
Chapter 23 - Revelations.

[3313 words, someone stop me.]


< Cain's POV >

Teleporting back to my ship, I could feel through my Observation Haki that Robin was making some snacks, Issho was in his room and Mihawk was still training his fruit... Doesn't this guy get tired? Jeez.

'Hmm, I've been wanting to take someone with me in my journey throughout the omniverse, but who should I take? Mihawk? No, I want him to stay here and have a relaxing life with Robin. That's those 2 out. Godzilla will already come with me so that leaves Issho..... YES! Issho is the man! How should I tell him though...' I thought while walking in circles around my room.

'Fuck it, I won't think about it too much and will just say what I have to say.'

Leaving my room, I knocked on Issho's door and heard his hoarse voice say, "Come in.", so I did as I was told.

"Do you have a moment, my friend?" I inquired as I entered his room and closed the door.

"Of course. What's on your mind?" Issho replied as he was lying in bed reading a book.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it. I'm a god that travels to other universes to have fun and would like for you to accompany me on my travels." I dropped the bomb directly. Sometimes the way that I say things can be too straightforward, but that's life.

Issho's expression was one of being deep in thought. It wasn't one of surprise or disbelief, just a thoughtful one.

The room was silent for 20 seconds before Issho finally replied.

"Can you tell me more?"

This came as a surprise to me, sure, but it was a welcome one. The last thing I needed was for him to think that I'm crazy or something and decide to leave my crew since he didn't want to be under the command of an insane captain.

"Of course I can. Basically, I'm an immortal being that can do essentially whatever I want, such as creating worlds, people, devil-fruits, plus whatever you can think of and more. Seeing as you are a very intelligent person, you probably already noticed that sometimes I can be a little unusual, like when I said I saved Whitebeard's life, when I gave you and Mihawk devil-fruits that didn't have the usual curses on them, or when I created an entire functioning government in less than a day.

The power that you see me displaying is but a minuscule fraction of my true abilities. If I wanted to I could erase this world from existence with just a fart, so you probably get the gist of it. Of course, if you accept you will have to get stronger. A lot stronger. But then again, I'd be with you so getting stronger is simple. Any questions?" I monologued to him while explaining the things that needed to be explained and leaving out the things that weren't needed, such as my system, the talk with God, my past life and my power to create any ability.

Once again, Issho fell in deep thought. I understood this since I had said some things that were unexpected to say the least...

"I understand." *sigh* "If only I could see what a god looks like... I knew that something was different that moment I first saw you. If it doesn't bother you, I would be the biggest honor to travel with you, god." Issho said with a smile on his face as he got up from his bed and respectfully bowed.

"HAHAHAHA, have you already forgotten what I said, Issho? Giving you back your sight would be nothing to me, and don't worry because you won't see anymore evil, if you do I can just erase it! But please, call me Cain, we're friends afterall." Issho was truly an amazing man. Having him along with me will sure be fun!

Issho's smile then grew even bigger as he replied, "If it's not much, I'd gladly accept. It's a privilege to be in the presence of such a being..."

I couldn't help but smile at his words, "C'mon Issho, stop this. Just talk to me the same way as you did before. I'll give you back your sight, but please do not tell anything that we talked about here to Mihawk and Robin. I want them to have a peaceful life in this world."

"I will tell them nothing." Issho replied as he felt a hot sensation on his eyes. It didn't hurt at all, rather, it felt relaxing.

"There, you can see now! So, do I look like a god to you?" I chuckled as I waited for his response.

Issho was amazed by this. Even though he had heard and believed everything I said, seeing my power in action was something else.

Issho's eyes opened and they were a bright amber color, which was not how I imagined them to be...

He looked at everything in the room, and lastly his eyes landed on me. After a few seconds, he replied.


"HAHAHAHA, thought so. Anyways, act like normal while we're still in this world please. You can show Mihawk and Robin your eyes but you'll have to think of a way to explain it to them and I will not help you with that! I'm glad to have you on board of my travels, my friend. Well, you already were since you're in my crew but I meant the other trav-"

"I understood, Cain." Issho cut me off while slightly laughing.

"Good! See you later then." I said as I walked out of his room.

'That went way better than expected! He has such trust in me even though we haven't know each other for more than a few days... I'll have to find him a good wife that deserves him someday.' I thought while making my way to the deck.

As I reached outside, the sun blasted his beams at my face and I could see that the day was still beautiful.

'We also still have not left the island that we found Issho on, so it's about time we do that. Meh, I'll do it later.' I thought.

'I wonder what would happen if I unleashed Godzilla Earth here... nah, that's too extreme. Fuck, now my curiosity has reached the peak. Rhea, set a reminder to when I leave this world, make it so that it tells me to unleash Godzilla here or on another One Piece world please. I can't forget to do this.' Rhea was honestly a life saver. She could do the things that I was too lazy to do like creating all the Kaijus, help me with my abilities or even just to talk with me when I'm bored.

