

Jason got tossed to the side like a ragdoll. He shook his head and rose back up to his feet. His opponent wasn't another comical monster. If seen on Earth, this guy would look like a Power Ranger. This villain was no Power Ranger though. Jason losing to him here would mean the end of the world.

Jason charged forward. His opponent easily dodged every single punch. Jason then spun and kicked, but the opponent caught Jason's foot with a single hand. Then he drove his elbow into Jason's leg. "Ah!" The villain then tossed Jason aside again.

Jason struggled to his feet this time. He was the Golden Zeo Ranger: one of the strongest Power Rangers to ever live. How was he getting tossed around so easily?

The opponent caught Jason's punch and tightened his grip. Jason fell to a knee. His strength was overwhelming. Then the opponent raised his other fist. When Jason looked back up, he got punched in the helmet. The opponent delivered more punches, each one strong enough to create sparks against Jason's armor. Then the sparks stopped and the helmet began to crack as the protective layer of Jason's armor failed. Then the helmet broke away. The opponent punched Jason's unprotected face before finally letting go.

Jason held his face, already feeling the bruise that was beginning to form. He looked up at his opponent, who finally spoke in a deep, authoritative tone. "I'm not impressed." He gently put a foot on Jason's shoulder and pushed him so he was on his back. "You really thought you could stop me? I don't know if I should admire your courage or laugh at your stupidity." He kicked Jason hard enough to send him flying across the room and into the wall. Jason's air left his lung as he hit the wall, but the opponent caught him and pushed him against the wall by his neck. Then, with a single punch, sent him flying through the wall and into the cargo bay of the ship.

As Jason rolled across the cargo bay floor, the silver-clad alien minions got out of the way. They knew better than to interfere with their leader's battle. The leader walked through the hull in the wall. "Someone fix that." The minions scrambled to damage control stations. He pointed to a much larger alien. "Swordan." The aptly named Lieutenant, who had to large swords strapped to his back, ran up. "General!" Even when he bowed, Swordan was taller than his leader, yet still feared him. "How may I be of service?!" "Go to the command center, and set a course for Earth."

Jason rose up again. "No!" Swordan turned to see Jason charging towards his leader. Before the lieutenant could react, General stepped forward and slammed his fist into Jason's gut. Jason stood there, stunned. He fell to his knees, holding his stomach. General crossed his arms. "It's been far too long since I've been on Earth." He turned and went to a nearby window in order to gaze out into the space outside. "I never thought I would get the chance to ever return, but now enough of my power has manifested for me to actually survive the journey."

Swordan laughed. "It'll be magnificent, General! With the force we have, we'll conquer Earth easily!" "If you believe that, then you're more of an idiot than I thought, Swordan." The lieutenant fell silent as he looked back at General. General turned his head, looking at the fallen Jason through his helmet visor. "Forgetting his sad display, the Power Rangers are an unstoppable force, especially when assembled in a team. Earth is home to countless teams of Power Rangers. Much larger forces have tried and failed to conquer Earth despite years of planning, or having hundreds of ships, or even when they were already on the verge of victory. So no, only a thousand crew on one hastily built ship won't be enough to conquer Earth.

Work around the cargo hold stopped as the minions and Lieutenants listened to General monologue. General turned to them. "But Swordan is new. The rest of you already knew what you were signing up for. There is no victory for us where we're heading." He uncrossed his arms and held them out to the sides. "We can't beat the Power Rangers. But that's fine." He raised his arms up. "For we seek something far greater than victory or a conquered world. We seek glory!" The minions and lieutenants all cheered. "We seek glorious, oh so glorious battle!" The cheering got even louder as General raised a triumphant fist high into the air. "We care not for victory, for we will face the Power Rangers of Earth head on! We will face them, all of them, in Evil's final stand!"

This story is a tribute to Jason David Frank. Thank you for being a hero to us all.

If this prologue interests enough people, I'll update the story more frequently.

Grant_Bardaycreators' thoughts
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