
Powerlifter Isekai'd in ancient greece

Bob gets a second chance by the gods to prove that he is the most powerfull being to ever lived

evilram · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Knock, knock. Someone is knocking on Bob's door.

"I'm sorry, Bertha, I just didn't want to wake you up."

Bob opens the door; it was the two Steve's goons.

"The boss wants to see you."

"Me too, perfect. Bring me to him."

"First, wear some clothes."

"Oh, shit, right."

"And place this hood over your head."

"Yeah, yeah."

Bob wears his clothes and places the hood on his head. "I'm ready," he says as they leave.

Bob's black hood is removed; he is standing in front of a giant door.

"Boss is right behind the door."

"Okay, goodbye." Bob opens the door and is greeted.

"Long time no see, Bob. How have you been?"

"We should find a different way to meet."

"We will, but don't worry about that now. So, how did you do?"

"Do what? You probably know already."

"Yeah, don't sadden, though. There will be a second chance to compete again."

"Thank you. I appreciate it. But how come you knew I wanted to see—"

"Not only did I know that you wanted to meet me, but I can also guess the reason."

"Help me save her, Steve."


"She is one of us—wait, what?"

"I said alright. I want to help."


"Yes, but you'll probably have to go alone."

"Yeah, no problem. Just help me how to reach her."

"Very well, follow me."

Bob gets out of the room and heads to the ground floor.

"We have come."

"Why come here?"

"Brown, White, come here, buddy."

Two large, over 30-feet bats come and start playing with Steve.

"What are they?" Bob asks, shocked.

"Bats. Haven't seen bats before?"

"I see that, but they are huge."

"I know, right? I fell immediately in love with them when I first met them."

"Where did you find them? Can you ride them?"

"I won't tell you where I found them, but I won't be the only person to ride them."

"I won't be the only person? No, don't tell me."

"Oh, don't worry, they already know where to head. See yourself as a passenger than a rider."

"But still, what do I do if something goes wrong?"

"But that is the beauty of this; it won't go wrong."

"Uh, no."

"Look, they are the best and fastest way of transport, and you can reach Ada when the sun is up. Also, you don't have another choice."

"Okay, but how do I mount him?"

"Yeah, let me show you. Brown, stand ready."

The brown bat gets into position to be mounted.

"Here, get on, Bob."

"Okay." Bob mounts the bat.

"Let's get outside."

Steve opens the gate, and Brown proceeds to get out.

"See, Bob? Now you know the commands. I have trained them to find every boat in my operation."

"When you are ready, come back. You just say 'home,' and Brown here will come home."

"But before I tell you the next command, I want to ask you, are you ready to meet Ada?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, Evergreen."

The bat takes off, and Bob starts screaming. The bat gains altitude very fast.

"Take me ho—"

"No, I have to resist, or I won't ever be able to meet her."

And so, Bob flew for some time. It had become morning when they arrived at a ship.

"Is that it?" says Bob.

The bat starts declining, and it lands on the ship.

The captain of the ship came out.

"Stand ready." The bat gets into mounted position, and Bob gets off as the bat flies away.

"Oh, okay, that happened."

"Did the boss send you?" asks the captain.

"Where is she?"


"A red-haired girl."

"Tell me, did the boss send you?"

"Yes, Steve sent me here."

"The girl you are looking for is down in the cabin."

Bob heads for the cabin; there were lots of people with hoods, but he hears a familiar voice.


Bob turns his head and sees Ada.

"Ada, thank God you are alright."

"What are you doing here?"

"What shouldn't I be doing here?"

They get interrupted by a horse sound.

"Are there horses on this ship?" asks Bob.

"No," says Ada.

"Stay here," says Bob to Ada. "I will go out and see."

Bob goes above deck and sees two individuals.

"Well, well, we don't only have one modern, but two. Wow, could you tell, Hercules?"

"No, Teacher."

"Don't worry; you will learn."

"Gods," says Bob.

"Brown!" yells Bob and throws his dart.

The teacher takes his sword out and cuts Bob in half.

"Amazing, Teacher. You took him down with one cut, and he was so unfortunate. He also missed," says Hercules.


"Ada says the teacher."

"Do you know her?" says Hercules.

"You son of a bitch."

"What? Why are you here?"

"Don't act innocent; you know what."

"Don't speak that way with my teacher," says Hercules as he places his hand on her throat.

"Let's kill her."

"I don't understand, though."

Hercules gets electrocuted, and Ada faints. Bob is wakened up and punches the teacher, but he blocks, but still, he gets thrown into the sea. The bat comes and lands.

"Stand ready," yells Bob. He picks up Ada in his arms and mounts the bat.

"Take us home, fast!" screams Bob.

The bat takes off. Meanwhile, Bob is holding Ada with all care.

They return to Steve's HQ. Now Bob could easily see where Steve stays.

They are waited by Sappho.

They step down from the bat and meet Sappho.

"Let me see her," says Sappho.

Bob is taken aback; it was his first time hearing her.

"Please, look, tell me if she's fine."

Sappho takes a look and measures her pulse.

"She should be fine, but let her stay here today."

"Okay, I agree. She should be safer here."

"Follow me."

Sappho brings them to a room.

"Place her here."

Bob lays her on the bed.

"She should wake up soon."

"I am not leaving her side."

"Well, then, I will leave you both at it, then."

"Meet Steve when she wakes up," says Sappho.

"Okay," says Bob. Now the only thing Bob can do is wait.

Sappho leaves. Bob is holding Ada's hand and hoping for her to wake up.