
Power Trumps All (COMPLETE)

My life is complicated. My powers are complicated. The world I've found myself in isn't making my situation any easier too. The arrowverse is not as terrifying as some of the other screwed up worlds in the multiverse, but when you have people like Harrison wells running around and a more realistic spin to the Flash' rogue gallery...Power is the only way to save your ass. So that is what I'll strive for...Power Unending. *Cover pic ain't mine.

Saintbarbido · TV
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65 Chs

This Fight Is just Getting Started

10 advance Chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.


(Jin's P.O.V)

The first clash sent me flying away with a shocked look on my face. I managed to arrest my momentum in the air and blades of water appeared all around us. I sent them shooting towards the flash promptly. He entered Flash-time and all I could see was a streak of lightning dancing around my attacks with the grace of a ballerina. 

My water attacks weren't nearly as fast as needed, to be a problem for him but they accomplished their objective. While he was distracted, I called upon my weather wizard abilities. The clouds formed so fast I was left surprised. I flew higher and then, controlled a blast of lightning that was magnitudes larger than I had ever done in the past.

 Before, my body hadn't been strong enough to controll the full energy of the lightning but now? I laughed in glee as the energy flowed into me. I scrunch my eyebrows up as I looked over to my opponent.  Somehow the flash was running towards me while in the air. A blast of strong winds blasted out from me as the epicenter and pushed him back. 

I sucked all the lightning charge in the clouds. I even surpassed the limit I could safely hold all that energy without destroying the environment. My runic form came on and I quickly added stabilizing runes to my costume. There weren't a lot of runes I could add to the armor as the number was limited to 3. 

My eyes blazed with blue electric energy as I looked down at Barry akin to a god. His eyes started flashing with orange lightning that surprisingly had flashes of white intermixed. Both of us were eager to see who was faster. Him with the interdimensional hax called the speed-force or me, with my super adaptable body, capable of going at the speed of lightning (not yet though). 

The speed force provided more in terms of potential but here and right now, I was not going to be defeated. I calmly touched down on the ground. 

"I used to admire you Flash. The lengths that you'd go to to save people was awe-inspiring. But now, you're different. It's subtle but your blows are more ruthless than before. And your eyes, they're indifferent. You don't care if you have to bring me in broken or even…dead."

He shook his head in refusal.

"You're wrong. I just know not to hold back against someone like you. However, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't come quietly."

He'd wanted to defeat me so badly he'd probably sacrificed some of his ideals to do so. I didn't know how to feel knowing  that I was probably the reason why he had acquired a hunger for power that was totally out of character for him. All I knew was that I wasn't dealing with regular old Barry. The butterfly effects from my presence were finally showing.

We were about to start when I held up a hand.


My eyes widened. Thawne was heading straight for where Caitlin was. Fuck. 

My armor lit up as streaks of lightning encased my body. Boom! I left dust in my wake, shooting off towards Caitlin. I could feel the flash following me closely behind. His speed keeping up with mine despite the fact that I had the boost from the armor and was able to channel more lightning speed due to my stronger body.

I kept track of Thawne even as he blasted through the door to where Caitlin was through my water sense. 

Barry shoulder-checked me to a street light that groaned and bent when I slammed on to it. I caught his next fist and slammed my forehead to his nose. He reared back in pain, giving me a few seconds.

"The reverse flash is going after Caitlin. I don't have time for this."

I made to move but a lance of scarlet electricity impacted the ground before me. 

The explosion of granite and dust annoyed me and I controlled the water in the fire hydrant next to me to explode and cover the whole street. Then i froze it. The flash didn't register it and while running, he slipped and fell, ending up hitting the wall of a building with great momentum.

'That should keep him down for a while. I don't want to hurt him.'

I flew up and shockwaves exploded from my back. I had never measured my flight speed using my wind control and shockwaves but it had always been pretty fast. Now, it was blindingly fast when coupled with the levitation charms on the armor. 

I was quickly pulling nearer to where Thawne had Caitlin by the throat. I pulled my hand back and let loose a blast of pure unadulterated power. A lightning strike from the heavens onto them. I made sure to isolate Caitlin and the other residents completely from harm but the blast sent Thawne falling through the floor of the apartment they were to the downstairs area. The structural integrity of the building was lost however.

