to make this fight quite interesting, Demon, Very few individuals have managed to provide me with such a level of amusement as you have. Therefore, I kindly request that you depart from this realm and refrain from returning."

With a confident grin, Malgorth's expression shifts from pain to amusement as he reminds, "Did you forget about Preva? Well, regardless of what you think, allow me to remind you once more." The Guardian is taken aback as his sword pierces through his chest.

The Guardian's eyes widen with terror, He groans in despair, "Who do you think you are? You're nothing." Malgorth smirks with satisfaction as he witnesses the guardian's suffering.

Out of nowhere, a sword pierces through the air, leaving a trail of blood in its wake, resonating throughout the entire realm. Malgroth's mouth begins to bleed, his eyes filled with agony, terror, and dread as he collapses to his knees.

Malgorth's chest bears the unmistakable mark of a sword, a testament to his unfortunate encounter. Malgorth, with a hint of disbelief, struggles to rotate his head sideways. He questions, "How on earth can you pull off such an unexpected feat?"

Guardian remains quiet before replying, "I possess a skill that is somewhat similar to your future manipulation, so don't assume you have the advantage in this battle, kid."

Malgroth is surprised by what he heard. Malgorth responds with disdain, "What absurdity are you babbling about. How can you even begin to compare yours to my Preva? 

The Guardian remains silent as they observe Malgroth's evident struggle and discomfort. 

Malgroth chants, "P-Preva." Guardian notices Malgroth standing before him, completely healed from his wounds.

Guardian response in a emotionless tone, "Impressive use of your ability, Malgroth."

Malgroth simply declares, "This battle is far from over, and I alone will emerge victorious." The Guardian responds with emotionless tone, "We will see who emerges victorious."

Malgorth agrees. They both charge at each other with incredible speed.

Confidently, Malgorth executes a low kick, aiming to bring the guardian down. The Guardian effortlessly defends himself by skillfully blocking a low kick with his knee. The Guardian swiftly launches a relentless series of punches at Margorth.

Malgorth confidently fends off his opponent's punches, displaying his skill and agility. However, his confidence is short-lived as he ultimately receives a powerful blow to the face, followed by another forceful punch that sends him sliding backwards.

With a smug grin, Malgorth watches as the guardian charges towards him. Malgorth confidently extends his palm towards Guardian, silently channeling his immense power. A brilliant beam of crimson light begins to form, ready to unleash its devastating force upon Guardian.

The Guardian swiftly detects a beam heading his way. He attempts to avoid the beam from the side. Malgorth's smirk widens as his eye releases a red flare, 'Immense Vulnerability', causing the Guardian to freeze in place. The 'beam of death' strikes the Guardian directly in the face. As Guardian is overwhelmed by the devastating 'Beam of Death', Smoke emerges from the collision.

After Smoke dissipates, Guardian is visibly exhausted and injured from the encounter with the powerful 'Beam of Death'. The Guardian expresses frustration, firmly stating, "Enough is enough." As Guardian unleashes a powerful scream, the Heavens themselves respond, unleashing celestial energies that are aimed directly at Malgorth.

Malgorth's feeble attempt to avoid the overwhelming power of Celestial energies ends in utter defeat. Malgorth displays his battle-worn body, adorned with deep injuries and scars.

As Guardian asserts their dominance, an immense surge of energy descends from the heavens, enveloping the entire realm in a brilliant, radiant light.

Malgorth is taken aback by the sheer force of the energy, prompting him to close his eyes.

As the bright white light dissipates, Malgorth slowly opens his eyes, only to be met with the sight of a guardian radiating a heavenly energy that surpasses anything he has ever encountered.

Facial details on the guardian are no longer available. The Guardian's body emanates a powerful aura of white energy.

Guardian addresses Malgorth with an air of supreme confidence, his voice resonating with authority, "Your fate has been established, Malgorth."