
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


As Ruby cautiously approaches Kevin, a slight knot forms in her stomach, and she inhales deeply, attempting to steady her nerves. The air feels cool and crisp, carrying a hint of autumn's arrival, as if mirroring the uncertainty in Ruby's heart. She can't help but notice the soft sound of her own breath, a subtle rush of air filling her lungs, as she mentally prepares herself for the forthcoming conversation.

Entering Kevin's room alongside Ruby, Sam's footsteps create a faint echo against the wooden floor. The room itself is dimly lit, with a solitary lamp casting a warm glow that dances across the walls. The ambiance is hushed, almost reverential, as if the very atmosphere holds its breath in anticipation. It's as if time slows down, allowing the weight of the emotions in the room to settle.

In the corner, Kevin sits in a worn armchair, his gaze fixed intently on the floor beneath him. His body seems to sink into the chair, embracing its familiarity, while his mind drifts into a deep contemplation. The silence is palpable, heavy with unspoken thoughts and unexpressed sentiments. Ruby can't help but feel a pang of sympathy as she observes the pensive expression etched upon Kevin's face.

Seeing Kevin lost in his thoughts, Ruby's voice emerges like a delicate whisper, barely breaking the stillness. She carefully chooses her words, mindful of not disrupting the fragile tranquility that surrounds him. The sound of her voice carries a tenderness, as if each syllable is coated with empathy and concern. She addresses him by name, her voice infused with a gentle plea for connection.

Kevin slowly turns his head, his eyes emerging from the depths of his contemplation. As he does so, he shifts slightly in his chair, the soft rustling of the red velvet upholstery adding a subtle touch of texture to the scene. His dorm room, adorned with personal mementos and cherished belongings, becomes a backdrop to this intimate moment.

With a small yawn escaping his lips, Kevin readjusts himself, briefly breaking the spell of introspection. His gaze momentarily wanders to the window, where outside the bustling academy campus unfolds, filled with the vibrant energy of students and teachers going about their day. But as his eyes return to Ruby, curiosity flickers within them, accompanied by a hint of fatigue. He inhales deeply, drawing in the scents of familiarity and the weight of the conversation that hangs in the air.

"I need to ask you something," Ruby continues, her voice barely above a whisper, as if she's afraid to disturb the delicate balance of the room. The air hangs heavy with anticipation, each word carrying a weight that adds to the tension. Ruby's breath catches slightly, the sound almost imperceptible, as she prepares to broach the subject of Melanie.

Kevin's head tilts ever so slightly, his curiosity piqued and his muscles tense with anticipation. His gaze locks onto Ruby, his eyes reflecting a mix of wariness and guarded curiosity. It's as if he's bracing himself for what might come next, the unspoken words hanging in the air like a fragile thread.

"If you'd rather not talk about it..." Ruby trails off, her voice trailing away, leaving room for silence to settle in. Yet, Kevin shakes his head, determination etched across his features, a glimmer of warmth in his smile. His eyes briefly glance at his friend Sam, taking in their shared surroundings in the dorm room. The red velvet beds, facing each other like silent witnesses to their conversations and shared memories. Sam taps his chin, lost in thought, his gaze drawn to the childhood pictures displayed on Kevin's wall. The images capture moments of joy and innocence, a stark contrast to the tensions that now fill the room. Sam's eyes soften, a deep sadness reflected in their depths, as he can't help but wonder what led to the fracture between Kevin and Karlin, the destructive event that forever changed their lives.

"Man, what happened to you guys?" Sam's voice trembles with a mix of concern and sorrow, his eyes pleading for answers. The sudden outburst startles Kevin, who raises his voice to drown out the noise that threatens the fragile calm. "Sam!" Kevin's voice cuts through the air, carrying a mix of frustration and worry. Sam stumbles back, his back hitting the bed, a soft thud resonating through the room. He winces, his face meeting the cold floor, the impact leaving a dull ache.

Apologizing with a nervous smile, Sam scrambles to his feet, readjusting his glasses. He can't help but feel a lingering bitterness in his heart as he looks away, folding his arms in a protective stance. His attention drifts towards the window, where the academy buzzes with activity. The sight of students engaged in a volleyball competition, their movements swift and purposeful, brings a sense of detachment from the emotional turmoil within the room.

