
Powerful werewolf from the alpha

Ethan Westwood is a powerful wolf from the alpha bloodline, who has trouble finding his mate and has to go against his parent about taking another she-wolf as his mate. Mia Dalton is a weak human who lives under her abusive stepfather after her adoptive mother died. In the course of escaping from her stepfather, she meets Ethan deep inside the forest.ethan discovers that Mia is his mate but was put in a huge dilemma because the werewolf clan forbid them from having a human mate. Despite the disapproval of the elders, Ethan accepts Mia as his mate not fearing what the consequences might be. The werewolves fear that the forbidden relationship between Ethan and Mia might bring destruction that was foretold by the seer to the clan but Ethan refused to adhere to their plea. Will the relationship between them bring the destruction to the clan or will it save the clan from the destruction?

Abiodun_Victor · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Believing in that rumor, my parents try to push me to take another she-wolf and mark her as my mate but I refuse every time which ends up in a heated argument between me and my parent.

The fact that I'm their only child did not help my situation as their attention is solely on me.

The burden of being the future alpha has been on my shoulder since I was ten.

My father started training me in combat and self-defense at an early age when other children of my age were busy having fun and enjoying life.

I never got to enjoy my childhood which is the one reason I become cold-blooded.

Though my father is not complaining because that is what he wants.

He sighs and leans into his seat.

"The moonlight festival is approaching and your mother is planning to let you take over as the alpha.

You need to rule this pack with your Luna by your side."

"I will find her before the moonlight festival," I reply and pick up my fork.

"You have been saying that for a long time now and still, she's nowhere to be found.

Why not just take our advice and marry someone else instead of wasting your time waiting for her?"

My mom interfered with her deep blue eyes full of concern.

I dropped my fork out of frustration.

"Mom, we've talked about this. I'm not taking another she-wolf as my mate. My mate is still out there and I'm going to find her."

"What if she's already dead like they say?" Dad narrowed his eyes at me.

I pause for a moment, thinking of the possibility that my mate could be dead.

Raising my head to glance at my dad, I said, "I will only believe she's dead until I see her dead body with my eyes."

My dad bangs his hand on the table and stands up.

"I'm tired of your nonsense. I won't sit back and let my generation die with you," he yelled.

"I'm going to talk to Micheal tomorrow, you are going to marry his daughter and mark her as your mate."

"I will do no such thing." I stand up to match his stares.

Amelia is the beta's daughter who also hasn't found her mate. She's only twenty-six years old which is four years younger than I am.

Though Amelia is a beautiful girl and we have messed around a few times but I don't want to mark her as my mate.

What happens when my mate shows up later when I'm already mated to her? The drama is not going to be interesting to watch especially for me.

"You have no choice. I'm your alpha and you will do as I say." He marches out, leaving me and my mother in the dining room as we listen to his echoing footsteps on the stairs until they

completely fade away.

Running my fingers through my hair, I pace the dining room before I stop to look at my mom.

"Why is he being so difficult? What will he do when my mate shows up after I'm mated to Amelia?"

"I have no idea but we can't keep waiting for her." She stands up and pushes her chair back.

"Listen to your father, that's the only advice I can give you." She follow in the same direction my dad left in.

With anger coursing through my system, I storm out of the house, running into the forest.

As I increase my speed, I shift into my wolf form weaving my way past the trees. After running for almost 10 minutes, I stopped at a clearing as all the anger in me subside.

I gaze up at the moon illuminating the bright sky and howl out of frustration. As I put my head down and turn around to go back to the pack a sweet smell of vanilla hit my nose bud, making me stop in my track. All my senses heightened as I follow the direction of the scent before it register in my brain.
