
Power AboveThe Universal Laws

In a world where only power determine everything and being weak is equal to a great sin Phil Carson was destined to lead a normal life like every other person.But things changed when he got a Power core of a unknown entity and got merged with it. Join his journey as he gain power which is beyond the law's of universe. Come watch his journey. As he Rule over the entire universe . while others are struggling to get little improvement. he become stronger each day by only sleeping... But wait is this the end of his journey or just the beginning.... {NOTE....... I am new in this field and this my first novel and a original work if you guys find any mistake in my translation please let me know in comments.as my goal is to atleast provide 30 chapters per month. Finally injoy the novel guys}

Crypto_Mark07 · Fantasy
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From the beginning

As I walked out from the cafe. My Apple iPhone 6 started ringing. As I took it out of my pocket and opend the screen lock. A notification message popped up. it was a message from the bank. that the student Loan which my father have applied for my higher studies have been aproved. My father name was David Carson.

He was a Head manager in a local cosmetic company.

His monthly pay was around 50000$.

which was more then enough if we wanted to live a normal life . But my father wanted me to get admitted into one of the prestigious battle colleges of national level. where I can get a awakening potion which can help become an awaken.

[Awakened or chosen one referred to those people who had unlocked the hidden potential within their body by awakening different abilities like superhuman strength Controlling diff Element's like [Fire ,Earth , Metal, water ].Summoning monster to fight for them. while some had their own unique abilities.These people started to appear 22 years ago.

11/jan /1998 was the day when space barrier got cracked and vortex started to appear all around the earth. U. S.A, China, Russia, India, and many other countries started sending their research team into those vortex. but within a day after entering that area all countries lost contact with their research teams.before anyone could understand what had happened hell broke out on earth.strange creatures started coming out from those vortex.varying from different body sizes colour and shapes. and started massacring people.within 2 day's millions of people lost their lives. Arm forces of different countries were deployed near those vortex around the world. But it was all in vain as more then 40% of soldiers lost their lives within 1st month of battle between humanity and these monsters . when humanity was losing it's final hope. A phenomenon occurred and many people started gaining different abilities. these people called themselves awakens they become the first line of defense between humans and monsters. Finally after 5 years of struggle between the two humans were able to gain the upper hand.

and these dungeons [referred to Vortex] become mine of resources for humans. Due to long time war the economy of mos of the countries got crumbled and now whole earth was under the rule of U. F [United, Federation].

I don't know why my dad was so obsessed with me being an awakened. But that being said I never bothered to ask him. becouse which parents wouldn't want their children's to achieve great things in their life.

As I was thinking all of this. I drived my way back to home on my scoter.