
Power Creation

Meet Cain Smith, a workaholic working on a project that would change the world, suddenly dies due to exhaustion. Little does he know that his death would only be the beginning of his adventure... (WARNING: The first volume is BAD! I had no experience in writing a story so I didn't know what to do, just bear with the first volume and read until the second. The second one is miles ahead of the first one, but if you still don't like it then it is what it is. Thank you for reading!) Hey everyone! This is my first time writing anything other than essays and school work so u can expect a lot of errors and stuff like that, sorry in advance... btw there will be NO HAREM in this story bc I simply don't like them. Enjoy! . . . . . . . (I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction.) This cover is not mine, I found it on google. If you are the artist and want me to change it let me know.

ilovepizza9 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 10 - Random fruit.

(A/N: 3 chapters today because tomorrow I'll have a busy day and probably will only be able to write 1... Anyways, enjoy!)

< Cain's POV >

As I was thinking on what devil-fruit to create, I got an ingenious idea. Make Rhea create 3 random fruits and I can chose one of them, that way I don't need to think that hard on creating one and due to my insane LUCK stat I will probably get an OP custom devil-fruit. Win-Win situation...

I then asked her in my mind, 'Rhea, could you please create 3 random custom devil-fruits and make them appear on the grass in front of me please? Also, create them without the sea water curse and make them taste delicious. I do NOT want to have the experience of eating a devil-fruit with it's normal taste...'

{Understood Cain, custom devil-fruits created.}

Suddenly, 3 weird fruits appeared in front of me. And by weird, I mean WEIRD. The one on the left was like a round blue fruit with some kind of a different swirl pattern than the usual all around the the fruit. It was small enough to be picked with one hand, so I picked it up and used my 'Analyse' ability on it, and I can say that I was taken a back from how powerful this fruit was...

{Mizu-Mizu no Mi. A logia type devil fruit that allows its user to become, create and control the water that is created when this fruit is used, turning the user into a Water Human. It is also important to note that the created water will NOT affect other devil-fruit users since it is not natural sea water, but created water. This can be used to trick opponents into thinking that the user of this fruit can negate their devil-fruit powers. This fruit has a maximum range of a 1 mile radius around the user.}

"Jesus fuck... this is OP as hell. Seems like a great fruit overall and can be used in various ways. It is also very practical because you can just produce an infinite amount of water, so that's always a plus. The thing that makes this fruit OP is that you can trick your enemies by making them think that you can negate their powers... And don't even get me started on that insane range... Overall a very useful fruit indeed" I sat there thinking about the uses of the Mizu-Mizu no Mi for a hot minute and moved on.

Then, I looked at the fruit that was in the middle. It looked like a large, purple apple with the usual devil-fruit swirls all around it, then I used my 'Analyze' ability once again, and I was stupefied by this fruit.

{Kaze-Kaze no Mi. A logia type devil fruit that allows it's user to manipulate the element of wind, turning the user into a Wind Human. This makes it so that the user of the Kaze-Kaze no Mi can generate large gusts of wind and control them. The user can also generate hurricanes, basically turning the human into a walking natural disaster. But, this fruit has a severe weakness, and that is that it is only possible control and generate wind at a 30 meter radious around the user.}

"Shit, this one is also OP... Being able to create hurricanes is insane, but I think that with enough mastery on the Mizu-Mizu no Mi you could also create some kind of tsunami. For now the Kaze-Kaze no Mi is in last place due to its very limited range... time to see the last one." I said while imagining myself manipulating wind, it would certainly be cool but I think that the Water fruit is more powerful.

Then, I looked at the fruit on the right. It looks like a tealish, wrinkly pear covered in black spirals with a stem growing from the top with 3 smaller stems branching-off. After looking at this fruit for a while I used my 'Analyze' ability and almost passed out from reading this fruit's description...

{Tatsu-Tatsu no MI, Model: Shenlong Dragon. A Mythical Zoan type devil fruit that gives the user the ability to become the Chinese Dragon, Shenlong, and control its powers. Those powers are:

Electricity Manipulation- the user is able to generate, manipulate, and absorb electricity.

Electromagnetism Manipulation- the user can fly and move objects by use of electromagnetism and can shoot electromagnetic rays.

Electricity Absorption- the user can absorb lightning to increase his/her own energy.

Healing Factor- the user is able to heal him/her-self by using thunderbolts to speed up his/her cells.

Cloud Manipulation- In either hybrid form or full dragon form, the user is able to create storm clouds.

Flight- the user is able to fly using his wings in hybrid form or his/her claws in full form (when using claws, clouds form for the user to step on).

Enhanced bodily functions- the user has strengthened stamina, endurance, agility, speed, etc.

Enhanced senses- the user possesses heightened sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell

Enhanced strength- the user's body muscle increases to the strength of a dragon

Enhanced Bite- the user gains diamond-hard teeth

Lung Adaption- the user is able to breath under any circumstances

It is also important to note that as a Mythical Zoan type devil fruit, this fruit has abilities similar to a Paramecia type (as it can manipulate the environment and user's body) and a Logia type (as the user can control and create a natural element). As thunderbolts are as hot as the sun, the user is able to burn devil-fruit users who have an ability that allows them to control or transform into substances cooler than the sun, such as fire, magma, smoke, etc.}

(A/N: All 3 fruits were taken from the onepiecefandom website, I'll link it in the comment.)

