
Chapter 7 - Limits.

<3rd person pov> (A/N: I'll start introducing POVs so that no one gets confused.)

Being brought back to reality by Cain's words, Jiraiya, Minato and Kushina followed him inside his massive house.

Cain "Welcome to my 'humble' abode! Make yourselves at home, when Naruto comes out from the room he'll probably come here in a flash because he will recognize your chakra."

But the three of them didn't hear anything, the reason? They were stunned by the inside of the house. When they died pratically nothing that they saw existed! Fridges, televisions, and everything else besides the table, chairs and couch didn't exist when they were alive, so they were justifiably shocked. Minato then decided to ask what everything they were seeing was. "Cain, what's all this? I've never seen any of this..."

Minato and Kushina were brought back from the state they were by Minato's words and looked in anticipation at Cain, they were curious about what everything was.

Cain "Oh I forgot that when you died basically nothing technological existed. Well, I'll give you a rundown on what everything is." He then pointed at the fridge. "That big, grey, rectangular machine is called a 'fridge', you use to store food and drinks. A fridge has a cold interior so that when you store, let's say, some sake, it stays cold as long as it's inside the fridge."

Cain then pointed at the television. "Now that is called a 'television', in short, TV. The television is a machine with a big screen that transmits videos and sounds so that you can watch movies, TV shows and whatever you want. Any questions?" Jiraiya then nodded and asked. "Whats a movie and TV show?" Cain then thought. 'This is going to be harder than I thought....'

Cain then explained for a few minutes what those two things were, and in the end he decided that it would be easier to just make them watch a movie. Which one did he select? Avengers: Endgame. Just because it was his favorite movie back on Earth and let's be honest, it's a masterpiece...

After just a few minutes they were completely hooked on this wonder called 'movies' and asked for me to play all the ones I have after this one ended, but I couldn't comply because, 1 hour and 10 minutes later after their revival, Naruto walked inside the house as fast as he could because he sensed some familiar Chakra signatures inside.


<Cain's pov>

After entering the room he suddenly stopped and just stared at the four of us, tears started to drop from everyone but me.

They had a kind, loving and VERY long reunion but I just let them be because I understand that reuniting with your dead parents and Sensei must be a very emotinal and touching moment. After a few hours, the moon was already up in the sky. Due to the low light pollution on this world, you could see millions upon millions of stars in the sky. I walked outside and asked them to follow me and they all did. After 20 minutes of staring at the sky and having some small talk, I thought it was a good time to say a few things for them.

Cain "Everyone, I have a few things to say to you all so please listen. First, I'll cast an illusion in you all, so you will look and have the chakra signature of a normal citizen. I will give control over this illusion to all of you so that you can show yourselves to whomever you wish, but I must warn you. Only remove the illusion if you are ABSOLUTELY sure of what you are doing, if someone sees any of you walking down the street they will immediately recognize you and start asking bothersome questions.

My illusion will make it so that even someone of Naruto's level of power were to see you, they would think you are a normal person, unless you want to show yourselves. So from now on I'm creating an illusion around you all, besides Naruto of course, and giving full control over it to you." After saying this, Minato, Jiraiya and Kushina's body changed to one of a random person that of course, doesn't exist. After creating the illusion and giving control over it to them I began speaking once again.

"Now for the second thing I would like to say. I will be leaving in the following days and will probably only come back after a few years. When I do I'll make sure to meet you all to check up on you and see if you haven't done anything stupid... just kidding. Now this one is for you Naruto, even though we have know each other for barely two days, I know that you are a wonderful person and an even more wonderful ninja. But I have an advice for you, don't let your ninja and Hokage duties get in the way of your family... visit them everytime you get the chance, and if you don't see an opportunity just create a shadow clone and leave it inside the office.

Well, that's all I had to say. Let's enjoy ourselves for the next following days!" After finishing saying what I had to, I started walking in the direction of the house and all of them followed. But a hand caught my shoulder before I could reach there. Turning around, I saw Naruto and suddenly, a hug came.

Naruto then said "Cain, thank you so much for what you've done. For teaching me, reviving my parents and Ero Sennin, for everything. And before I forget, thank you for the money HAHAHA." Naruto then broke the hug and said. "I'll never forget this debt, I'll make sure that if I ever see you again, I'll pay it."

Hearing those words, I was truly happy. I knew exactly what Naruto went trough his entire life, and by seeing him happy with his family filled me with warmth. I smiled at Naruto and said. "Don't worry about it Naruto, that's what friends do..."


<3rd person pov>

They then entered the house and saw that the, now very much alive, trio consisting of Jiraiya, Minato and Kushina were watching movies. Cain then thought, 'Why did I even introduce this to them...' But, inside he was happy with his new life and what he did here, so much so that he unconsciously let a smile out.

The next four days were spent watching movies, eating and chatting with each other. Naruto's parents and Jiraiya had a lot to check up with him so they talked for hours each day and said that the moment Cain leaves is the moment he'll introduce his wife and kids to them. Naruto agreed and already decided to show Hinata, Himawari and Boruto that they were alive and well.

