
Powerlifter Isekai'd in ancient greece

Bob gets a second chance by the gods to prove that he is the most powerfull being to ever lived

evilram · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Javelin Throw part 5 (distance)

Sure, here's the corrected version:

"Once again, Bob was woken up by a knock on the door and a voice was heard.

"Did I wake you up?" It was Bertha.

"Yeah, good morning Bertha. How can I help you?"

"I just came to say breakfast is ready."

"Thank you, I'll come in a moment."

"Bob, are you alright? You slept for a very long time today."

"Yeah, yeah, I was just tired."




"Thanks for asking."

"No problem, Bob, just as long as you are fine."

Bob got out of bed, put on his clothes, and went downstairs. There was meat with bread and cheese. It had been a whole day since Bob ate; he may even eat the chairs and the table. After Bob finished his food, he decided to go to the competition.

He left for the east district. Bob was one of the first ones to arrive there and saw that his supervisor from yesterday was there.

"Good morning, sir," said Bob.

"Good morning."

"May I ask what we're doing today?"

"Yeah, today's competition is going to be about distance, who can throw the farthest. Also, it's going to be a free-for-all where only two people will pass to the finals."

"Only two?"


"Holy shit."

"So, you better start practicing."


Bob went to the field he was at yesterday and saw two men practicing. Bob went close to them.

They were practicing shadow-throwing. One man said to the other, "Do you think it's worth it to risk dislocating your shoulder for second place?"

"It depends on how important it is to pass today for you."

"They do have a good point," said Bob to himself.

Bob also started practicing shadow-throwing.

Some time passed. More and more people had come to practice. A horn could be heard, and a loud noise followed.

"We are starting the second competition. The rules are:

Everyone gets to throw only once.Everyone will throw from the same spot.Only two people will pass the second competition.

"Are we clear?" said the voice.

"Yeah!" screamed the people.

"Who will go first?"

"I want to go first."

"Holy shit, the Persian champion wants to go first."

"Very well," said the loud voice.

The Persian champion took his dart and went to the spot to throw. He threw close to around 300 feet, and the crowd went crazy.

"I want to go next," said a loud voice.

Everyone turned their heads. It was the Egyptian champion.

"Oh damn," said some.

The Egyptian champion went to the spot and threw. The dart landed close to 300 feet but behind the first place.

"Amazing," said some, "others..."

"We don't know if we can pass this."

"Very well," said the loud voice, "if you want to pass, you have to throw further than those two. Do your best."

After that, everyone got in line to throw their darts. Bob went around the end of the line.

They started throwing, but they weren't even coming close to second place. Then a boy whom Bob recognized came to throw. It was the boy from the first competition.

The boy threw his dart and came very close to second place but not quite enough. Bob could see the boy was saddened, and he left immediately without saying a word. Many people were amazed by the boy, but that didn't matter; everyone got back to throwing.

Everyone threw and threw, but no one even came close to second place. Then Bob's turn came.

"I need to cheat if I want to pass this competition," said Bob to himself. "I am going to throw so strong that my shoulder will dislocate."

Bob went to the spot and started preparing.

"I don't have to throw well, just throw far."

In a few moments, Bob threw, but he was conflicted with thoughts of Ada. In those moments, he didn't know why his brain went to Ada but became extremely mad and threw the dart with everything he had.

He dislocated his shoulder, but that did not matter. His whole attention was on the dart. The dart landed very close to second place, and his yesterday supervisor started running to see whose dart was farthest.

Bob followed him, and the Egyptian also followed them. They arrived there, and it was easily decided who threw the farthest. With the whopping close distance, Bob came second.

The Egyptian champion became salty.

"Look at his shoulder; he dislocated."

"What shoulder?" said Bob, showing his healed shoulder.

"Impossible! I saw it with my own eyes."

"Hey, if you don't like that you lost, take it up with the organizers."

The second place was announced, it was Bob. The crowd went wild with applause and yelling. The Egyptian champion left quite mad, which made Bob nervous.

The competition continued, but no one came close to the second place. The time to end the second competition came.

Bob and the Persian champion were called by the old supervisor.

"You two are the ones who will pass to the third competition tomorrow. You two need to come to the east district, and the competition starts when the sun is highest in the day."

"Okay," said Bob.

"You two can leave. See you tomorrow."


The Persian champion left without saying anything. Bob asked, "Does he understand us?"

"Oh yes, he just doesn't like to speak."

"Ah, okay."

They left, and Bob went to the hotel where Bertha was.

"Bob, guess what?"

"What?" said Bob.

"I passed to the third competition."

"Wow, amazing. Well done, Bob."

"Do you think Leonidas will like it?"

"Oh, don't care for what it likes; he just wants to get drunk."

"Still, it would make my day."

"Well, I liked that you passed."

"Well, thank you. I really want to go out and celebrate and see around."

"We should. I can show you around."

"Well, just sightseeing because I still haven't got the prize, whatever that may be."

"Oh, don't worry, boss has been giving me money to look after you, so everything should be fine."

"You can use his money, but I won't."

"Why don't you act like this?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, and also, it doesn't feel right."

Bertha looked disappointed.

"You can always share your food with me if that makes you more happy."

"Okay, allow me to wear something nicer."

Bob waited for Bertha by the door while thinking about taking a bath when he returns.

Some time passed, and Bertha said loudly, "I am ready."

"Perfect. I wonder where you will take me." Bob was left with his mouth opened."