

On Christmas day 2000, ten-year-old Cheolsu was removed from his family home by his father, and made to live in an orphanage. All because he had made the mistake of confessing his feelings to his friend Eun Yi-Jun, another boy. With his parents unable to take the shame that their eldest son may grow up to be gay, they strip him of his name and out of their lives.    With no one else to turn to, he was abandon and alone for five years, before he was adopted by an interracial couple and brought to the UK at the age of fifteen. He was initially reluctant to accept this new family, for taking him away from his home country of Korea and into a home where a woman who was much darker than him wanted to be his mother.  His years of abandonment, affected Cheolsu for many years, but the love and care of his adopted parents he was able to, overcome his many suffering. But he had never told them of his past life in Korea and the reason to why he was abandoned in the orphanage.   For fear of discovering his true sexual orientation, Cheolsu refuses to date or open his heart to anyone. At the age of 31 he’s never been in a relationship and focuses all his time on being a good son to his adopted parents. Due to his experience with his biological parents, Cheolsu has secretly been suffering with the anxiety and post-traumatic stress, at the thought of his adopted parents abandoning him as well.   With this fear consuming his heart, Cheolsu did all he could to please his adopted parents, not even objecting when his mother asked him to return to Korea. But he was even more surprised when his mother returned home early to confess that she, his father, and brother had all set him up with an unknown suitor. However, when asked, his mothers’ refuses to state who the person is and her awkwardness towards him, is causing him to worry. If they simply wanted him to meet and possible date this person, why the secrecy? Why do they not tell him who the person is? And why did this person go through such great lengths to coerce his family into keeping it a secret.   Cheolsu accepted his mother's request with one condition, if the person is unable to get his attention in six months, and he makes him open his heart. They are to give up and his family to never bring up the matter again. But what Cheolsu doesn't realize that returning to Korea will open old wounds he had long since closed, and bring a new love he did not know existed.

Reading_Junkie · Realistic
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Fear is a dangerous thing

Over the past months, I had become accustomed to my life, once again living in my homeland. And as that ahujssi had foretold, there were certain comforts I had, in fact, missed whilst away.

At the company, I had been overseeing the smaller deals, allowing my father and brother to work on keeping the company together during the pandemic.

I was surprised at the volume of business we had acquired considering the current climate. However, there were plenty of businessmen who were taking advantage of the affected economy and investing in cheap properties. It was a time were many people found themselves unable to retain the few assets they owned had and ultimately had no choice but to sell up or fear being forced out unto the streets.

It's been over a year since the pandemic hit, and all over the world, people continued to die at an alarming rate. My family had also fallen victim to some extent, with my father falling ill not long after I had arrived, but fortunately, he needed only to rest for a few weeks, and he was back to his old self.

"It's getting worst every day, huh?" Chan-Yeol said as he came out from his bedroom into the kitchen, fixing his tie. He was making reference to the news that had been playing in the background.

"Hm mm, it's not good at all, hence why I keep telling you to wear your mask! Do you not care if you get sick?" I replied, stuffing a slice of toast into my mouth and grabbing a slice for him, as we headed out of the apartment we share.

With his focus fixed on his phone, Chan-Yeol, didn't pay much attention to my comment. "Hmm, oh by the way, we have a meeting today with a large, architecture company. They're looking to do a collaboration with our company." He informed me, without paying attention to where he was going again, as I protected him from walking into a nearby wall.

"Hyeong for the love of Christ! Will you look where you're going, TSK" I spat somewhat annoyed.

"Why should I, when you're here?". He replied, unfazed.

Shaking my head, unsurprised by his shamelessness, I enquired further into is earlier comment.

"Anyway, who's the company?" I asked curious, it's not often that large corporations join hands or outsourced resources.

Without hesitation he replied "EUN architectures".

As the lift to our apartment complex opened and Chan-Yeol walked in, he didn't notice of my current state of shock at his words.

My body had become paralysed, and I felt as though I had been soccer punched in the stomach, sucking out all the oxygen from my lungs. I was overcome with a familiar sicking feeling, and my heart began to beat uncontrollably fast.

I was about to have a panic attack, clenching my trembling fist, I tried to calm my beating heart and not allow Chan-Yeol to see me in such an embarrassing state.