On the beggining of the fifth day since Naruto came out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, it was time for Cain to leave. That day, the weather was warm and with almost no clouds in the sky. Birds chirping, leaves flying, overall it was a great day to leave. Once all of them were outside, Cain decided to say his goodbyes and hugged each one of them.

All of them were thanking him from the bottom of their heart for what he did to them, he just brushed it aside and said it was fine and that if he didn't do that it would leave a bad taste in his mouth. After finishing saying what they had to, Cain took a few steps away from them and said.

"Live a good life everyone! Let's meet again when the day comes, goodbye!" But before he could teleport away, Jiraiya reached near him and shushed something in his ear...

"Oi Cain, do you know if I can watch some "special" movies on the TV??" Jiraiya said this with a very pervy expression, it gave Cain chills...

Cain said very quietly to him "You can but I don't recommend watching with everyone around... wait till everyone falls asleep and read this. It'll help you get what you want." Cain said this when suddenly a book appeared in his hands. This book contained a detailed guide on how to Jiraiya could watch the movies he wants... Jiraiya happily took it and returned to his place and started reading the book with stars in his eyes.

After this, Cain asked Rhea in his mind to erase the house after all of them decided to go to Konoha. He then said his goodbyes once again and with a *PUFF* of black and blue smoke, disappeared.


On planet KELT-9b...

< 3rd person POV >

Cain appeared on the planet that he once was before the start of his journey, he came here because he doesn't know yet what his next world will be and will take some time to think here. What he did on Naruto's world made him think about his past life and how much he would like to have š˜µš˜©š˜¦š˜® back. Cain's parents died in a car crash when returning from a vacation when he was 24. The day he received the news was, by far, the worst day of his life. He felt as if the world was crashing down on him with full force. That day he lost his pillars in life, the ones that always supported him no matter what... He was truly miserable for the next following months.

That's why he became a workaholic that spent basically every moment he was not watching anime or reading something working on his project, the time machine. He wanted to go back to the day before they were returning home and warn them to stay there a few more days. He didn't really know the repercussions this action would have on the timeline but he didn't care at all. He was willing to go to extreme lenghts to have his parents back.

But then, he had a thought. 'Maybe I can bring them back now...' After having this brief thought, he decided to go for it.

Cain then said. "Rhea please create the bodies of my parents one day before their death and place their souls inside, please."

But what he heard from Rhea crushed all of his expectations and he could physically feel his heart aching. What Rhea said was.

{I'm sorry Cain but I cannot do that. God has imposed a restriction on your powers that makes it so that they can't affect your home universe.}

Cain started to burst out in tears, it seemed as if all of the tears that he had been holding back in his past life came pouring down now and he started to scream.

"whhhYYY???? GOD WHY???" He was frankly destroyed right now. When he had that thought, his hopes had reach an all time high just to plummet to an all time low the very next second. A few minutes later he heard Rhea's voice inside his mind.

{Cain, God has sent you a message, would you like to read it?}

A still sobbing Cain was taken aback by this and said to open the message. He wanted an explanation from him, no, he DEMANDED an explanation from God as for why he would do something like this to him... The message is as follows.

{Hello Cain. I can see that you are having fun on your journey, albeit starting only a few days ago, you have acomplished a lot. As for the question that is on your mind, I shall answer it. The reason why I imposed this limit is because the universe you came from was the very first one in existence. Your home planet, Earth, was the very first, and only planet to give birth to the wonder called life in your universe, and consequently, with life came everything else. What I want you to understand is the importance that your planet holds to all of creation. With the birth of Humans came the birth of an infinite ammount of other universes and multiverses, each one shaped according to a person's thought. Every single decision made by someone would create a whole new universe.

Basically, what I am saying is, that if something were to happen to your planet, even if it is only a slight interference, all of creation would be endangered. You could say that Earth is the core of the Omni-verse. That's why you can't interfere in anything regarding your home universe. Now ask yourself the following question, are you willing to put everything that has ever existed, does exist and will exist in danger just so you can get your parents back? I know that you are not Cain. I am truly sorry for having to place this limit, but if you were to do something as simple as reviving your parents, everything would be at risk. I hope that you can move on from this and start a new family. I wish you all the luck and happiness in your travels.}




(A/N: I'm stuck on 2 worlds that I'd like to see Cain go to first, they are:



Comment on the one that you want and I'll see which one wins... I know that his stay on Naruto's world was a very brief one, but just from this I've learned a lot and you can expect way longer stays in other worlds. I'm sorry for this but I'd rather just make him go to another world so that I can add more depth to everything then rewriting the whole story. Thank you for reading!)

Hello everyone! As you can see, this chapter was a bit different than the rest, but better I hope! I tried adding some more depth to the everything because I could see that this story was really lacking depth. I also added a little bit of Cain's background in hopes that maybe, this would make him a more complete, fun and relatable character. LMK what you think about this chapter and the whole story in general, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading and God bless you all!!

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