

What happened if a normal guy transmigrate into a body of a random guy and suddenly woke up in a completely new world full of heroes... read it to find out more ;P

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in a dark pitch there was a some guy no... a being, a being so strong that he able to pull a string


7:00 AM Sunday 

In middle of a forest there was a abandoned labs there we see a half african half british man where we see his face shows frown"Ey mark watchu doing here you know this place is dangerous this place is full of weirdo"said the man

Mark who we know as the main character replies while smirking "you know just walking by you know me right" while making a peace sign the man replies with a serious face"i guess you here for that 'thing' huh after that 'thing' is getting popular especially with the criminal afterall this stuff hits the core and it gives you a bit of buffed too" while taking out 2 purpleish pills and just as mark about to takes it "Nuh uh you know these shits is expensive as hell just one of these costs me about 150 Bucks and i hope you ar-"

Mark interrupt " yeah yeah i know i know dont do stupid shits like robbing a banks with it trust me i wouldn't afterall even if i got the powers iam not gonna be arrogant as fuck like that flame guy you know" the man look at him stare at him deadpan "good then" the man gave him the pills'i hope i make the right choice man' Mark who was given the pills ran away while thanking his friends and was grinning like a devil till he was out of range of his friends while thinking 'that motherfucking is dead' 

1:31 PM Sunday

In a building there are full of guys some carry guns in a middle there is short but aged old man wearing a tailored black and white well made suit "Luis did the stuff go through" say the old man with a serious face "yes sir the stuff managed to go through it costs some of our allies but it made us about $1,5M in USD"the man said with a calm face Luis wearing green and white custom made slim fit suits "good then"


Outside the building there is a man wearing black hood who seems to be tired "FUck FinaLLy i Have runniNg FoR the FucKing pAsT SevEN HOURS!" Mark said with his face seems too be hella tired and gasping all over and seems to be resting...

After 10 Minutes

Mark get up "that a good rest lets do this" after he said that he swallow one of the pills as we saw he swallow the pill his eyes begin to glow purpleish color "ALRIGHT LETS DO THIS KA ME HA ME HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and that didnt seems to do anything mark who seems confused and pissed "what the hell i thought i got my powers back what is this man" while shaking his arms and then... *BANG* Mark heads got shotted with his eyeballs drop on the ground...

iam still a beginner and tried to add emotions and fancy words since some people like the fancy word afterall it makes it fancy right... so yeah

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