
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 44

Toya looks at the map, "We have almost 100% of the land back, I hate how we keep sinking again and again." He says watching the map say 29% percent left.

"June is working hard. He's trying to find more stray guardians to help pick the fruit. It grows back too fast." Sharon says watching Misty behind his book.

"That's a really interesting book isn't it." Chronos asks.

"Yeah. It's really interesting." Sharon says reading the same line for the 4th time now.

"How's it going between the girls?" Jake asks worried about Rin.

"Mira is still a snob." Chronos says upset with her, "Can't believe the way she's acting."

Toya looks at Dodge helping with the baby, "She's awkwardly well behaved."

"She's over you now. Good for her, she deserves better than to be obsessed with someone who doesn't see her." Jet says smiling at Avery who managed to convince her dad she can come here.

Sarah who begged to be rescued is sleeping on a beach chair in a blanket.

Avalon is dosing off after two pages of a book.

Lycan is talking to the Water Breathers by the lake. He brought everyone to the lake house.

"There have never been eggs here but the water is so clean. We don't have any one here who will lay eggs. As the crack becomes deeper when the country rises the lake will fill up. If not it will go under, what we can do is lift the land higher and allow the crack to circle the territory. This means more land, like Stark." Misty explains showing him images with the water.

Lycan liking the idea nods.

"What about when the country sinks?" Luna asks worried about that.

Misty shows her waterfalls and more room, "To avoid that from happening we make the surface sturdier. We will make the underground sturdier making it harder for the fruit to grow back, it basically means you are like independent of the island should it sink."

Everyone looks at her.

"I'd like that for my place, it's honestly smaller, but increasing the odds of not sinking is a good pitch, we don't have water, no lake, nothing." Luna says.

Misty nods, "Everyone will love the news. Thank you." She dives under to Luna's place and tells them the good news, "Because your city has no water. She requests you add more land and make the ground sturdier."

"Really! We were never allowed to do that."

"I know. We will have florals and food again. No more going above for food." Misty says.

"Incredible. We'll get started right away. Thank you. Tell her thank you as well."

Misty swims back passing on the message.

"For some reason we keep making you happy and I don't know how." Luna says.

"We used to have beautiful plants where the golden fruit are growing. Food to eat, but the more golden fruit the less food for us. It was so bad we had to come to the surface for food." Misty says.

Lycan nods, "Start somewhere you won't wake the baby. She'll be up in a few hours. Come and do it this side."

Misty smiles, "You won't even feel a thing. It's the others who will."

Luna smiles at the baby reaching for her hair.

"Funny she doesn't see she has hair like that." Toya says trying to make conversation with Luna who is avoiding him.

Luna chuckles, "I'm gonna tug on it too. Mind holding her for me. She's used to sleeping in someone's arms. I need to take a swim."

She jumps into the water and swims under going deeper and deeper until she arrives at Wish. She walks to a castle and opens the doors.

A strong wind pushes her back and she passes out.

"Luna!" Leaflet shouts rushing to her side.

A large creature pokes it's head out and breathes on Luna.

Her bleeding stops instantly and her birth mark on her throat, a spider like shape, changes shape and the 8 legs circle her neck meeting and creating 4 rings. A choker appears with the symbol of the eclipse. Luna's ring disappears and appears on the dragons neck.

The dragon walks out of the castle and smaller ones come out.

"Your name?" The angry dragon asks.

"Her name is Luna your highness." Leaflet answers.

"Ohh, little Leafy. My you've grown, and why is this Luna here?" The dragon asks.

"You've been frozen in time your highness she's one of two living descendants."

"Female? Goodness, than we have no descendants. She had better have a good man."

Leaflet gulps, "She's not of age your highness, but she is attractive. I have no doubts she ..." She takes a step back when the dragon leans in.

"You better marry an Alpha, or I will eat your mate." The dragon threatens and walks away like she owns the place, "Ohh, you're finally extending the place. It's about time!"

"Yes your highness." Leaflet responds shaking.

Luna sighs, "Lucky for me I have two Alpha's fighting for me than." She says sarcastically.

The dragon turns around, "Oh, you better pick a Stark. They are powerful."

Luna bites her lip, "But I can't pick him." She sits down angry about it.

"Oh, you poor thing. I'll go sharpen my nails. Just look at them. It's like I last sharpened them last week." The dragon walks away.

Luna answers her phone when it rings, "Toya. I'm still alive."

"Get back here." He says and than hangs up.

"That's the Stark. I should go." Luna jumps into the water and gets lost on her way back.

Leaflet takes her hand and helps her find her way back.

Luna enters the shield Leaflet cannot. She comes out of the water and Lycan growls at her.

Toya punches him in the face, "Hands off, Mine." He says.

Rex is sitting with Charlie and ignores the commotion, "That's going to happen a few times today." He warns her.

"It's so cool he has his own city. Why?"

