
Power That Rivals Gods

A world is filled with high level monsters, and human are only few in number to compare. hence, they are seeking help from other powerful magical creature, such a fairies, demon, and vampires.

Sahil_Lather_8123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The Other Worldly Powers

Reivant did not expect that kind of welcoming from his opponent, he took a deep breath as he looked at the damage that spell had done to the area.

while sweating he stood up and said," Dam that was some spell didn't expect that level of attack from you, you youngsters are getting troublesome day by day, but doesn't matter that is what we need in our army.

"But don't you dare underestimate me kiddo I have been fighting demons for more than a decade, let me show you my experience and talent," finishing the sentence Reivant vanished for a second and 'boom' he was in front of Luke with his sword ready to attack.

but his opponent remained unfazed and looked at him in his eyes, There were no signs of tension on his face instead he had excitement for the ongoing fight, suddenly Reivant attacked at full speed, as he fed a huge amount of magic to his sword, giving more destructive powers to his attack.

Luke standing not so far away from his opponent's attack range, dodges the first swing from Reivant with the help of his quick reflexes, a microsecond before the sword was about to hit his chest, Luke barely blocked his fierce attack but forced in that attack was too much to handle and first time in his life he lose grip and sword fly away few meters away, leaving him defenceless like a baby in front of Reivant.

not giving a chance to Reivant to attack him without a weapon, Luke runs for his sword, this has never happened before, not even in his life-and-death fight with demons, to this moment Reivant has become serious in the fight normally he would have let Luke get his sword but he wanted to test the limits of the Luke, so he continues with his attack, nothing to block with and due to a lot of disadvantages of fighting bare hand such a strong opponent, Luke decides to attack with magic that will give him time.

"light I summon you, and offer you my magic," Luke chanted the spell and his hand started to glow he continued with his spell, " holy light that fades away all of the darkness, I request you to hear my command and manifest in my hand," a bright light starts to appear in his hand that he throws away towards Reivant making him temporally blind, "what the,"  says Reivant as he suffers from the brightness as his eyes become normal again it takes some time to his eyes to adjust to surrounding again, "that is some useful underhanded way to fight, good I like it," reinvent spoke as he rubs his eyes.

opening his eyes he saw that Luke was ready to attack him with his sword, The common thing in fights every second can determine win or loss, the same thing happened here, not blaming Luke for his way of fighting, he took a fighting position again.

there was silence for a second before Luke made a first move, he struck with a hard lower body magic blow from afar away that Reivant doges easily with minimal movements, " dam to easy now it is my turn," said Reivant as he took attack formation.

taking deep breaths, he relaxed his body so that his magic could flow more easily from his body and boom in an instant he attacked with the same attack as before, but this time speed was out of the ordinary Luke gets no chance to even defend himself himself himself.

bleeding due to the little cut he got from Reivant's attack, he dodged it before he got heavily injured, hu? amazing never seen someone improving at this speed, you were able to see that attack?" reivant asks with surprise on his face.

"don't you think only you know how to let out the potential of your body in mid-fight, I have seen a fair share of my fight," as he was answering to reivant's question Luke felt a weird calmness in his body, it was not feeling tiredness or anything but instead he felt a strong urge to fight more.

"OK then here I go," listening to Luke's reivant smiles his brown not so long beard hiding how much he was smiling, he swings his swords left and right until finally reaching to Luke, and a series of continuous attacks surprises Luke.

Luke felt difficulty in backing up a fully powered reivant, he didn't give up and tried to put more mana into his attacks, normally he would have fallen due to the excessive use of magic but today he felt like he could go for much longer if he has will fight.

Suddenly that old voice echoes in Luke's mind," Why are you going easy on him Just stop yourself from holding back and defeat your opponent, let it go, let your power go out of control."

"Who are you, why are you in my mind, are you the same person that came to my mind when I fought with those demon generals," Luke asked to voice in his mind as he struggled to back up the person in front of him, even though his power has increased but it is still not enough to defeat reivant.

"yes, I am my love, just a little more I can feel you, defeat him and meet me as soon as possible, I am waiting for you,"

Luke felt chills as he heard her say Meet me, he felt as if someone cold wind had passed by him," So if I listen to her, then I should just stop worrying about magic and let out everything inside me if I want to win, and what does she mean by she can feel me?" luke thought to himself.

luke closes his eyes, as he holds back and takes a deep breath, he feels light inside the centre of his body, smoothing and making his body warm, he repeats words in his mind," Relax and let it out," again and again, as he deals disastrous and fatal blows.

he sees himself inside his own body and he stretches his hands to get that power, All of that thing happens in a second, in the next moment Luke opens his eyes and feels as if his body has become even lighter than before.

reivant was looking at Luke with calmness on his face," Are you a clown?, acting like a calm guy when you can't even push me back from my position, never seen such a calm face from a guy who is getting back down so badly" A second after that line he felt a sudden push from Luke's side, sparks generate.

suddenly reivant starts to feel overwhelming power, his legs start to slip in a backward direction, and Luke walks towards him backing him like lifting a weightless child.

after a few steps forward, Luke puts strength in his arms with a lot of magic from inside him and backs up reivant easily by throwing him in the air.

