
Power Of Gods

IcyHaven · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Catching Up


Felix lost control and blacked out so he was unsure how he ended up on his knees in front of the guardian who was holding his blade to Felix's throat. Suddenly Felix felt sharp pains on his legs and arms. What happened? He asked himself, he looked at the guardian. "You're lucky that your friends left this floor long ago" the guardian said Felix looked at him curiously "Why is that?" he asked, his voice was hoarse. "Because when this was over I would have killed them too, they are just as guilty as you" the guardian replied, Felix looked furious "no, that never would have happened" he said, the guardian looked at him, there was a new fire in his eyes that scared even the guardian. "I wouldn't let it" the guardian felt the breath leaving his body, he dropped his sword and backed away, the breath slowly returned, he looked up just in time to dodge as Felix threw a dagger made of hardened dirt. Felix was standing up again, holding a sword, one foot was in front of his body and the other was behind him, he held a sword in his right hand, he held it behind his back foot. The stance was similar to another person that the guardian knew, but he couldn't figure out who. The guardian started moving forward before stumbling backwards due to a bright white flash between the two of them. When the light faded there was a figure standing between them. "What is going on here?" White asked. 


Locus had started to fall asleep when he heard a loud boom from the same field he saw the mysterious figures a few hours earlier "What the hell man! I was almost asleep" Locus muttered to himself as he looked at the giant clock on the nearby tower "only 1am, what the hell is it this time" Locus said as he started to walk slowly back to the field but this time he didn't see anything other than a giant hole where the circle the mysterious figures had disappeared, "Uuum what in the hell happened here?" Locus asked himself as he sensed something or someone extremely strong down in the massive hole. There was a bright, deep red glow coming from the hole and the light seems to slowly get stronger before all of a sudden it disappears "Ok it's either I'm hallucinating because im extremely tired or something very wrong just happened here" Locus said as he muttered to himself, "I hope it's not" He finished

As they stared at the gate leading to floor 48, Luna couldn't help but worry about Felix, they'd only been gone a few hours but there was no way of knowing if Felix was going to catch up anytime soon, she knew that the safest thing to do was to keep moving, but she was too worried, she didn't want to leave him any further behind. Kal looked at her and recognized the worry "Don't stress over Felix, when he gets angry, he's a force to be reckoned with" Luna smiled at Kal's encouraging words. They'd been through so much after losing Locus, the leader of a family showed up, then a floor guardian, and then Felix sent everyone away in order to fight him on his own, finally they went through floors at high speeds due to the incredible power of the entire Chrono family brought together. Now they were standing two floors away from one of the most dangerous floors and the site of Phantom's main base and prison. Bellamy looked afraid. "Let's keep going" Faith said and without another word they all blindly followed her into the gate, transporting themselves to floor 48.



Felix looked at the being standing in front of him, it was White, he knew that, but he had never seen him wield a weapon before, usually White would appear weaponless and always had a very calm and soothing voice when speaking. This time White was holding a sword, the hilt was grey with glowing white insignia's, the blade was a glowing white, his voice was low and threatening, but all his anger seemed directed towards the guardian. The guardian bowed without hesitation "White, this boy has broken the laws of my floor" He spoke. Felix looked on curiously, despite all falling under the rule of the queen, the guardians seemed to fear White despite him only being the guardian of floor 1. In his time within the tower Felix had learned that the guardians power was ranked on the floor they controlled, the weaker ones were in charge of the lower floors while the upper floors were where the stronger guardians control. The only reason that all of the power restrictions on the floors are removed from floor 75 and beyond is because the strongest guardians designed them that way. "He did? What rule did he break?" White asked. The guardian looked up at him "He and another battled near the entrance gate." He explained, White nodded thoughtfully "I pardon both parties involved" He finally said after a long pause. The guardian stood angrily "You can't do that!" he shouted. White looked at him with a questioning gaze "I believe I do, or do you want to see just how powerful I am?" the words had a sharp edge to them, it was a threat of power, the guardian backed away and nodded before vanishing. White turned and smiled at Felix. "Sorry about that, I can't let him kill you yet, you need to find your friend, so go on." White said, Felix opened his mouth to speak but White silenced him "I'll explain later, I'll see you on floor 75, we'll talk there." With that White vanished with a blast of bright white light and Felix was left in the field with a goal to find Locus and get to floor 75. He turned and began his journey to catch up with his friends. 


Locus woke up suddenly and in a daze, He looked around not being able to remember falling asleep but quickly he noticed he had fallen asleep in the field that he was in earlier last night, the morning was bright and crisp, Locus could smell the dew in the air mixing with the fragrance of the wild flowers in the field as a breeze went over him, he looked up to notice the dark rain clouds coming in from the west

As Locus stood up, he noticed that the hole he saw last night was gone. The only trace Locus could find of the hole was a wide circular clearing in the field which left Locus confused but the confusion didn't last long as he began to notice his hunger that had been building up since last night he had never given the time or the wary to grab a bite to eat with the distraction of what he saw and the suddenness the hold sleep had gotten upon him. Locus walked out of the tavern slightly buzzed but lucky he was no longer hungry "well i better wait for everyone" Locus mumbled to himself as he went to the gated entrance to the floor he is on when suddenly felt a simmering pain in his pocket, Locus reached down into his pocket to find a golden ring with very fine detailing on it but he couldn't tell what the detailing was, as he held it in his hand he started to feel like a very ominous feeling like something is watching him through the ring and it made Locus very uneasy and slightly afraid to get caught with the ring for some reason. Locus quickly had put the ring back in his pocket with the wary hope to forget he even had the ominous ring.


Felix walked quickly, trying to get to the gate as quickly as he could, as he was walking he heard irregular footsteps. Ignoring them he continued on before reaching a field, he could hear the grass moving irregularly and he stopped. "Stop where you are" he said loudly, the sound stopped wasn't expecting that to work he thought to himself. He turned around and his sword materialized in his hand. "I don't think we should fight" Felix heard a familiar voice come out from the tall grass. He sighed, "Why are you here Star?" he asked, Star laughed and stood up "how did you even know I was here?" Felix walked up to him and his sword disappeared "I was trained to be stealthy by the same person as you, I know the tricks" he answered "now why are you here?" he asked again. "I came looking for you" he answered, "My sister, Storm" he paused mid sentence, took a breath and continued "she was kidnapped by Phantom" he finished, almost in tears. Felix almost fell over at the dizzying wave of shock that hit him "they kidnapped Storm? Why?" he asked after he regained his balance. Star shrugged "I believe my father said something about them wanting us to attack a friend to get her back." he answered. Felix suddenly became aware of another figure moving behind him Star's eyes widened, "You need to run" he said as Sky rose up behind Felix. "I'm sorry Felix, I need to get Storm back" Sky said, realization dawned on Felix and he moved quickly out of the way "I can get her back!" Felix yelled suddenly, something he immediately regret. "How?" Sky asked, Felix swallowed back his regret and looked at Sky "It's likely they took her to floor 50, it's the only way they can keep themselves safe, I've been there and survived, I can get into the colosseum and free your daughter" Felix explained, sure he had no faith in his own plan but he figured he could think of a way to do it. "You have a week or I will have to do something I will regret, Star help him please." Sky said and Star nodded. Felix sighed as Sky walked off, he and Star then set off towards the gate on a rescue mission.