
Dark wish part 3

Eddie looks down at the muddy ground where he last saw his mother before she was dragged down to the underground. As he looks round in the dirt he sees her hand print, still firmly set in the mud. He moves his hand into the print and it makes him feel closer to her for a brief moment. He had just only got her back into his life and now she was taken from him.

He hears the splatter of mud as the others move in closer to him. He looks at them as they arrive and he knows they are tired and hurt just like he is, he remembers that his mother had been a mentor to them all. As he thinks back to all the hurt he has suffered and the hurt he has witnessed, he can feel his anger building up inside him. His free hand starts to clench as the anger builds up, but it soon stops when he feels a familiar warm hand firmly pressed on his arm. He turns to see who it is but he already knows. His eyes land on Buck, who is smiling, and in that one moment all the anger he had raging inside him disperses.

"We will get her back, I promise you," Buck says.

"He's right, we will," V adds.

"You're right," Eddie says.

"Red Ranger, how does it feel knowing you couldn't even save your mother? Pretty pathetic, I would say," Black Lance laughs, the laugh goes through Eddie like a knife and the anger boils over him. With that comment looming over him he decides he has had enough, stands up and starts walking towards the monster.

"Eddie, wait!" Xander shouts. Buck watches as Eddie morphs.

"You will pay for this!" Eddie shouts and the angry tone could be heard echoing through the battlefield.

Buck watches as Eddie starts lashing out at Black Lance, landing his sword strikes on the shield. There was no fighting style, just pure rage. Buck starts to question if this anger he had seen and was watching yet again was the real Eddie, as all he seemed to do was resort to anger. Buck slowly stands up and then helps the others up, as they watch Eddie continue to bash at the shield. It finally smashes, Eddie flips back and Black Lance fires a lightning attack towards Eddie and Eddie ducks for cover, only to be protected by Fire Heart, his dragon. As the dust settles, Eddie walks out with the dragon armour proudly supported and he charges at Black Lance landing several strong attacks, sending Black Lance backwards. As they watch Black Lance struggle to stand up. Eddie flicks his hand up and Fire Heart separates from him and flies away.

"Do you guys want a piece of the action?" Eddie says, turning to the rest.

"Sure!" V says.

"Magical source, Mystic force!" they say in unison.

Once morphed, they all summon their magi staffs and start charging at Black Lance. They all start hitting with their different elemental attacks, sending Black Lance backwards. As they watch the weakened monster, they take formation and join their magi staffs together and fire a combined attack at it. As it hits the monster, he explodes. All that's left is a ditch where it once stood.

"That's another one down," Maddison states.

"Yeah, only Sculpin and the Master left," Xander explains.

"The harder ones, but as a team we will win," Buck states.

"Of course, no one will beat us now," V laughs.

The Rangers all high five and Buck notices that Eddie is looking out towards the battlefield.

"I promised you, we will get her back. And you know we will," Buck states. Eddie wants to ask about what Buck had said. He needed to know.

"It's not that, I was thinking… You know what, it doesn't matter," Eddie says, beating himself up for being a coward.

"No go on. We are a team and we're best friends," Buck says. Eddie questions the best friend part as he knows Buck feels more towards him than best friend.

"Are we?" Eddie asks and that question throws Buck into turmoil; what did Eddie mean by that?

Before Buck could ask anything in return, the sky goes dark and flashes of red lightning appear in the sky. Buck feels a shiver down his spine as the air goes cold, and Eddie knows straight away what is coming.

"What's happening?" Maddison asks.

"It's him," Eddie snarls.

An evil laugh filled the area as the giant form of the Master appeared, towering over the Rangers. They move to a more open area and take in the sheer size of the Master.

"There is no way we have a chance to beat him," Xander says.

"Don't talk soft!" V replies.

"Where are Daggeron and my father?" Eddie shouts.

