
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Flash Back Duel Brother Madness

Kevin's mind raced as he struggled to piece together the events of the previous night, his thoughts colliding like crashing waves against the shores of his memory. How had he ended up in such a battered state, confined to the sterile confines of his gleaming dorm room? The silence within was a stark contrast to the cacophony outside, where the clanging of metal against metal reverberated through the air, stubbornly refusing to dissipate.

With a sudden jolt, his mind transported him back to the chaotic scene of the bar, his body hurtling through the wreckage of shattered furniture and broken shards of alcohol-stained glass. Each fragment pierced his skin like fiery needles, eliciting a searing pain that made him cry out in a mixture of anguish and determination. Rising to his feet, he clutched his sword tightly, its polished surface gleaming as it caught the rays of light filtering through the bar's turmoil. He took deep, steadying breaths, preparing himself to face his own brother.

Karlin, his eyes filled with disdain, scoffed with a flick of his wrist, sending three flashes of fury slicing through the air. Standing beside him were Professor Ozpin and Kevin's best friend Sam, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and shock, hesitant to intervene in the escalating fight. On the sidelines, the associates of Karlin's nefarious Salem organization watched, their features obscured by ninja attire, blending seamlessly into the shadows. Their dark uniforms bore a hint of crimson red, a symbolic representation of a blood-stained tiger's eye, its sharp teeth a testament to their predatory nature as hunters drenched in the blood of their prey.

Kalrin, wielding his two gleaming katanas, and Kevin, gripping his trusty sword, charged at each other within the battered remains of the bar. Their clash was swift and explosive, the clash of their swords reverberating through the air like the searing clash of molten metal. Blades collided with such force that sparks flew, and both combatants swiftly maneuvered, their movements a blur.

Karlin grunted as he pursued Kevin, his two katanas slashing through the air in a daring jump attack. Kevin groaned as he parried the onslaught, the impact driving him several feet backward. Seizing his newfound speed, Kevin leaped forward, delivering a series of swift strikes that tested Karlin's defenses. Karlin expertly parried each sword strike with one of his katanas, stepping back gracefully to maintain his momentum and footing. The ferocity of their exchange intensified, with Kevin launching a backhand spin attack aimed at Karlin's legs, attempting to sweep his sword low. Karlin, however, leaped over the sword's path, countering with an uppercut that sent Kevin back to his feet. In a display of agility, Kevin executed a spinning right-hand sword swish aimed at Karlin's face. Karlin deftly weaved back, countering with a close-range knee jab, exploiting Kevin's momentary opening. Kevin groaned, momentarily airborne, as Karlin launched a dual sword slash at him. Kevin's footwork and quick reflexes allowed him to parry but pushed him a few more feet back, throwing off his balance.

Kevin grunted, falling to his knees, as Karlin advanced with a spinning edge sword attack. Kevin, channeling his inner ballerina, engaged in a mid-level sword whirlpool, skillfully parrying each spinning strike from Karlin. The clash continued, with grunts and groans accompanying the relentless exchange of metal upon metal, resembling a blazing gunfight. The clash reached its peak as both combatants were sent flying several feet back from each other, the impact resonating through the air.

Kevin, propelled by his jump, landed a hit on Karlin, forcing him to step back. Karlin, using one of his katanas to parry, pushed Kevin back, maintaining his ground. The two engaged in a relentless exchange of blows, uppercuts, thrusts, and jabs, keeping each other on their toes. Each strike carried the weight of their determination, their jaws clashing with bone-breaking force after every hit. Kevin tried to keep up, weaving, dodging, and counter-attacking, but Karlin's skill was formidable. Kevin received an elbow strike to his arms and a sword hit to his rear, further pushing him back. Kevin was momentarily on the defensive, but he quickly recovered, executing a large slide step to smash his sword downward. Kevin then charged at Karlin with renewed vigor, engaging in a symphony of sword clashes that grew louder with each strike. In a display of agility, Karlin executed a limbo-like maneuver, slicing through the air and slicing Kevin's body in half. With a swift backflip, Karlin landed gracefully, katanas clashing with Kevin's sword as they struggled, each aiming to deliver a fatal blow.

Professor Ozpin and Sam watched in awe as the intensity of the fight unfolded before their eyes. Sam had never seen Kevin reach such heights of skill and watched from the sidelines as Kevin held his own against Karlin, one of Salem's top associates. The clash of swords filled the air with a metallic burn as the two combatants grunted and glared at each other. The struggle between them was fierce, at times pushing one towards the other, but Karlin managed to break free, sending Kevin flying across the bar, crashing into the walls. Kevin somersaulted in the air, landing with a groan, fear etched on his face as he watched Karlin advance towards him, his speed and aggression increasing. Kevin did his best to defend and parry Karlin's relentless attacks, his superhuman speed pushing him to the limits of his endurance. Karlin's katanas blazed with fire and fury, striking with lightning-fast spinning attacks and powerful haymakers. Kevin exerted every ounce of his super speed, sacrificing his fatigue to keep up with the onslaught, hoping his energy wouldn't run out. Karlin unleashed a torrent of hellish strikes, raining fire upon Kevin with his dual katanas. Desperately, Kevin hugged the wall, kicking himself off the corners, attempting to escape the onslaught, unsure if he would survive. As he limboed behind Karlin, his sword struck Karlin's body with a fierce slash, causing Karlin to crash into the wall, leaving a significant dent. Karlin groaned in rage and pain, his blood sizzling slightly as it dripped from his wounds. With a corner of his eye, Karlin saw Kevin approaching, slowly rising to his feet.