Reivant falls a few inches away from Luke, As he lies down on the ground he feels shame at how much he has been insulted by some newbie, and his rage increases second by second Now he is not smiling and only anger is visible on his face, normally all of this emotions is not like him, he is considered a smart guy who rarely gets angry, but to his won surprise suddenly he felt the urge to kill luke.

after taking an attack from earlier he stands up from the ground, "You dare to humiliate me like that now you are done for," reivant says as he picks up his sword in rage.

but something was strange, as he touched his sword he felt his rage amplified and he heard a voice, "Die you bastard you shall all die, all of your creation should die along with you," that voice rang in his head and his sword started to glow with a black dark aura, "what is happening with me, "reivant screams but it was too late all of the rages from earlier takes over to his body.

His eyes shine with red colour and his body becomes larger, "What is going on here, It doesn't look like one of Sir Rievant's tricks, so what could that be," Luke was thinking of a reason for the events, but he gets his answer from a new entity that seems to be taking over reivant.

"I Pasera god of wind shall destroy all of the things that are precious to you," his dark aura was increasing second by second, when Luke looked at him he felt as if he had been dragged into an infinite pool of sorrow and sadness.

Luke felt goosebumps all over his body he understood that somehow that story they heard from reivant was true and this thing calling himself wind god is none other than his spirit somehow manifested in Reivant's body.

Luke felt sweat on his palm from the overwhelming force he wanted to stop this deity but as soon as he moved even an inch that deity came with a killing intention towards Luke.

He somehow dodges the attack from him as he rolls down on the ground he is not even using any spell, all he sees is a wind blowing toward him, he feels as if he has seen the wind himself attacking with its own will.

"Dam that is dangerous What do I do now,"  not giving a lot of thought to the reason what was going on Luke thinks of some ideas as he hears a voice in his head again.

"Let me take over for you, I can kill him for you easily," a white figure spoke to Luke with a smile, he didn't see it smiling but he felt as if that thing was happy as they said this line.

"No way, that means killing Sir Reivant, I can't do that and besides I feel sadness from that thing, I wanna know why he is sad and if I can help him somehow,"

"What but thing might kill you before it even let you talk with him, look at his power and aura, let him die, it will be great for both of them," that person in light speaks stating obvious to Luke, as he gives luke a surprising look and he continued, " dam you are still same, soft as ever."

"I know but there should be a way," Luke was getting used to talking with a voice in his mind as he talked with it more and more.

"Good but don't blame me in the afterlife if you die," that shining figure says as he looks at the opponent who has lost control of his body.

Luke knew that it could be dangerous to fight with such an opponent but he didn't have any choice, "Edward must be watching our fight, I hope he comes here before Mr. Reivant gets out of control, it will be bad if that that unknown being calling himself god takes over to his body permanaterly, more time goes by more dangerous it will be." he thought to himself.

He wanted to stop that evil being from taking over Reivant's body but he still didn't know how to handle his recently awakened power and what could be consequences if used for a long time, thinking for a while Luke shouted in a loud voice," sir Edward something is not ok here can you come here and help Mr reivant, he doesn't look so good to me," but no response comes from another side.

"Don't tell me he went somewhere else, dam That means I have to hold him back until Sir Edward comes back," as Luke thought everything in his mind he moved away further back from that evil being, and made a safe distance.

His motive now was different he had to make sure that he held back the rievant without actually hurting him and save himself in the process.

On the other side, Sasha was looking at the screen with anxiety and knew Luke needed urgent help from someone, looking at the senior standing beside her, she asked her," Madam Elsa this doesn't seem right we should go there to help them,"

I would like to but it will be like marching right into death, reivant is stronger than us even in his normal form and now this, we need someone of captain level from our squad,'' Elsa bit her lips as she looked at the screen feeling helpless.

But mam it doesn't matter here if we can defeat him or not, we can at least hold him back until someone from upper rank comes to us for our help,"

Listening to a girl with a lot of belief in her voice Elsa smiles," I am sorry, even though I am a soldier of this proud kingdom, I forgot my duty to protect citizens even if I die in the process, especially if it is for my future juniours."

She shouts in a loud voice calling for help from Edward," Sir Edward please come to help us as soon as possible," Elsa requests the captain because she knows that only he or only other top members can stop him from going out of control.

Arcus lying down in the camp hears the loud noise and wakes up, hu what is happening outside," he asks from a soldier who was taking care of him.

"It seems something happened with Sir Reivant and he is out for blood, your friend is in deep danger," a guy sitting behind the soldier in a white coat spoke with no surprise in his voice.

Hearing about a situation from a medic, arcus stands up even after his body feels heavy to him runs towards Sahsa, and reaches to her in no time.

"Arcus you should be in bed, why are you here?" she asks Arcus with a worried look.

I am okay but what about Luke, how is he doing," arcus looks at Sceen as he asks questions, showing his worry for Luke.

"Not good we should go to him as soon as possible,"

"Good idea Sasha we should do that, let us all three of us help him holding back sir reivant until someone capable of stopping him comes to our rescue." arcus speaks in a weak voice, showing his weakness from a fight before.......