
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

You're Order?

The bartenders giggle and speak in a playful, flirtatious tone, tapping the teenager's shoulder to grab his attention. His focus was elsewhere, but he blinks and turns to face them, intrigued by the cheerful atmosphere and the sight of the bartenders' happy faces. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses fills the air, creating a lively ambiance.

"Oooh, sorry boys, we got a little distracted back there! You know how Becky can be, always trying to entertain the customers a little too much," the bartenders say with playful winks. Becky playfully slaps her legs and rolls her eyes in amusement. The scent of fragrant cocktails and the aroma of delicious food waft from the bar, enticing the senses.

"It's not my fault most of them are so cute and handsome," Becky scoffs, flicking her nails a bit. The sound of her nails tapping against the bar counter adds to the lively atmosphere.

"But no worries, we're here now and ready to serve you fine gentlemen! What can we get you to eat and drink this evening?" One of the bartenders leans in a bit closer, their playful tone continuing. The teenager nods nervously, chuckling through his mask. He notices that Becky's maid outfit looks different from the others, adding a touch of uniqueness to the scene. He adjusts himself on the stool, trying to listen as best as he can over the background chatter and clinking glasses. The warm glow of the bar lights casts a cozy glow on the scene, enhancing the atmosphere.

The teenage boy's eyes widen slightly as the maid-clad bartender approaches, a faint blush rising to his cheeks at her flirtatious tone. He glances over at Ozpin, as if silently seeking the older man's guidance on how to respond, feeling his shyness intensify.

Ozpin clears his throat, shifting in his seat as he addresses the bartender. "Ah, yes, well... We'll take two house specials, if you don't mind. And perhaps you could tell us a bit more about this 'Karlin' character your colleague was so... enthusiastic about?"

The bartender's eyes light up, her smile widening as she nods eagerly. "Karlin? Oh, he's quite the local legend around these parts!" She leans in conspiratorially, her voice dropping to a whisper. The low hum of conversation and clinking glasses fills the air, adding to the ambiance. "Rumor has it he's some kind of ninja, in with all the big crime bosses. Always seems to be one step ahead of the law, that one."

She pauses, glancing around the dimly lit bar before continuing. The soft, warm glow of the hanging lanterns casts a gentle illumination on the patrons, creating an intimate atmosphere. "But I probably shouldn't be gossiping about him. Wouldn't want to get on his bad side, you know?" The bartender straightens up, her cheerful demeanor returning as she jots down their order. The sound of her pen scratching against the notepad echoes faintly. "Anyway, your drinks will be right out, gentlemen. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you."

As the bartender saunters off, the teenager turns to Ozpin, his brow furrowed in concern. The muffled chatter and laughter of the bar patrons provide a backdrop of noise. "A ninja crime boss, huh? This place is starting to feel a lot more dangerous than I thought. You sure we should be sticking around?"

Ozpin strokes his chin thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the retreating bartender. The scent of alcohol and a mix of various fragrances from the patrons lingers in the air, creating a distinct aroma. "Perhaps we should... investigate further. There may be more to this Karlin character than meets the eye. And if he's truly as formidable as the rumors suggest, it could be valuable information to have."

The teenager hesitates, his fingers drumming nervously against the tabletop. The smooth surface of the table feels cool beneath his fingertips. "I don't know, Oz. This feels like it could be way over our heads. Maybe we should just cut our losses and get out of this place while we still can."

Ozpin's lips curve into a reassuring smile as he places a hand on the teenager's shoulder. The gentle pressure of his hand offers comfort and support. "Trust me, my friend. I have a good feeling about this. Besides, with your skills you mastered from your past and my... shall we say, unique expertise, I believe we make quite the formidable team. What do you say we see where this rabbit hole leads?"

The teenager's expression wavers, a glimmer of uncertainty still lingering in his eyes, but he nods slowly, a faint determination beginning to take hold. The distant sound of music playing in the background adds a hint of melody to the air. "Alright, Oz. Lead the way. But if things start to go south, we're out of here, got it?"

Ozpin chuckles, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous gleam. The soft chuckle blends with the melody, creating a moment of shared amusement. "Duly noted. Now, let's see what we can uncover about this elusive Karlin, shall we?"