
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chasing Evil Shinbou

Karlin dashed through the streets of Avenue Jenny, his footsteps echoing against the pavement. Couples and people hurriedly scattered, their bodies colliding as he rushed past them. The scent of sizzling hot dogs wafted from the food corner, blending with the sound of frustrated exclamations and the clatter of tumbling bodies. Karlin vaulted forward, weaving through cars and pedestrians, his senses heightened by the urgency of his pursuit.

As he sprinted, a gust of icy wind swept across his face, carrying the chill of Shanick's ice power. The cars on the road seemed to slow, frozen in time for Karlin's safety. He leaped into the air, defying gravity with each stride, landing gracefully on the shimmering ice breakers that brought him to a halt. His breath quickened as he groaned, the slick surface challenging his balance.

With a flick of his wrist, Karlin unsheathed his katana, its blade slicing through the air with a swift sound. He executed a flawless flip, snatching the strings of Shanick's ice power with a burst of force from his hand. Electricity crackled through his fingertips, shocking Shanick as she was dragged across the ground. A powerful uppercut sent her sprawling, crashing into the doors of nearby buildings, her pained groans filling the air.

However, Karlin's respite was short-lived. The heroes, dizzy from the clash, regrouped, launching into a flurry of aerobatic movements. Spinning kicks and punches of immense power were aimed at him, but he blocked and weaved with precision. The butt ends of his katana served as a formidable defense, halting their assault. With a swift snip, he swooped in, landing a decisive strike across their faces, causing them to stumble and granting him more time to escape the pursuit.

The sound of police sirens blared, attempting to cut off Karlin's path. He darted through alleyways, evading their pursuit. Ducking and weaving past people and food stands, he dashed through a lively celebration downtown. Balloons popped beneath his feet as he slid and stepped, navigating through the festive chaos. It resembled a Tetris game, each move calculated to find an escape route back to headquarters.

Aroan, gun in hand, slickly stepped forward, attempting to maintain the chase. The police officers and bystanders followed his lead, trying to gently push people aside, their gloved hands ensuring minimal disruption. The tension in the air was palpable as they raced through the party of a football game, the energy of the Super Bowl filling the atmosphere.

The police officers and heroes were determined not to let off any shots, aware of the risk to innocent bystanders. Karlin was their target, and they pursued him with relentless focus, maneuvering through the crowd, their actions blending with the shrieks of startled onlookers. The hot pursuit continued, with the bustling excitement of the Super Bowl serving as the backdrop to their chase, creating a chaotic scene filled with adrenaline and urgency.

As Karlin raced through the Super Bowl 50 rally party, the atmosphere was electric with excitement. The party was teeming with a diverse crowd of people, including families, couples, and groups of friends. The ladies cheered on their favorite teams, their faces painted with team colors, while children ran around with footballs, mimicking their favorite players.

As Karlin bolted past the multitude of partygoers, his Minaj mask drew startled reactions from fathers and couples. Some fathers instinctively shielded their children, while couples grabbed each other's hands, their gazes fixed on the armed figure rushing past them. The sight of a masked man running through the festivities sent waves of confusion and concern rippling through the crowd.

The police, recognizing the threat, quickly took action. Sprinting in different angles, they tried to cut off Karlin's escape routes. They shouted for people to clear the way, creating a path for the pursuit. The reactions of the onlookers varied, with some frozen in shock, others scrambling to move out of the way, and a few brave souls attempting to capture the unfolding chaos on their smartphones.

Amidst the madness, Karlin skillfully maneuvered through the sea of people. He slid, stepped, and twirled, using the distractions of the party to his advantage. He hooked onto railings and leaped over obstacles, seamlessly blending into the lively atmosphere. People gasped and stepped back as he darted past them, their expressions ranging from awe to fear.

Karlin's escape took him to the dance floor area, where neon lights illuminated the room. The thumping beats of the music filled the air as he burst through the doors, and the partygoers turned their heads in surprise. Aroan and the police force, determined to apprehend Karlin, raced after him, their footsteps echoing through the room.

The chase continued amidst the pulsating energy of the Super Bowl party. Karlin's every move was met with startled glances and bewildered gasps from the revelers. Some people stepped aside, trying to avoid the commotion, while others found themselves caught up in the chaos, stumbling and colliding with each other.