{Sure thing, Cain. Reminder has been set.} I heard her sweet voice in my head.

'Have I ever told you that your voice is beautiful?' I asked her.

{You have just now.} She replied. Her voice was something that came directly from the heavens honestly...

'Makes sense... Say Rhea, what do you think about me creating a body for you?' Just from the little time that we spent together, I really started to become curious about how she would look as a human. I was thinking about giving her a body because one thing I noticed from creating bodies and creating souls, was that if the soul was powerful enough, the body would automatically adjust itself to be the perfect vessel. This is what happened with the Kaijus a few minutes ago. Rhea just created an empty husk for them and their souls would to the job of making their bodies be the perfect fit.

{I would be very happy, but it's not possible now.} Rhea answered in a sad tone.

'What? Why?' I was dumbfounded by this. Why couldn't I created her a body when I've created millions already? Don't forget that I have created a new government and all the people along with it.

{I can't tell you.} She omniously replied.

'Does it have something to do with God?' Something inside me was screaming that it was due to him that I couldn't give her a body...


'This FUCKING God man.... why does he keep setting limits to everything?' Honestly, I was pissed. I could understand me not being able to revive my parents because of his whole explanation, but not being able to do something so simple such as giving Rhea a body? My gut was telling me that this must be tied to that dream or memory that I saw a few days ago.... fuck I need to think.

I returned to my room because now I had to do some memory digging. There needs to be something from my past life that can make me understand a little bit about that dream.

I started going through every memory that I remembered as I was lying in my bed. I didn't want to create a perfect memory ability because there are some things that I just don't want to remember, and I don't want to mess with my own memories by erasing them or something.

'I need to look at this through a objective standpoint. What can I get out of that dream? I clearly remember everything that happened, so first things first is my brother, Abel. I killed him due to my uncontrollable rage and envy. Wait.....how didn't I see this before?'

Something clicked inside my mind, making me stare at the ceiling in disbelief.

'It can't be, right? Abel... I heard this name before. I remember asking my parents why they chose to name me Cain when I was 16 and they told me a story, the tale of Adam and Eve's children. To summarize, it went like this:'

< Flashback >

"Sometime after Adam and Eve sinned against God and were forced out of the Garden of Eden, they began to have children. The first son was Cain and he was a farmer. The next son was Abel who was a shepherd. When it was time to offer sacrifices to God, Cain brought fruit from the ground and Abel brought some fresh meat from his flock. God favored Abel's sacrifice, but He didn't extend that same grace to Cain. This rejection made Cain angry and jealous of his brother

Cain then took out his anger on his righteous brother, Abel. In a premeditated manner, Cain invited Abel out to the fields where he murdered him. Later God approached Cain about the whereabouts of Abel. Cain lied and countered the all-knowing God with the infamous question, "Am I my brother's keeper?".

God responded quickly with the pronouncement of his punishment: Cain would be driven from his people, no longer able to farm the land and he would be a wanderer. Cain's response lacked remorse for his dead brother, but rather that his punishment was too severe and that he would be killed in revenge. God, being full of mercy and grace, put a mark on Cain to keep people from killing him. As a result, Cain left the presence of God, started a family, and built a city. His descendants were prosperous, worldly, and without God. The legacy of Cain led to the destruction of the entire world with the flood." My mother said.

After hearing this story from my mother, I inquired.

"But why would you name me after a murderer, mom?"

She replied with a voice full of kindness and love, "Because we want you to redeem this name, son. Your father and I have faith that you will do great things in your life. Forge your own story, make your own decisions, don't be a sheep to society; be a wolf. Make everyone remember the name Cain as not being the one of a murderer, but that of a great man. Rewrite history, son.

I know that you have the power to do it. Your father knows it too. Ever since you were young, you've always been a good-natured and determined boy. Don't stray away from this path, okay? Show the world that Cain Smith is a distinguished man with a good heart! We'll always be there by your side, whether you know it or not."

< Flashback end >

Without me even noticing, tears had already started to form on my eyes. This memory with my mom really reawakened my soft side. I always tried to hide my sadness by working or watching stuff on the TV. Never showing weaknesses in front of anyone, but that was only a mask. Inside me, there was only a lonely, sad child that missed his parents.

"Ah fuck *sniff*, this hit me hard..." I whispered to no one while looking at the ceiling.

After a few minutes of crying and remembering the past, I heard Rhea's voice.

{Never forget your mother's words, Cain. Redeem your name, create your own path. Acquire true free will, never to be bound by anything. I know you can do it. Just like your parents, I'll always be here by your side.}

'Okay... thank you Rhea. Really. After I uncover all this shit, I swear I'll make you a body. It's the least I can do for you.' I softly said to her.

