

I'm going to re-define everything you've watched about power rangers with some bullshit and as we all know I don't own power rangers first of all,in my fanfiction magic can be used with sources of power like the Morphin grid and there are some people who are talented enough to use magic because they've come in contact with a source of power and a lot of magic e.g Preston from power rangers ninja steel who I still think shouldn't have used magic due to the season being ninja themed he gained his magic due to the prism giving him a source of power and after losing his powers could still use magic due to him using his wand and the other sources of magic mages in their universe used.now on to the first type of magic


This type of magic is pretty common in power rangers think about it what do you think morphers are,artifacts the rangers use to morph.its pretty simple


Dimensional magic

used by tapping into the power of other dimensions for power and energy power rangers do the same with the Morphin grid as do nightlok with the senzu river as they can't live without it,also power rangers mystic force as they tapped not into the Morphin grid but into the magic made by a woman named the mistress who I suspect was a Morphin master and she gave them the power of the Morphin grid in a different form by giving them Morphin magic<like the name,it has a nice ring to it doesn't it.>and i think due to the many fight with monsters in their universe it leaked and pieces of was in everybody as strangely nobody could use magic before the rangers gained their powers even them do I don't think it's their power as it was only when they got their wands could they do MAGIC.and the last but not least not technically magic.



it is used by primus as its possiblities of this power is endless it can heal,attack, mind control and even brainwash and I think we've only seen the beginning, difference sporix had different power but they all yse sporix power but the way they use it differs but in the end they all use sporix energy and are very powerful and can't die so they re-hatch after they are destroying and the only way to destroy them is to completely disintegrate them like the hold ranger did in his debut.


well thanks for reading but remember all I wrote is all a lot of bull wrapped in even more shit so anyone can give me better ideas.thanks for reading.michael out