I was at most a 100 meters away from them. Divine water flew out of me quickly and covered Caitlin before she fell on a piece of metal rebar sticking out. I strained my water sense further than I had before and streams of water started saving people from the crumbling building. 

On the ground, the Flash was streaking around saving the bystanders on the sidewalks of the building. A news chopper was filming the whole thing no doubt because of the huge blast of lightning. A hand was going straight for Caitlin who was encased in the bubble of divine water. 

I wasted no moment to freeze it and pull it towards me. Twin hurricanes erupted from Thawne's position and debris flew over to where I was. It wasn't enough to make me lose sight or control of the situation for more than a second. Unfortunately, Thawne took advantage of that second to phase his hand through the ball and grab Caitlin's pendant. 


I growled out in annoyance. I secured Caitlin safe as Thawne disappeared away. The ball of divine water came to rest on another building  ways off from the wrecked one. I was about to let her out when I intercepted a fist from none other than our resident speedster. A shockwave exploded out of the palm holding the fist and threw him away from me.

He didn't fall like I'd thought however. Wing like energy constructs appeared on his back. His momentum came to a slow as he looked at me with a complicated look on his face. Alternating his sight from me to where Caitlin was.

"You blew up a building!"

"No one was hurt. And I'm getting tired of playing cops and robbers with you. If you're really Cate's friend, you would have checked up on her to see if she was okay first. Not tried to attack me."

"I was going to distract you first then speed her away from here. What do you know anyway, you have contributed a lot to this City's problems. What gives you the right to have the higher moral ground?"

I was tempted to say something snarky about how naive he was but it wasn't the time. Thawne was planning something and every second wasted was crucial. I tuned out Barry's voice and looked around. Thawne was still around the area. I couldn't get a specific reading of him as he was using something to block me out but the familiar hum of energy belonging to a speedster, granted from my lightning powers gave me a general direction. 

I wanted to end this tonight. No more games, posturing or stunts that would come to bite me back on the ass. I held up a hand.

"Look Barry, we're probably never gone see eye to eye but I want you to listen to what I have to say."

Maybe it was the seriousness on my face or the sincerity in my voice but he sighed and nodded. I stretched out a finger and pointed. 

"There's a man down there who has been pulling the strings and making you dance to his tune. He was the one who killed your mom and sent your father to prison. Before you became the flash, you did everything you could think of to get your father out of jail right? What happened? Why have you solely been focused on me all this time when you could have been using your powers and the countless resources belonging to Star labs to find him?"

He thought it over as his breath quickened and his eyes widened.

"Dr.Wells...he was the one advising me to deal with the most immediate threat...which was you. How...how did he know I could make constructs from the speed force? Or phase through objects?...how did he have all the answers to my questions?"

I closed my eyes. Oh boy, he's only just realising it now. Thawne you scheming bastard.

"I guess you have your answer. The man under that mask, is none other than Wells."

Barry leaned on the wall and his body slid down. He had a gob-smacked look on his face. Like a man who'd lost his will to live. 

"So all that time...all that fucking time. Was anything even true?"

He brought his head to his knees and screamed. 


There was so much anguish in his voice and I felt for him. We might have not been friends but he was one of the best heroes in DC. I mentally cracked the divine water ball beside us and Caitlin stumbled out. She looked like she wanted to talk to me but she nodded and went to hug Barry. He held on to her like a life-line as he surpressed his tears.

My runic form activated and I thought about my next step. I needed to seal this area to stop Thawne from leaving. There was a movie I'd watched back on my earth called Bright. It starred Will Smith about a modern day civilizations that was composed of creatures from fantasy co-existing with humans. 

My idea was inspired from that movie. What if I created a rune formation that stopped a speedster from leaving with me as the foci point. That would ensure that he couldn't speed 500 meters away from me. I hadn't created such a complicated rune before and normally it wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the armor I was wearing which increased my magic abilities as well.

I held out both hands and yellow light spread out from my feet. The runic formation started stabilizing and by the time Thawne found out something was wrong and tried to escape, it was already in effect. 

I controlled the wind to enhance my voice.

"Leaving so soon Thawne? Trust me you're going nowhere. This fight, is just getting started!"


10 advance Chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido

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