"What do you want to know about Melanie?" Kevin's voice breaks through the silence, soft and gentle, as if he's treading on fragile ground. The weight of his words hangs in the air, mingling with the uncertainty and unspoken truths swirling between them.

"I wanted to ask why you never told me about her." Ruby's voice softens, carrying a gentle tone laced with apology. She treads carefully, as if aware of the delicate nature of her inquiry, as if she fears crossing the boundaries of Kevin's personal space.

Kevin's face contorts into a sorrowful frown, his gaze dropping to the floor below. He inhales deeply, the room growing heavy with tension as Ruby's words draw his attention back to the memory of Melanie. The image of Melanie sitting beside him that night flashes vividly in Kevin's mind, and a wave of guilt washes over him, etching itself upon his features.

"I'm sorry," Kevin begins, his voice tinged with a mix of remorse and vulnerability. His fingers twirl nervously, tracing invisible patterns on the floor. "I always thought I'd never see her again. I got caught up in being a ladies' man in high school, chasing after the popular girls. I never thought one of them would stick around for long." Kevin pauses, his breath catching between the fragments of his memories. "There was this girl who struggled with bad breath, and my friends would make fun of her, telling me to dump her. But I didn't care," Kevin continues, his voice punctuated by deep breaths. "I wanted to help her. She leaned into me, resting her head on my lap, seeking the comfort of a boyfriend-girlfriend bond, the kind of love that parents can't provide or that you can't find in casual dating."

Sam lets out a laugh, a snicker escaping his lips, but Kevin shoots him a sharp, disapproving glare. Sam quickly stifles his amusement, taking a moment to compose himself, focusing his attention on the sights and sounds of the lively academy outside Kevin's window. Meanwhile, Kevin remains perched on his slightly disheveled bed, his thoughts still entangled in the memories he relives.

"We even had conversations, got to know each other's names. My parents got to know her too. We bonded over our shared love for gaming," Kevin confesses, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "But she broke my heart, making out with the school bully months later, on my birthday. I had saved us donuts from that day, hoping we could celebrate together at school." Kevin's voice cracks as tears stream down his face. "It's too late to undo what happened. I saw her in a café, moving on. She was the only one who truly wanted me, but I couldn't see it amidst my desire for a harem of fleeting connections."

Ruby Rose approaches Kevin, her arms open wide, offering solace in the form of a warm embrace. He collapses into her, his body trembling with the weight of his emotions, still caught in the grip of tears. "And her name was Jody..." Kevin begins to speak, but Ruby's finger presses gently against his lips, silencing his words. "Shhh," she whispers, her voice laced with a seductive tenderness, urging him to be silent. Kevin clings to Ruby, seeking solace in their shared embrace, finding a momentary respite from the storm of his emotions.

Ruby's arms envelop Kevin, creating a cocoon of warmth and comfort. The pressure of her embrace tightens, pulling him closer, as if seeking to shield him from the weight of his guilt. Her words escape her lips in a gentle murmur, barely audible, as if she's sharing a secret meant for his ears alone. The softness of her tone carries an undercurrent of sympathy and compassion, washing away any trace of judgment or guilt.

"Kevin, you were a kid," Ruby whispers, her voice barely grazing the air. "Kids do stupid things. And you cared for someone, even after she hurt you. Don't forget that."

Her arm, draped across Kevin's shoulder, offers a physical reassurance, grounding him in the present moment. It conveys a sense of support, a reminder that he is not alone in his struggle.

"There's no need to hold onto guilt about that time," Ruby continues, her words weaving a tapestry of encouragement. Her voice, though soft, carries a quiet strength. "You didn't do anything wrong. You did care, and you still do, whether you realize it or not. You always will."

In the embrace of Ruby's arms, Kevin feels a release, as if the weight of his past mistakes has been lifted, replaced by a glimmer of self-forgiveness. The sensory details paint a picture of solace and understanding, highlighting the power of human connection and the healing nature of compassionate words.