
Chapter 6: UNITED WE WIN

"Dont you remember us? We're the Leonins. And we're here to STOP YOU!" Harith yelled. "You little pesky cats will stop me?" proudly said by Alice. "We might be small but we're terrible" said Nana.

"Ugh, Demons! ATTACK!

"Molina chase her!" said Nana. "ZAMAN FORCE" Harith yelled. "This cant be TRUE!? My demons are STRONG!" said Alice. They defeated the demons in a blink of an eye. "Now all we have to do is finish you!"

All of them stood up infront of Alice. All of the ms are ready to finish her. "NO! THIS CANT BE TRUE" frantically said by Alice. Kaja used his rope and pulled Alice towards them. "Goodbye, my Friend" said Estes.

The People of the land of dawn rejoiced. Because the demons and the void has been sealed. Rafaela, Kaja, Uranus flew up and went back to Celestial Palace. And the Eruditio Friends went back to the City of Scholars. They were all rejoicing. And the life in the Land of Dawn went back to normal.

"AHHHH!!!" A kid yelled.

A mysterious purple figure appeared

"Mwahahaha...Grovel before your king...Human"