
Power AboveThe Universal Laws

In a world where only power determine everything and being weak is equal to a great sin Phil Carson was destined to lead a normal life like every other person.But things changed when he got a Power core of a unknown entity and got merged with it. Join his journey as he gain power which is beyond the law's of universe. Come watch his journey. As he Rule over the entire universe . while others are struggling to get little improvement. he become stronger each day by only sleeping... But wait is this the end of his journey or just the beginning.... {NOTE....... I am new in this field and this my first novel and a original work if you guys find any mistake in my translation please let me know in comments.as my goal is to atleast provide 30 chapters per month. Finally injoy the novel guys}

Crypto_Mark07 · Fantasy
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(26 , March, 2021).(10 A.M) . Feather street Culture Cafe.

In an empty Room Phil was waiting for his girlfriend .

her name was Maria.

They were in the relationship science thier High school time

During that time things were going quite well between them.

But every thing changed when they graduated from thier high school.

Becouse of the Awakening ceremony which is held every year for high school students. Right after thier graduation from the

High School.

Maria Awakened The Talent for a Mage . And Joined a famous E Rank Guild[ White Feathers ].

While Phill did not awakened any talent for any class

[NOTE... Class Of Awakening are divide into main 4 classes which are 1. Mage 2. warriors 3.Summoners

4. Special ability users. these classes are further

divided into many sub classes. which you will know further in the story ]

After the awakening ceremony and joining the Guild. Maria stared distant herself from Phill.

At first Phill believed that it was due to her work in Guild. that she was not able to meet him.

But one day when he was going to her home to surprise her. He became stunned when he saw her being intimate with an another man outside of her house .

He clenched his first tightly in anger as he saw that the man she was being intimate with was none other then his best friend from high school Tom.

Tom was from a rich family and he had also awakened talent in Berserker class [sub class of warrior].

He wanted to go thier. beat the hell out of that motherf***.

but he restrained himself from doing so becouse he knew that. he was an normal person while Tom was an awakened.

Tom could kill him with a single Punch.

PHIL was lost in his thoughts when the the door of the room got opend and Maria walked into the room. she was a beautiful girl with quite a good figure.Usually she would have an attractive smile on her face. but today she had an icey expression on her face.

Phill knew from the beginning what was about to come before she could say anything. Phill invited her to sit down and oderd the Food from the menu.food was served in 10 min.

Phill began to eat the food but Maria didn't. seeing her like this Phill asked her with a calm expression on his face.

PHIL. [Don't you like it.this your favorite extra spicey Kentucky Fried Chicken ]

MARIA. [Phill thier is something that I want to tell y..... ].

before she could say anything Phill interrupted her.

PHIL. [we can talk about it after finishing our meal. also thier something that I want to talk to you as well ]

hearing Phill words and thinking that it would be thier last meal together.she for all the time they had spend together agreed to it. soon the meal was over.

Maria was ready to tell Phill that they should breakup. but before she could say anything. Phill Interrupted her thoughts by saying .

PHIL.. [ let's just breakup].

Maria was stunned by hearing Phil words she did not expected in her dreams that Phil would say anything like that.

she even had prepared a speech that she would say to phill about how they do not belong to the same world and how they were not destined to be with each other[ bla bla bla bla bla bla]. But never she had expected that Phill would be the one who will take the initiative to break thier relationship.

Before she could process what has happened. Phill stood up from his seat and walked out from the private room of the cafe.

Maria remain rooted on the spot as she could not process what had happened. even though she her self wanted to break up with him. she never expected that phill will take the initiative . fu**k he did not even bothered about her opinion. at all.

their was an ugly expression on her face.her heart was on turmoil. thier was confusion ,shock, anger, Hate, Sad,

Finally after a long time when Phil had left the Cafe. Her expression turned normal But thier flashed a cold glint in her eyes. As she took out her Phone and dialled a number ...

Phil walked out from the cafe as he did not care about any of her opinion. He had known from the very beginning that why she had invited him to this Cafe so that she could broke up with him. thier was not any regret or sorrow in his heart...