"Ah yes! The foolish warriors who failed back then to stop me, and failed again. Well, here, you can have their bodies. I've taken what I need from them," the Master says with an evil laugh.

Two of the Master's long tentacles grow out and drop two objects which hit the floor with a loud thud. Eddie was in shock and so was Buck.

"Daggeron!" Maddison shouts as she runs over to his lifeless body. Buck watches as V and Xander follow her, he turns to Eddie and sees him holding his father's body.

"Eddie, I'm sorry," Buck says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Buck. It's mine," Eddie states and Buck is confused.

"Why is it?" Buck asks.

"If I had just tried harder, trained more and rejected the offer the Master made me, I would have been strong enough to beat him and no one would have died. My dad was right, my actions have consequences and it's my fault," Eddie states. Buck feels like the wind has been knocked out of him, hearing Eddie confess that he thinks it's his fault.

"Eddie, it's not your fault, we weren't ready," Buck replies.

"Everything we have done is in vain," Eddie states as he places his dad's body down and stands, joining the rest of the Rangers as they look up at the Master.

As they stand together the Master unleashes his long tentacles picking each ranger up and bringing them up to his face, Eddie struggles to try get free and turns to see the rest doing the same.

"You Rangers thought you could beat me?" the Master says laughing. "Let me show you what my future world will look like," he says as he opens his mouth and energy pours out.

Eddie can feel his body moving but at the same time not. He tries to move but can't, the Master's hold tightening with every wriggle he makes. Buck has already turned his head and is watching Eddie struggle against the grip. He tried to loosen the grip around him but was met with the grip tightening. Eventually, the Master closed his mouth and the world appeared dark. He turned the Rangers round to look out onto the world before he threw them to the ground.

Eddie gets ups and sees the world is dark and bleak, no sign of any real colour. The only thing of colour was himself and his fellow Rangers.

"I have drained this world of all good magic, and with no useful purpose for the humans and other non-evil creatures, I destroyed them all. You now stand on the dust of my victims! Nothing will stop me!" the Master states.

"We will!" Buck shouts.

"Legendary warrior power!" they shout in unison and morph into their legendary forms and summon their Manticore megazord.

They stand face to face with the Master and start slashing at him, but to no avail. The Master's armour is too strong. The Master knocks the zord back, laughing.

"Right guys, we have to use all of our magic. It's the only way," Eddie shouts.

"Agreed," says Xander.

They place their hands over the controls of the megazord and channel all of their magic into the zord, which starts to charge into their weapons. Once fully charged, they fire it at the Master who opens his mouth and drinks in the energy. Once the attack finishes, the Rangers look on in shock as the Master is still standing.

"Mmm! Good magic tastes so good," the Master states.

"What now? That was our strongest attack!" V says.

"We can't give up; we have to fight," Buck says, and the Rangers order the zord to attack

"I tire of your feeble attempts," the Master says as he swings his claws, smashing into the zord and knocking it to the ground. He places a foot onto the back and starts sucking the magic from the zord which forces the Rangers to fall out, landing on the ground. Eddie looks round and sees his friends are ok, though their helmets have disappeared so he knows their magic is running out. Buck takes in what just happened and is finding it hard to keep positive. All his life he had seen and felt bad things happen and now even when he tries to help it seems to get worse. His priority now was to help get his friends safe. He surveys the area around them and spots a cave.

"There!" he shouts, pointing. "Let's get in that cave and regroup," he says.

"Yeah, come on guys, quick!" V says.

They stumble through the opening of the cave and follow the tunnel to an open area further inside. The dark, damp area didn't fill Eddie with hope. Every turn they made it was just more darkness, nothing alive inside at all. He started to believe they had failed. Eddie stops and the others stop too. Buck feels some of his anxiety flaring up at the failure of keeping his friends safe. As he looks into the dark tunnels surrounding the area where they stand, there is no light and no hope that they will win, but Buck knows he can't think like that.