At that moment, my body wanted to run as though I had just been discovered and my secrets exposed. My recent dreams of my mother and father abandoning me flashed through my mind. I became overwhelmed with fear, as though my happy life was about to be ripped away from. I wasn't prepared to face such a reality, no please god not yet.

But as my mind was about to drown its own despair, I was pulled to reality at the call of Chan-Yeol. "Yo! Cheolsu, Cheolsu? What are you doing just standing there!?".

Quickly I returned to my senses, "oh. Hyeong, sorry" I spoke softly, getting into the lift he had stood holding for me.

"I need to pull myself together" I mumbled to myself quietly.

With a concerned looked, Chan-Yeol turned to me and questioned. "What's wrong with you? Why did you freeze up at the mention of their name?"

Awww so he had noticed, I muttered silently.

Gulping hard, I feign ignorance, "huh? Ha-ha! Who wouldn't be surprised by such news. You and father are the only two people I know, who wouldn't care about such matters." I lied, hoping he wouldn't see through my nervousness and push the matter any further.

Accepting my answer, Chan-Yeol dismissed my earlier awkwardness and returned to his phone. I, myself, had wanted to drop the matter but, a million questions flooded my mind.

Why had it have to be that family of all people? No, why are they even coming to us? Our brand is well known locally in Korea, but not well enough to reach the interest of those types of businesses.

Unable to restrain my curiosity any longer, I had to ask. "Anyway, why is big corporation like that reaching out to the likes of us? Shouldn't they have contractors for that? We don't cater to clients above a five million US dollar project cost. A company like EUN, services clients with hundreds of millions. What could we, a small firm, possibly offer them?" I questioned genuinely curious.

Chan-Yeol paused for a second before answering, and on his face he wore a complicated expression. "It's not just about what we can offer, But WHO! President Eun Yi-Jun has asked for you directly, Cheolsu." he declared.

Shocked, my eyes widened, and again I felt as though all the oxygen had left my body. "What did you just say? w…why would he ask for me? How does he know about me?" I began to panic, my voice trembling with every word.

Startled by my reaction, Chan-Yeol looked at me suspicious. "Why are acting like this? This isn't the first time you've been scouted. So, why do react as though you've been discovered by and old lover?"

For a moment, I was taken aback by his words, though he was right!, I was overreacting. But before I could control my emotions, I was already afraid, and my body had begun to go into flight mood.

Thinking rationally, it would be far-fetched for Eun Yi-Jun to know who I was. We parted so young, therefore the old me should be a distant memory by now.

Hyeong is right, I needed to get my act together, I needed to rid my mind of unnecessary thoughts. Otherwise, I will be the cause of my downfall.

Composing myself, I refuted Chan-Yeol's words. "Hyeong! How could I not be surprised; this is the Eun conglomerate we're referring to. Korea's highest-ranking Chaebol, family run business. Are you not surprised" I asked, playing away my own uneasiness, I was good at this hiding and playing dumb.

Chan-Yeol's suspicious gaze dropped, but I could tell he wasn't truly believing of my words. "If you say so, you know I don't hold any one thing or persons on a pedestal. Yes, they're influential, but that doesn't mean they're people father and I would want to do business with. I'm surprised you're so excited about them Cheolsu, looks like I am going to have to tell father your deep secrets. How disappointed he will be when he finds out his favourite son, has another deep in his heart" he smirked sarcastically as we got into his car.

Immediately, I was put at ease, though I couldn't help frowning at this man and his nonsense words. "Seriously, Hyeong, what nonsense are you spouting so early in the morning. And regardless, no one shines brighter in my eyes than my mother and father" I declared proudly.

"Yes, yes we know, as are you to them" he shook his head as he started the car's engine.

Chan-Yeol may come across cold, but he was just like our father, gentle and kind, and surprisingly quite the teaser.

My problem now was ensuring I remained level-headed enough not to draw any attention to myself. But first I needed to find a way to rid myself of this uneasiness within me. Because within mere hours, I'll come face to face with the man I confessed my immature heart to at ten years old.

Why has President Eun Yi-Jun requested for Cheolsu?

Could Cheolsu be right and Eun Yi-Jun knows is true identity?

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