< 3rd POV >

Cain got up from the ground seeing as he fell after reading what this fruit was capable of and said, "WHAT THE FUCK?! I mean, I knew my luck was good but this is just insane... The choice now has become a no brainer. I CAN FUCKING TURN INTO SHENLONG IF I EAT THIS FRUIT, FULL ON DRAGON BALL SHENLONG. I swear that my battle with Kaido in the future will be the best fight ever... I'll set up some indestructible cameras when the time comes." Shouting that dragon part like a dunce.

Of course, seconds later he picked up the Tatsu-Tatsu no Mi and took a bite, entering a state of bliss from it's delicious taste... 'Rhea didn't play around when I said that the fruit needed to be delicious, wow.'

Then, a lot of information entered his mind on the specifics of the fruit such as its powers, how to turn into a dragon, how to turn into its hybrid form, flying, etc. Cain felt like he was the happiest man ever right now... Who wouldnt? He can turn into a motherfucking SUPERPOWERED DRAGON now so it's understandable...

Cain then immediately wanted to turn into his full dragon form, but Rhea advised against that, saying,

{If you turn into your dragon form now it will cause massive chaos Cain. If you want to, I can find an uninhabited island so that you can have your fun...}

Cain then thought, 'Not that I care if I cause chaos but OK, teleport me to some desolate island, Rhea.' After this short conversation between the 2, Cain disappeared in his usual black and blue smoke...


Paradise, Nanimonai Island...

All of a sudden, Cain appeared in a completely deserted island close to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

'Thank you Rhea.' He thought with an excited expression on his face. You could see that he was truly anxious to try his new powers out...

{You are very welcome Cain. Fun fact concerning this island, it's actually the feces produced by a gigantic goldfish after he ate a whole island!}

Cain's excited expression instantly turned into a disgusted one, he then said out loud, "What the fuck Rhea? Get me out of here NOW! I don't want to turn into my majestic dragon form on top of a shitpile from a goldfish..."

{Roger..... Empty Island found, teleporting now...}


New World, Karai Bari Island...

With the usual *PUFF* of black and blue smoke, Cain appeared on his next island and immediately asked Rhea, 'Any fun facts I should know about this island?' To which he got the answer he wanted.

{No. You are now situated in a deserted island called Karai Bari. It is part of the New World and will be ocuppied by the Buggy and Alvida Alliance in the future.}

'Oh that's cool. Alright, thank you Rhea. Now it's dragon time baby...' Cain thought with a thrilled expression painted on his face.

< Cain's POV >

'OK, it's time to do it... I wonder if it'll hurt. Meh, probably won't but whatever, let's do this.' I thought while flipping an imaginary switch inside my mind with the words 'DRAGON' on the top, 'HYBRID' on the middle and 'HUMAN' on the bottom. Of course, I flipped it all the way up...

Just as the switch hit the top, I felt my body change in indescribable ways but surprisingly it didn't hurt at all, quite the opposite actually, it felt pleasant. I felt that I was turning into my true form, as if I'd always been a dragon...

I didn't hold back at all on my transformation and decided to go full on dragon mode. As if reading my intetions, my body started to change even faster and after just a few short seconds, I turned into a humongous eastern dragon...

My torso had expanded itself, turning into a gigantic serpent like body. My entire upper half became scaly and my fingers turned into massive, sharp dragon claws that seemed to be able to cut through space and time itself. My head turned into that of a dragon and I had a pair of antlers on top; my mouth was filled with big, very sharp teeth that were able to destroy steel as if it were nothing. My eyes became a bright white, resembling the empty white space that I once was when I met God. I also had a little bit of red hair below my antlers and some weird flowing whiskers at the end of my now elongated snout that seemed to defy gravity itself, they just kept floating there...

Instantly, I created a camera and set it up a couple miles away because I NEEDED to see how awesome I looked. Connecting the camera to my mind, I started getting the image that it was transmiting straight into my head, and boy oh boy do I look sick..

My whole back was pitch black, resembling a massive void. The lower part of my body, basically my stomach, and my antlers were a vibrant red that made it seem as if I had just bathed in blood. I should also add that my body was a staggering 10 miles long, so yeah, I was a big boy. Right now though, my whole body was curved in all sorts of ways, making me seem a little smaller, but not that much. (IMAGE HERE)

I then opened my mouth to see if I was still able to talk, and thankfully I was. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I LOOK PERFECT!! Kaido, prepare yourself because you are not going to be able to compete with this dragon here..." Said a thundering loud voice, with almost a majestic and etheral feeling to it.



(A/N: Hello guys! Hope everyone is doing great! Also hope that you liked the fruit I picked for Cain, I looked through your suggestions and found them all great, but as I was scrolling through the onepiecefandom, I found the Shenlong one and I instatly got interested in it. Thank you for the Power Stones and for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, God bless you all!!!)