"At least we're safe," Buck says smiling to the others, trying to raise their hopes.

"SAFE! You must be deluded, we are not safe! That thing out there just destroyed our zord with a few blows. He killed my dad and Daggeron," Eddie snarls towards Buck, "and you think we're safe in here?" Eddie laughs. Buck turns away, upset by the way his best friend spoke.

"Oi! Don't start on him, he is our friend and he is trying to keep our spirits up," V snaps at Eddie. "Unlike you! Aren't you meant to be the great Eddie, our leader, the Red Ranger, the Light? And yet all you can do is give up and take it out on us friends just because we're down?" Eddie rolls his eyes and starts to move off, but Xander stands in front of him. Buck watches as his friends square up.

"Will you answer her? Are you giving up?" Xander says.

"Get out of my way!" Eddie says as he pushes Xander.

"No, you answer the question!" Maddison states moving forward.

Eddie looks at his friends and can see their concern. They weren't even trying to hide it now; he knows there is no hope for them to defeat the Master.

"Wake up and smell the darkness. We've done our best and we failed, we are no match for that thing out there. You know what? Yes, I give up!" Eddie states.

Buck looks at Eddie in horror for hearing those words come out of his mouth. He looks at his friends and can see their horror across their faces. He knew hearing Eddie say it meant that they would be done too, but he was never one to stop or give up. One way or another! He wouldn't let his friends give up either. He moves forward till he is facing Eddie's back.

"Don't say that, you don't get to say that! Not you. You have held us together through all of this, so you will not give up. Listen to me!" Buck says, pulling on Eddie's cape strongly, making Eddie turn. "Giving up is not an option for you. We are a team and you are this team's leader. We go on, no matter what," Buck says.

Eddie looks up and sees Buck's blue eyes pleading with him and Eddie finally can see that no matter what, there will always be some kind of light to scare the darkness away. A flash of red lightning fills the room and knocks the Rangers over before Eddie can reply. As the Rangers try to get up they are knocked back down with another bolt of lightning and then the footsteps of the Master fill the area they are in. The Master had shrunk to the same size as the Rangers.

"Time to finish my meal!" the Master says.

The Rangers try again to rise but are forced down by the Master's energy attack.

"Welcome to your end!" the Master laughs.

Eddie rolls over, looking at his friends. He thinks of all the love and support they have given him over the year, and he knows he can't let them down now. He starts to rise to his feet.

"Not now!" he says, as he stands and moves forward. "This is not our end!" Eddie declares.

"You are but only one," the Master states.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm the wrong one," Eddie states.

Eddie swings his arms down. His sabre appears in his right hand and his magical staff in the left.

"I call forth the power of all the good magic still left in the world!" he says as he swings the weapons, crossing them in front of him. "And of all the good magic left in my body. Come to me now!" he shouts as he swings his sabre behind his head and watches as the Master moves forward.

"Magical source, Mystic force!" Eddie shouts and his helmet reappears round him.

"The Light will be a most delectable meal," the Master says as he launches his tentacles at Eddie. Eddie swings his sabre, stopping them from hitting him and they retreat back to the Master. Eddie jumps and swings his magi staff. It glows bright as he smashes it on top of the Master's head, cracking the Master's armour.

"No, not my armour!" the Master says as his clawed hands reach for his head and Eddie sees the opportunity and thrusts his sabre into the Master's body. The good magic light shines brightly from the wound.

"Return us. Now!" Eddie snarls at the Master. "Take my hand!" he shouts to the others.

Buck does not even think twice and starts running, grabbing the hand Eddie has held out and gripping it tightly as he leaves a hand behind him for the others to hold.

"Hold on!" Eddie shouts as he pushes his sabre deeper, making the Master take them back to their time. Eddie holds on as he looks back to see his friends holding on as hard as they can. As they exit the portal back to their time the momentum they had built up sends them flying backwards and they land on the floor. Eddie notices he is in his normal clothes.

