
Power In Simplicity

‘Power in simplicity’ is my motto! Simple right? Well it is, once you get a hang of it, it’s pretty easy to do. Especially since it’s true. I know what your thinking...well not really. But I might think I know what your thinking...who am I kidding? Anyway, living life like this isn’t that bad. It’s surprisingly peaceful, very peaceful. Once you kick back and let life loose, you tend to not care about a lot of things. And I mean a lot of things. You’d be surprised how calm I can be when a meteor is about to hit my school, only to be saved by my closest and only friend. How you may ask...or not ask? Well it’s very simple... ... He’s a hero!

Flux_Verse · Fantasy
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1 Chs

17 Missing People

The red neon lights beamed through the school along with deafening sirens, which although loud, didn't faze the students at the school. It seemed like the students were more attentive instead of the usual panic of the neighbouring city.

From above, a blinding light shot out of a golden crystal in the sky, covering the city and river around it with tar and ink. To many it seemed like it was bleeding out these liquids. But to the many students, they felt a tightening knot in their stomachs.

This was not a rare occurrence, but to the citizens and normal residence of the city, they feared this was the end.

Only because it was never on this scale before. The students had never seen a incident like this, cover the whole city.

It seemed like the neon red lights and tar covered city ignited something in the hearts of most of the student as they began to rush towards the crystal. Some grew wings, some glowed, some transformed and some summoned weapons.

These students weren't just any regular studying student. They were heroes in training!

Like most incidents, they had to keep calm. But it seemed impossible to slow their hearts in front an impending doom that was going to befall on their city.


A loud screech bellowed from the tar and ink, causing the students to shake in fear at what's to come.

The ground rumbled before a colossal monster. Emerging out of the tar and ink, was a massive body, nearly proportional to the whole of the city.

With large horns and jagged mountain like spikes on its back. Arms the thickness of towering skyscrapers and the tail the length of the cities surrounding wall. With eyes of burning crimson and teeth the size of literal buses. This thing was the epitome of the thing humanity was fighting against.

A beast called a berserk servant.

Many may judge the name, but it's very fitting.

Thousands of years ago the world was in conflict. Everywhere was in war and everyone would fear for their life as if wouldn't exist the next day.

It was a reasonable reaction when millions died everyday to conflict between nations, countries and their weaponry that advanced far into widespread destruction.

It seemed like every nation had a deadly weapon that they could unleash at anytime and kill thousands of innocents.

Nobody knew how this all happened, I guess it's just our nature. But because of our nature, we had caused the worlds downfall.

With dead at every doorstep, the world's energy was corrupted and devoid of the goodness of what it was before. Because of this, the world's energy could no longer sustain the chains that held the monsters below.

Suddenly all around the world, these crystals appeared, shocking everyone. No one knew what they were, defying everything they knew about their knowledge of the natural order.

Only when the sludge and tides of tar and ink came from the crystals, did they finally realise. Monsters appeared and unleashed their wrath upon the already braking world. It seemed to already be dead to most.

But whenever a door is locked, there is always a key. Unless some idiot forgot it somewhere or broke it. But that not the point!

When the monsters appeared, they unleashed a energy that seeped into the world. This is now called devil's blessing. The reason is because of its source.

Because of this energy, the fighting humans had a chance at the beasts that could deflect a tank's bullets and nuclear bombs.

With this energy, some gained some powers and others received boosted physic. With this power they fought back, struggling with the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Only when they grew stronger with every kill of the monster, did they finally build a safe stronghold for humans. This was happening all around the globe.

Humanity was fighting back!

Until one day. The humans had finally pushed back the monsters and arrived at the source. A golden floating crystal.

They researched it over and over again, only to gain nothing. That's when some humans had enough and sought to find out why these monsters terrorised their home.

They adventured closer to the crystal and once they closed in, they disappeared.

Weeks came by and many went out to find those missing people. Finding nothing, they could only look back at the crystal.

A month had finally passed and the crystal shined bright. Unlike when the monsters arrived, this time it was a brighter shine. Most feared what would emerge and prepared themselves.

They were confident with their strength, so they waited for the figure to emerge so they could slay it.

Only when the figure came out did they lower there weapons and powers. It was one of the missing people that came out.

What made it creepy and scary, is that he emerged drenched in blood.

Blood that wasn't his own.

They took samples of the blood and found it to be not only a person's, but a groups.

A total of 16 people's blood was found on the man that came back alone...