
Power of the Orb

The witches who in a bid to seek for power, created a war which disrupts the peace of the four domains, which includes; the demons, werewolves, vampires and witches. Evelyn who embarked on the mission to bring peace back to the 4 domains could not fulfill it and hands the mission over to her daughter to continue. The mission gave her the experience of a life time coupled with her cold attitude. Evelyn daughter and her son help each other to restore the balance there once was, she advances meeting different sort of people on the way as they in their individual way impacted something in her life. Come join her in this journey. ....................................................................... This is my first story, please support me................................... I will be posting this novel on Sharestory.io, please come and support me for I will also change the discord server and I will inform you when I do that. The last chapter is has my explanation on why I dropped the novel.

Chidinma_Onunkwo · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 13- KIng Ian's Death (2)

By the time they were done Prince Axel and Prince Williams had already dealt with the remaining problems that occured in the company and kingdom while cleaning up the spies being planted in both places.

In a Month's time would be Prince Axel and Prince Williams coronation.

Prince Axel being Luna's father would be taking back his rightful position as the King of all Alphas, while Prince william (Evelyn's half- brother) will be crowned as the king of demons in the demon realm/kingdom

King Ian who had just finished with transferring his life force which had turned into life essence looked at his granddaughter who was still absorbing the life essence before locking it with the seal.

He loved his granddaughter but it was a pity he couldn't see his son's own children.

He knew that the road ahead of his daughter was a long and rough one, he didn't want her to die early but her fate had always been to use her life to secure the peace of the world and nothing else. Her love life may even amount to nothing or she may have none at all.

Knowing that it was time to go, he called for his son and son-in-law.He was very satisfied with the man that Evelyn, his daughter had gotten married to.

When they entered, he told them what he had to say. Looking at the girl who was still siting in a cross legged position. He walked up to her and hugged her before leaving a kiss on her forehead, when he noticed bright pearl of tears falling from her eyes.

'Luna, grandpa will always be with you and so will your mom. Do not feel sad but take utmost care of your brother and father if the need arises, always do your best. If you can't see us leave then do your best to work hard and train with utmost diligence.'

'Grandpa is leaving but will always be by your side, take good care of yourself and your safety comes first' He gave her another kiss on her forehead before lying down on his bed as a happy smile hung on his lips, before muttering some words

'Wives am coming' as his eyes closed.

Normally once a persons life force has been turned into life essence, the person is as good s dead but because King Ian had used some treasures to keep him going for 2 hours before he disappeared from the world(death).

.........................Luna who was still in the process of cultivating the life essence heard all the words that her grandpa said before he left.

She wanted to stop cultivating, but if she did that the all would be for naught and what her grandfather had given her will be wasted.

.....................He (Prince Axel) and his wife(Evelyn) brother (Prince Williams) arrived at the same time after the news of King Ian's death reached them.

They rushed back to the demon palace at lightning speed.

William arrived first, he rushed straight into his father's room to find his niece sitting in a cross legged position while his father lay still on the bed as all signs of life ceased from him.

He walked closer to the bed and sat at the edge while holding his father's hand. His father was dead and had no way to come back, that he would not be able to see his daughter-in-law nor his own grandchildren neither could he see the grandson he had from his sister grow.

He wanted to hate but who would he hate. His father had treated both he and his half-siter well that they behaved like blood siblings and had no qualms with each other.

He knew that this war has not ended but the people behind the scene are injured and are currently recuperating , if he were to be asked.

He did not know much of what was going on but he knew everything even the life and death of innocent people had fallen unto his niece shoulder, latching her and making her unable to escape from it which will end up as a grim reaper to reap his niece life.

He would absolutely not let that happen.

he needed to get stronger,

to be a pillar for his wife as well and for his future children,

he needs to be stong, even though not Invincible but to be able to hold the skies even when they fall, for he would do as much as he could for his family.

he wouldn't know how to bear it if his niece or wife also left him through the war or the next.

His eyes glowed with determination as he clenched his hand into a fist while looking at his father.

It was at this moment that Prince Axel entered.

'am sorry' those were the words he managed to say after a long time to his friend, who he was trying to console after seeing the blood gushing from his palm.

He and very few friends and acquaintance but Prince Axel was like a brother to him. He and his sister had helped him, if not he would still be living a dandy life still.

They carried out the burial and buried him in the family tomb.

Luna who was still absorbing the life essence and sealed the life force had entered into coma and no one knows when she would wake up for sure.

He carried his son and daughter and arrived at the wolf kingdom.

He did not even go to see his nominal brother being the second prince as he headed straight for his northern wing.

Because his daughter had yet to wake up plus the loss of his wife and father-inlaw his mood was quite irritable.

The northern wing had a good fengshui and was very chilly during winter because of the formation built around it.

After Luna had completely absorbed the life essence, her body had become unbearably hot, to balance the energy in her body he turned the northern wing into a winter palace.

He soon arrived at the gate of the northern wing only to meet a seductive lady who was wearing very few and loose clothings..

This woman was none other than Susan. She had fallen in love with Prince Axel,but he had hated her guts. He had sworn that if she were to appear in front of him again, he would not give face to the state minister who was her father and disfigure her or kill her to disappear form his sight.

It had been 11 years already and she appeared before him now that his wife was dead.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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