{It's fine, Cain. I don't mind waiting. Just knowing that you are so determined to do it makes me happy.} She replied with her lovely voice.

'I'm glad.' Was all I could say.


1 hour later, I had made peace with my past. I knew that someday I'd be able to see them again, and holding onto that thought made me calm down and I started thinking about what I had discovered.

'So I'm related to Cain from Cain and Abel... or I might even be him.'

I then remembered something that Rhea had told me the day I had that dream, "You must discover the true origins of your soul." was what she said.

'It's settled. My soul is that of Cain from Cain and Abel... How? Didn't the story say that God placed a mark on Cain that kept him from being killed? But there's no mark on my body... it might be a mark directly on my soul then. Maybe what it did was keeping Cain from getting killed by someone, but not from natural causes such as diseases and old age. So basically, my soul is that of Adam and Eve's son, the first murderer in history, Cain. Shit. There's so much left to uncover, like what happened between when I killed my brother to when I was born from my mom and dad? What did I do in my past lives? Did I even have any lifes after my first one as the son of Adam and Eve and the the one before this, and if not, why? Why did God decide that now my punishment was over, and why did he even grant me those wishes? Why did I start awakening memories from my first life now? So many questions...

Even though my mom asked me to redeem my name, I have already descended down the path of murder again. All the people that I've killed were indeed rotten, but does that justify taking a life? Some I didn't even kill, there are those pirates that are burning near the planet's core and there's Im along with the Celestial Dragons toasting in the Sun... I'll not press on this matter anymore. I think that what I'm doing is right, even though it's probably inhumane, they got what they deserved. Regarding my soul, I know that the answers will only come with time, so I'll just wait until then. Now I have to focus on the present and live a happy life.'

"To quote the great Spike Spiegel, whatever happens, happens." I concluded my entire thought process with a classic line.

It was 3:36pm right now, so I was thinking about what me and my crew could do and a thought popped up.

'What if we fight some other powerful crews? I need to release my stress a bit. The Yonko I'll go after later because Issho, Mihawk and Robin can't handle their entire crews now... even though I can do it singlehandedly. That leaves the former Warlords or someone else. Wait, how could I forget the biggest cunt there is? BLACKBEARD! His time has come I'm afraid...' I pondered with a little smile.

Deciding on doing this, I went to the kitchen and shouted for everyone to come to me because I had our next objective in mind.

As they all reached the kitchen, I started speaking.

"Do any of you know who Blackbeard is?"

They all nodded. All of them knew him from the Warlords system.

"Good, that makes it easier. I'm planning on attacking his crew and giving him over to Whitebeard, while the rest would be imprisioned by my government. Let's?" I asked them all.

"""Sure.""" The three said simultaneously. Mihawk had been dying to fight someone to test his new powers, and Issho was the same. Now that he knew I was a god, his trust and confidence in me had reached 110% so no matter the danger, he would always follow me. Robin unexpectedly also wanted to fight someone, so I would naturally let her. From how they acted and looking at Issho, I could see that he decided to not tell them about his eyes yet...

"That's perfect then. We'll be arriving at their position at exactly 8:00am tomorrow, so be ready by that time. For now, you should all train your abilities. Blackbeard and his crew are very strong, and in the future might be as strong as a Yonkou's, so you should all be careful. I'll be fighting Blackbeard while you all take care of the rest. His crew is not big right now and should probably only have around 3 members. Even though they are small, they are very much powerful.

The first one is Van Augur, and to be honest with you I had a thought of recruiting him to our crew, but eventually I forgot. He's an extremely skillful marksman, being absurdly accurate at short and long distances. l think that Robin should take care of him. If you can come up with a good plan, you can use your devil-fruit abilities to take his gun away from him, making him essentialy powerless. I'm not sure if he knows Haki but don't take any chances. The second one is Jesus Burgess, a man with tremendous physical strenght and good Haki control. This one might be best for Mihawk to handle seeing as he is the strongest besides me. Lastly, there is Lafitte, a man who is extremly adept at stealth. He carries a cane that probably is a sword, just like Issho. I think that Issho himself is best fit to fight him seeing as Laffite has a devil-fruit that gives him wings to fly, so Issho can negate that with his gravity ability. You should be careful because he is very nimble and can move at fast speeds. I don't know about his Haki but he should be able to at least use Observation.

That ends it. Any questions?" I asked after talking for a straight minute.

"""No.""" They all replied. They didn't even bother asking how I knew this much about them because Mihawk was already used to it and so was Robin, and Issho knew I was a god so, yeah.

"Perfect. Now let's eat! I'm famished." I wasn't really hungry, just wanted to eat something really.

This made all of them happy. They absolutely loved my food, no matter what I cook, they love it. But I gotta say, my cooking is really fucking delicious...




VERY USEFUL FUN FACT: It's impossible to hum while holding your nose, try it.

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