
Preacher of death

I became an owl} Why did I become an owl among all animals?I let the whole world call me a herald of death

Daoist8hetler · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In the cold, dark forests, owl and snake looked at each other as if they felt a special threat.

Suddenly the owl shook its claws like lightning and moved towards the snake's head. The snake made a leap backwards in surprise.

But unfortunately, as if this owl was different from other owls, it jumped by opening its wings and swallowed the snake in its claws.

He died a few seconds after the snake struggled

At that moment, Jack heard the sound of the system

{+2 Evolution Points}

"Well, this one was dangerous. If the owl's senses were not strong, people would be bitten by a poisonous snake. It would be better for me to evolve as soon as possible to find the power to protect myself."

Open the system

{Evolution system}

Name: Jack

Location: Unknown

Power: Strong owl

Abilities: None

Evolution points: 2

"With two points, I can not evolve. I better go and hunt more living things to evolve faster."

From then on, a reckless owl hunted small animals in the forest

{+1 Evolution Points}

{+0/5 Evolution Points}

Animals like mice and beetles

As the sunrise approached, Jack felt very drowsy and had to sleep in a tree nest and get ready for the night. Before going to sleep, he called the system to see how many evolutionary points had been collected.

Open the system

{Evolution system}

Name: Jack

Location: Unknown

Power: Strong owl (+)

Abilities: None

Evolution points: 35

"I'd better evolve at night. It's dangerous now."

As Jack's voice dropped, he fell into a deep sleep. At that moment, Ezzat looked at Jack, who was asleep, and whispered to himself.

"I hope this child can take revenge on the God of Light."

It was night, and most of the animals' voices were cut off, and the pervasive silence that resulted from the night overcame the forest

Jack slowly opened his eyes and said, "I have to pay attention to sleep. Now I am an owl and I sleep during the day. If someone attacks me, I am unable to defend myself."

Let's evolve now. After opening the system, I clicked on the (+) sign and felt a warm flow in my body again, but this time it was more. I had a lot of pain, but it was not much compared to the fusion pain.

After the upgrade, I felt that I was strengthened in all aspects, I can see many times farther

If I were on the ground now, I would think I could catch a lion.

I saw that it was still left and I said let it evolve again.

"Oh, how long have I been unconscious?"

"It's an hour"

"are you awake!?"

"Yeah, well, you rolled up fast, you got to the level of ordinary animals. I have to be ahead for the next upgrade."

"I mean, am I an animal now?"

"Yes, the next step is to insert the magic into your body and enter the 1-star black iron stage."

I got up and waved my wings and the wind formed. If I am on the ground now, I can easily destroy a tank.

My forks are stiffer than steel and the wings have a special charm that you will not find if you are not careful.

Open the system

{Evolution system}

Name: Jack

Location: Unknown

Power: Strong owl and high-powered war owl

Ability: None

Evolution points: 0

"Ezat, when will I be able to?"

"When you enter the black iron stage"

"Well I'm going hunting"

An hour later an angry horned hog was staring at the tree in front of him. Jack was staring at his last prey at the top of the tree and jumped at him with a long jump.

He had opened his claws and was getting ready to land in the boar meat. The boar had also moved its long horns towards Jack.

Before the horns hit, Jack changed direction and picked up the boar from behind, threw it high and low, and the boar died with a moan.

{+15 evolution points}

Well, I better go to Looney, the sunrise is near

At the same time, several men 15 miles from Jack were cleaning the carcass of an eagle while talking to each other.

"This dangerous forest, we better go faster"

A man with a slightly rough face replied to the young man:

"In this forest, we can basically come back alive until we get to a black iron animal."

"Well, you better finish your discussion. We have to get ready for the hunt tomorrow night."

The two who were talking answered

"Yes boss"

At that moment, Jack was unaware of the threat and was about to fall asleep to prepare for evolution