

'Evolve~ Evolving me~ Evolving big boy Shark~'

I opened my data and marveled at the amount of points I got.



Each of the Merfolks gave me 10PP and a 1EP. Now, much better than that was the fact that I was 57 points past the needed amount for evolving! Is there a bonus? I hope there was.

[You have reached the necessary amount of EP for Evolution]

[Would you like to Evolve?]



A white light started to envelop me, it started to harden like egg and eventually, I was stuck inside. My awareness drifted and I went to sleep, my last moments being extremely excited.


I soon woke up, not automatically, but I felt as if I broke something. I opened my eyes and saw all blue as usual.

'Oh. Evolving is sleeping'

I tried to yawn and stretch but I obviously can't so I settled with coating and uncoating my fins and jaws for that.


[Congratulations on Evolving!]

[You are now a Megalodon!]

[However, due to your 57 excess EP, your evolution has mutated]

[You are now a King Megalodon!]

[King Megalodon - Kings of the Sharks. A maximum size of 25 meters with superbly muscular body that aids it in preying various other beasts of the sea]

I stared at the screen for a bit and then at my body.

'Holy shit, I'm bigger than the biggest fish alive!'

I swam around for practice and ended up bumping and inhaling several other small fishes.

[You cannot gain EP from those that are not preys]

'I see, because I'm technically too big for them and they're too small for me, they're no longer my preys'

I sighed at that, it means no cheating.


'Wait, what?'

[STR 51]

[AGI 51]

[END 51]

[INT 51]

[Evolving gives a fixed amount of stats to accommodate for the improvements, evolving into the mutated King Megalodon, required your stats to be boosted by 40 points]

'Huh, neat'

I used my 80PP to upgrade each stat with balance.



[STR 53]

[AGI 53]

[END 53]

[INT 53]

'For the record, the Shark life chose me. Now, what was my prey again? Pretty sure it something like, whales and stuff like that, right?'

[Humans are now part of your palette]

'Now that's a bozo-nono! I will never prey on humans, there's a distinct difference between eating fish and Merfolks compared to humans, more like there's a difference because I was previously a human, anything else?'

[The Predator System requires you to hunt humans]


Now that's not really a good thing.

'How about... no?'

[The Predator System requires you to hunt humans]


[You must adhere to the game. The Predator System requires you to hunt humans]


'Right, sorry. I forgot this was probably just some sort of advanced Virtual Reality. Right. I'll do that then, but not too much~'

After the system finally shut up with that, I swam towards nowhere in particular, the fishes around me were a bit terrified but there seems to be an instinct that tells them if they were prey or not.

After a whole day of using my max speed to swim, I finally found my first edible prey.

I coated my whole head with Haki and charged for the whale, due to my size, which I forgot about, I ended up swallowing it whole.

After a few seconds of pause. I checked my data.



I was elated at the fact that they gave 10PP. It means I can increase my stat per each kill! Or, so I thought but I remembered how long it took me to find one.

'Shit. Do I really need to eat humans?'

I then remembered about the Merfolk. They were worth 10PP and each of them was easy to kill. With my current size, I was positively sure that I could inhale them, I mean they are counted as humans right?

With a goal in mind, I scoured through the seas and eventually found a merfolk, but due to my size, they quickly ran away. I let them.

Weirdly, the hunt thingy did not activate and I stayed a 50 ish meters behind, my 53 INT increased my vision to superb levels.

Soon, I saw the makings of some ancient city.

And then it hit me.


I paused for a bit, wondering if I should continue on my plan. If Atlantis existed, doesn't that mean that other stuff might as well? Poseidon? Zeus? Gods? Pele? Kraken? Stuff like them?

Then, is it worth it?


Atlantis was sunk by their stupidity. I don't think any Gods would want it, no? Yeah. Meat.

[The Thrill of the Hunt has been activated]

[All Stats x2]



The words to explain how I felt with the x2 boost was impossible.

Chewing 5 gums? Chewing 1 million gums~

I swam towards the city and found myself fast as fuck, in a matter of seconds, and by accident, I crashed into what seemed to be a building.

Imagine their faces when a 25 meter gigantic monster Shark just slammed into your home.

'Here's Squalo!'


After that, I couldn't remember what happened. There was something about them trying to do some magic, and some water spells. Some tridents, some bearded dude that wore some scale armor. There was also something about calling for backup and... err, I think there was this giant octopus... a Kraken.

Yes. I ate The Kraken.

Good life.

I burped and found a head at the holes of my teeth.

'That's not very gentle-sharky of me'

I sucked it back in. No evidence now.


I looked at my surroundings.

'Yeah... no evidence'

Feel bad for Atlantis? You'd feel even worse with the state I made it in...

Oh shit. I think I also killed kids in there.


I guess you can consider them lamb? Mutton? Fresh Sushi?

Kiddie Meals?

'That's dark, now then. My PP how much are you now!'



'Shit. Fuck. Holy crap. God bless my future enemies'

Wait. Wasn't that basically a genocide? I... I'm a genocider.

'Shark Genocider, I have to admit, that sounds super cool for some twisted reason'

I paused in place and thought of getting something from the shop, but I compared stats to skills.

I get x2 bonuses when I was in the hunt thingy, also when I evolve I get free stats. Meanwhile, skills are very hard to buy because of the ridiculous price... but I can get freebies from going pass stat limits.

Each Merfolk was 10PP, 8,567 x 10 is obviously what my current PP is.

My stats are balanced and to reach 100, I would need 47 points, 10PP is equal to 1 point.

470 x 4 is 1,880, and from then on, the next stat would require 100PP.

I hesitated no longer and reached 100 for each of my stats.

[STR 100]

[AGI 100]

[END 100]

[INT 100]


'And then a single more level at STR...'

[STR 101]

[Congratulations for breaking through the 100 stat mark]

[You are given a 10,000PP Ticket]


'Now. It's time for some major improvements! Shop! Filter from 1,000PP to 10,000PP!'

The shop window appeared in front of me with a lot more choices than before.

'Wow. That's crazy but I don't know a single lick of shit in here!'