
Unknown Powers

Wow! that really happened in the story story? asked Jack .Jack was listening to his grandmother tell a story. Ok Jack, go to sleep, you have school tomorrow . Said his grandmother. 25 years later jack was 32 years old ,after many years and his best years of his life has turned dark lonely and it is in his hands to change it .In a dull Thursday the story starts. At half past eight Jack started to make pancakes for himself . Suddenly Jack heard villagers screaming Help! Help us!. Jack rushed out to see what happened. Giant rocks were rolling down from the mountains for every 10 minutes the ground will shake. The rocks were big as houses ,cars and rooms once it hit a person the person will faint .Jack went closer to the mountain and preyed to lord to make it stop. After 2 seconds his hands were not under his control his hands were raising .There was this sentence which was stuck in his brain. The sentence was " think of powers coming out of your hands" He thought of it .Suddenly the rocks stopped moving a flash of green light right beside his ear it was faster than lightning .Jesus showed himself. It was a highlight of his life. Sooner later from far away Jack could see horses and soldiers. H thought they were coming to attack us but they were here to protect the villagers(most of the villagers). They were here to protect other villagers from Jack as when they saw him use his powers the soldiers thought he might use his powers for evil and is a threat to the village. They forced Jack to go away from the village forever he had to live in the mountain next to the village. He built a house over there . He found a paper not an ordinary paper it was a map to 9 different places in this earth .And whenever you get to a destination it will move . The first destination was the village he completed it so he got powers and his weapons was this magical paper. People will get scared if we show this paper to them. Jack's next destination was the #11 Lotus Hotel at Malaysia to get a pearl and pass it to the golden master . It is just a simple trip to Malaysia what could get wrong he thought . He thought. He took a taxi there, on the way he read rules.

1. you should not tell any information to strangers or ask them anything

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hi everyone i am only 7 years old and i am not that smart i am very scared you do not like this book

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