
Predator and Prey: The Ways Of Perspective

When life takes everything from a girl and the people she once trusted turn her back on her with mocking grins, she decided to take matters to her own hands to earn her happiness. However, life had other plans. What happens to a girl when time and time again, everything is taken from her and she is left in darkness? When those who mock her planned against her in dirty schemes to make her life more miserable than a street rat? Now let's say, said girl, was forced to an unfair death. What then? Of course she's going to curse in the after life, what else can she do? Well, life loves to mess with her after all. So what if... life decided to give a once pure girl who experienced life's dark side, a second chance?

Writer_Karma · Teen
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"Predators prey on the weak." A saying that has been around since the beginning of time that still stands strong to this day. Though for human society its "The strong rule the weak". A silent rule known throughout human society. From the second you enter you exit your father to the second you die and furthermore; you enter 'the game of life' where peace is but a myth that not even death can give. If you are weak, you stand below and bend to the whims of the strong who stand above. Many argue what the meaning of the class "strong" and "weak" are. Some say "power", some say "money" and some say "intellect". It is in fact all these things and more but in the end, everything in our life is just a perspective. Our minds place everything into a category, a concept for us to function in society and to play this sick game. 

We play these roles to live because without them, we would have no 'value' or 'order'. But what can we do? Everything that lives has a natural instinct to survive after all.

Hi! Thank you for reading my first book. I'm a new writer and I'm willing to hear any comments on my writing for improvement!

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