
recovered man

Seeing his friend disappear before his eyes he was shocked, but he quickly remembered injured man.

He got up running towards him, seeing him alive and hurt badly.

The man was injured in his guts making his blood to scatter all around.

Anyone could guess that the man was in his 60's with white streaks running down his shoulders, he had a wrinkled face with an dignified look.

Seeing him alive rex was overjoyed.


In an white coloured building you could see an boy with black hairs average looks in his 16's sleeping soundly between his folded arms.


cold breeze blew over his body. Anyone could recognize the boy as Rex, the breeze made his eyes twich.......

[??? POV]

I slowly opened my eyes trying to focus around me, to my surprise I had regained my consciousness and was alive.

It must have been the person whom I saw last night .

I got up sitting straight,to my surprise I was in a hospital sitting on a bed. what came into my eyesight was a boy in his 16's.

The boy asked how you are feel. The old man answered. Yes i'm fine The boy asked if it was right to take pills? Old man said yes.....

The old man asked if there was any search for the killer. So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange. The boy asks, do you know who the murderer was?I didn't think I had any idea who he was.All I know is that he came to my house to steal money....

My kids had sent me money. Possibly he came to steal money. But because I saw him, he attacked me with a knife.

The boy told the old man that the killer was my friend but I don't know why he came to kill you. I'll go and see him. You relax and call your child for a few days.

I go to visit my friend .....