"We're back!" Buck says.

"Yeah, but now all our magic is gone for good," Eddie explains, looking at his friends as he helps them up.

His attention is brought to the sound of footsteps behind him. He turns to see the Master walking towards them.

"Look at what you have done to me!" the Master says as he crosses his arms. "You will pay for this indiscretion," he continues.

Buck looks at his friends. They look worried, but they take a fighting stance. They won't back down. Buck watches as the tentacles come flying at them - if this is how they die, they do it as a team. As the tentacles almost reach them, Eddie watches on in surprise as the tentacles stop moving and start to glow before they melt away. A portal opens and Claire and Snow Prince appear.

"Witch!" the Master shouts and the Rangers run to Claire.

"Claire! You have powers?" Eddie asks.

"I do, Mystic Mother granted them to me and made me a full sorceress," Claire explains.

"You lie, I destroyed the Mystic Mother!" the Master states.

"No! Before your attack hit her she turned herself into pure energy and made herself disappear until you left. Once you had gone for a while, she regained her physical form," Snow Prince explains.

"A few tricks will not stop me! I will return to the depths and gather my strength, then I will return and finish you all!" the Master states.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," Helena says and Eddie smiles at the sight of his mum, so happy. Buck watches Eddie's smile, something he didn't think he would see for a while. "It appears that your pit has gone," she continues.

"It no longer exists? Impossible!" the Master shouts.

"What she means is, you no longer have a place to dwell in the darkness," Itassis explains.

"Itassis, you're alive! How? Where is Sculpin?" the Master demands.

"He is no more," Itassis explains.

"What, how is that possible?" the Master questions.

"Simple. My friend Necrolai brought me back, and showed me a better way. I then destroyed Sculpin before he could destroy the White Ranger and I destroyed your palace. I serve you no more!" Itassis shouts.

"But I am your Master!" the Master snarls as he opens his arms and his hands glow, readying an attack.

"This puppet has cut her strings from you," Itassis says as he aims her gun at the Master and launches an attack. As it hits him, a massive explosion appears and once the dust settles, there's no sign of the Master.

Everyone cheers as they run over to Helena and Necrolai. Eddie embraces his mum in a tight hug, and he can feel her tears and knows she has seen her lifeless husband.

"The Master is gone for now," Itassis states, "but he will be back. Tell me, White Ranger, why do you shed tears?" she asks.

"They are for our sadness over the loss of our loved ones," Helena says as she holds on to Eddie. Eddie feels a hand on his shoulder and as he turns his head he sees Buck and gives him a sad smile.

"Alas, that is something I cannot help with," Itassis says.

"My mum can!" Leelee says. "Mum, you can do anything you want to! You've seen how people can change, I know you can do this, I believe in you," she continues.

"Alright," Necrolai says. "I will try to revive them," she continues as she moves forward. Eddie watches on as he sees her hands glow and streams of light leave her hands and land upon his father and Daggeron. After a few seconds he sees them both return to normal and start breathing. His mother runs towards them, and Eddie turns to Leelee.

"Mum!" Leelee shouts. Eddie watches as Necrolai gets up, now not in monster form but human. He feels a hand on his shoulder and sees Buck again and gives him a smile.

"Go to your family," Buck says, and watches as Eddie runs to his mum and dad. He walks over to Daggeron.

"Son!" his dad says, as they embrace in a family hug.

"Great to have you back, Teach!" Buck says, pulling Daggeron into a hug.

"Great to be back!" Daggeron chuckles.

"Leelee's mum is hot!" Xander shouts and everyone laughs.

They all form together, talking, smiles all round. As they start to walk the ground shakes and the rumbling sound of falling rocks fills the air. The sky goes dark and the giant form of the Master appears before them.

"Quite the reunion! Sorry I have to destroy it!" the Master chuckles as he smashes a building near his foot. The Rangers look up in horror at the sight of the Master.