
Powerlifter Isekai'd in ancient greece

Bob gets a second chance by the gods to prove that he is the most powerfull being to ever lived

evilram · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Javelin Throw part 4 (quality)

Bob is awakened by knocking on the door.

"I wanted to say that breakfast is ready," says Bertha, who had come to wake up Bob.

"Thank you, I will be down there in a minute," Bob replies.

"Okay," Bertha responds.

Bob stands up from his bed, puts on his clothes, and heads downstairs.

There, he is met with milk and bread placed on the table.

"You are amazing," says Bob to Bertha.

"Oh, please, you are too nice," Bertha replies.

"Was it difficult for you to cook this food?" Bob asks.

"Not really, I just baked the bread, and I bought the milk at the farmers' market," Bertha explains.


"Oh no."


"I forgot something."


"My flowers."

"Do you want me to go get them?"

"No, no, I should be fine. You eat up and go meet Leonidas."

"Where is he though?"

"Uh, I don't know," Bertha says, making a run for the door.

"Oh, she left," says Bob to himself.

But then, a moment later, someone starts knocking on the door.

"Berth, is that you?" Bob asks, assuming it's Bertha.

The door opens, and it's Leonidas.

"Bob, you have to help me," Leonidas says.

"Hey, relax. Sit down," Bob says.

"I'm guessing that Bertha has gone out, right?"


With hearing Bob's answer, Leonidas immediately proceeds to drink a large cup of milk that was meant for Bob.

"Damn, this milk is damn fine."

"Hey, that was mine."

"Don't worry, you can refill it when she comes back."

"So, what are we doing today, coach?"

"Oh, right. For the reason I came here, I need you, Bob, to take part in a competition in my place."

"In a competition?"


"I don't know. I think I am not ready, don't you?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. You are trained by the great Leonidas."

"Oh no."

"So, Bob, after you have finished eating, go to the East District, and there you will join the competition for me."

"Why? What are we hoping to win?"

"The greatest prize of them all. You will know once you go there."


"I have to leave, Bob, before Bertha comes. So, remember, Bob, who trained you," says Leonidas, running for the door.

"What? Wait, why don't you come with me?"

Bob doesn't get a response.

"Oh my god, what have I got myself into?"

Bob finishes eating his bread. Bertha hasn't returned yet. He decides not to wait for her and leaves for the East District.

When he arrives there, he sees a group of people surrounding a person.

"This is going to be so good."

"Yeah, right."

"Both the best of Persia and Egypt are going to participate," some men say, and Bob happens to overhear.

"Everyone who wants to participate, come and line up here," announces the organizer.

Bob joins the line and waits for his turn. When it comes, he pays the entry fee of one coin his only coin 

"You are at column three. Go follow the signs," the organizer instructs.

Bob follows the signs, which lead to a large field where lots of people are throwing darts.

He goes to his spot, column three, where there was another guy, tall and blond.

"Hello, is this column three?" Bob asks.


"Are we sharing?"

"I think so," the boy answers.

But then an old person approaches.

"Hello, I am going to be your supervisor today. Let's start with the competition rules:

1 Everyone is going to throw little spears like this one.

2Today's competition has 4 stages. Every stage, the target will be more difficult to hit.

3You have to hit the target in all four stages.

Do you understand me, boys?

"What about the form we throw, boy?"

"I thought you knew this competition is free form. Of course, you aren't allowed to put or remove weight from the little dart or add any attachment to help you throw better,"says the old guy

"Anything else?"

"When do we start?"



"Choose which one of you both is going to start first."

Bob says to the boy, "You start first because you were here before me."

"Okay, very well."

"For the first stage, the target is 5 steps away from the thrower."

The boy throws his shot and hits.

"Pass, you're up now, Bob."

Bob's turn.

"Just do what you learned," Bob takes a big breath and throws.


"Very well, boys, both of you passed. Now, next stage."

The old guy went to the target, took the darts, and placed the target another 5 steps away, and then he came back.

"This stage is the same as the first one. Continue. Also, I have returned your little spears."

The boy went and throws his dart.

It hits.


Bob takes his dart and says to himself, "I have to use some power now."

Bob takes his position, takes a breath, and thinks about his coach, and throws.

It was a hit but it's very close to missing.


Next stage.

The old guy goes to the target, takes the dart, and removes the outer area, leaving only a small circle.

"Here you go," giving back the dart. "I believe both of you know what to do."

"Yes," they responded.

The boy went first again, throws.


"Pass," says the old guy.

Bob's turn. "This time I have to be careful," thinks Bob.

Bob takes a huge breath and thinks about his time in school.

Throws and

It hits.


Bob is shocked.

"Very well," says the old guy.

He goes to retrieve the darts but doesn't make any changes to the target.

He returns.

"This time, both of you are going to shoot at the same time."

"What?" they say.

The old guy takes a target from his pocket. He shows a pigeon tied to his leg with a piece of cloth.

"You only have to touch this rope to be counted as a pass. When I count to 3, I will release him, but you won't throw until he has passed the target that we were hitting."

"You mean we can only throw when the bird has passed 10 steps?"

"Yes. Tell me when you are ready."

"Is this bird trained?"


Both Bob and the boy take their position and say, "We are ready."

"Very well. 1, 2, 3."

The bird starts flying.

He flew past the 10 step mark.

The boy throws.

It hits.

Meanwhile, Bob had been calm until a memory, a thought which he had not thought about for some time, came. It was Ada. Bob opens his eyes and sees the bird was a moment away from passing the 10 step mark. He becomes teary-eyed about forgetting to think about Ada. He clenches his teeth and throws, thinking only one thing: Ada.

His throw hits.

The old guy calls his bird back.

"Well done, both of you. You have passed the first competition. The next competition starts tomorrow at the same time and same place."

"We aren't finished," said the boy.

"No, there are two more competitions. Well, see you tomorrow." The old guy left.

The boy also left without saying anything.

Bob was left with teary eyes.

Bob also leaves right after and returns home.

There was nobody. He goes upstairs and thinks about Ada and how lonely she must be.

"I wonder what she is doing."

Bob proceeds to do some crunches, working out his abs, and after that, he gets into bed very early.