Karlin stood ready, muscles tense and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He prepared to launch a counterattack against his opponent, Kevin. The air was thick with anticipation as they faced off in a dimly lit room, the scent of sweat and leather hanging in the air.

Kevin, aware of his slower reflexes, relied on his agility to gain an advantage. With a swift motion, he traded his brush for a sword, slashing it towards Karlin's chest. The impact made Karlin groan, lifting him off the ground and leaving him temporarily invulnerable. The clash of their swords echoed through the room as Kevin unleashed a flurry of strikes, slicing from left to right and up and down, causing Karlin's blood to spill with each hit. Kevin, feeling the strain, groaned and pushed himself to attack even faster, spinning and lunging at Karlin with relentless determination.

The chaos created a haze of dust, making it difficult for Sam and Professor Ozpin to see clearly. They coughed as the dust settled, revealing the battered state of the bar they were in. They hoped that Karlin had been defeated, that he could fight no more. Their attention turned to Kevin, who emerged from the dust cloud, ready to deliver the final blow or render his opponent senseless. Sam, cautious of being caught in the crossfire, hesitated to move, feeling a sense of unease as he observed Salem's associates watching the fight with unwavering expressions.

The dust cleared further, and Sam could see Kevin closing in on Karlin, his sword poised for a thrust towards Karlin's stomach. Karlin groaned in pain, a red aura surrounding him, a testament to his formidable swordsmanship and chakra abilities. Suddenly, Kevin was sent flying, crashing into the walls, propelled by Karlin's retaliatory strike. The impact left broken walls and dents in the floor, creating a scene of destruction. Sam and Professor Ozpin remained on the outskirts, their hearts racing and a chill running down their spines.

The fight continued with a relentless exchange of blows. They parried, slashed, and dodged, their bodies in constant motion as they battled all over the bar. Each strike reverberated through the room, swords clashing with a deafening sound. The bar had transformed into a war zone, and Sam and Professor Ozpin wisely stayed out of the fray, seeking safety on a catwalk overlooking the chaos.

Looking up from their vantage point, they witnessed Kevin and Karlin engaged in a high-intensity duel. They moved with precision, their swords spinning and clashing in a dizzying display of skill. It was as if they were in a whirlwind or a tornado, their movements disorienting and confusing. Kevin managed to land a devastating blow, thrusting his sword through Karlin's chest. Karlin screamed in pain, and a red aura flashed around him, showcasing his resilience.

Kevin withdrew his sword, inflicting more pain with a pressure point strike and a powerful sword smash. Karlin was sent flying, crashing to the ground with a loud thud, appearing defeated and in immense pain. As the sound of the fight echoed through the bar, Kevin approached, ready to deliver a final blow. But before he could strike, Kalrin retaliated, teleporting behind Kevin and thrusting his sword into Kevin's back. Kevin groaned and tried to turn around to mount a counterattack, but Kalrin teleported again, this time with a swift roundhouse kick that sent Kevin crashing into the wall.

Kevin tumbled across the bar, while Kalrin, fueled by a red aura of fury, advanced with a relentless onslaught. His sword smashed into Kevin with bone-crushing blows, leaving Kevin defenseless and vulnerable. Kalrin teleported once more, this time appearing behind Kevin and thrusting his sword through Kevin's chest. Kevin cried out in pain, blood pouring from his wounds. As he staggered, Kalrin landed a spinning kick that sent Kevin sprawling across the floor. The force of the impact tore through the floor, leaving marks and exposing the underlying structure.

With Kevin weakened and barely moving, Kalrin descended to the ground level. Salem's associates applauded, their hands clapping in approval. Sam and Professor Ozpin stood in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief as they witnessed Kevin lying defeated. Goosebumps ran down their arms, and their hearts raced as they comprehended the magnitude of the battle that had unfolded before them.

Kalrin approached Kevin slowly, his eyes glinting with a mix of triumph and malice. Kevin, feeling weak and unable to move, observed the blood-soaked lips of his adversary and gulped, realizing that his fate was sealed. Suddenly, Kevin gasped and snapped back to reality. He was in his own bed, safe and sound, but the memories of the intense fight flooded his mind. He hyperventilated, forgetting about the pain he had experienced, as the vivid recollection of the battle felt as though it had just occurred.