"He's trying to find his kind. Luna would like a personal vacation spot. The rest us don't know why we'll figure it out later. Avalon wanted one to take care of his sister." Rex says.

"Everyone has a city?" Charlie looks around at June talking to Ava laughing. Sharon with Misty. Toya and Lycan fighting over Luna. Sarah fast asleep. Jet and Jake with Rin and Dodge. Avery talking to Luna. Chronos screaming on the phone. Terra breaking up the fight between the two Alpha's.

Rex shakes his head, "No, some weren't present when we were getting the islands. You were watching the baby. Terra, Sarah and Avery were at their parents houses. It was an out sight out of mind thing."

"Ohh, this place is ..." Charlie screams feeling something brush her feet.

Luna hugs a baby dragon curious how he got in.

"Hello. I am the all powerful gaurdian, Numa." The baby dragon says.

Toya glares at him, "You get your face out of her face." He looks the dragon in the eyes.

Luna gulps when momma dragon comes out of the water really angry.

"I don't care if you're an Alpha. I will eat you if you mess with my baby's." She comes out of the water.

"Lady Diane, welcome." Misty bows gulping for her life.

"Misty! I last saw you in your egg. You filled out fully. Goodness, do you have a husband?" Diane asks.

Misty shakes her head, "No my Lady."

"Well, clearly those boys are blind. If I were one of them I would chase you like you were my own tail." She strides away.

"How does a dragon have more elegance than all the women here combined." Dodge asks actually feeling self conscious compared to a dragon.

"Clearly she's here to school Luna, if you wanna join class go right ahead." Rin says standing straight like a soldier.

Diane turns around and scoots closer to the baby.

"Ohh, an adorable little girl. I better not blink and you are big girl young lady." She closes her eyes and when she opens them Luna is standing in front of her.

The entire place rumbles when Diane freaks out convinced she was frozen in time again.

The baby starts crying and she glares at Luna holding the baby.

"This is why you're single." Diane says with an attitude.

"Where is your husband?" Luna talks back offended.

Misty and everyone run and hide.

Lycan gulps, "Luna you better apologize right now. Do you know the saying hell hath no fury like Diane."

Luna nods and than looks at the dragon by the name of Diane, "I apologise your highness. I graciously accept your mercy, I'm holding the baby please don't stomp me." She says with her eyes closed.

Diane glares at the spying hunter and breathes fire at him turning him to ash, "I should go call my shnookums." She flies away towards Stark.

Luna sighs in relief and looks at her guardian sitting on his ass sighing in relief too, "Your mother is a Dragon." Luna says it like it's a curse word.

"Tell me about it. Dad's worse." The dragon says.

The baby puts her hands up and Numa looks at her.

"She's so pretty." Numa says.

Luna smiles, "I'm happy about that, does this place have a dragon?"

Numa shakes his head, "They have worse." He says hiding when he hears the growl while Misty and the team keep reshaping the city.

Lycan gulps when an angry wolf comes from out of nowhere.

"A child! Have we run out of soldiers here!" The giant wolf says, he looks at Sharon and counts 1. Luna with the dragon is 2. Rin and Dodge straight like soldiers are 2.5 Chronos pissed off is 3. June is 5

"Sorry, but who's 4?" June asks.

"You plus that old coot Aquarius make 5."

Numa comes out from behind Luna, "I am the all powerful guardian Numa, son of Helia."

"Oh, no, not you, you little brat! Is your crazy mother here. She's a solid 11 to 30 all by herself. Your father is 6."

"Lycan!" Numa yells angry, "Respect me!"

"Why should I?" Both Lycans reply.

"You little pup were named after me ... Well, your father was a great man. He knows what real strength is, stick with me buddy boy, I'll turn you into a 1000 all by yourself. Now where is everybody." Wolf Lycan asks.

"I am everybody." Lycan human responds.

"Well, to avoid any more confusion call me Wolf. At your service Young Alpha. Now, I smell a baby." The giant wolf looks at Luna, "Aww, such a pretty. Uhh. That is a female correct?"

Luna nods.

Wolf looks at Lycan, "Your scent is all over the infant. Are you the father?" He asks sitting close to the baby.

Toya kicks Lycan in the face.

"We already have a wolf too." Luna says looking around for Wolf.

Wolf sprints towards Luna.

"Alright than. Call me Alpha."

Luna nods, "Alright Alpha. Wolf, are you hungry. I brought snacks." She takes out the beef jerky she packed in the second baby bag.

Alpha grabs the whole bag and helps himself to the jerky.

"What exactly are you?" Rin asks jumping on his tail wagging left and right.

"We are Alpha guardians. Every city has an Alpha. Every Alpha has us. A guardian." Alpha says looking at Luna for more.

"Don't eat the baby's treats Alpha." She says wishing for bigger jerky and giving Wolf more.

Lycan and Toya's fight leads to the both of them falling into the water.

They both are swept away by a wild current.

"Ooh, this is my favourite part." Alpha says watching the boys try to survive the wild waters.

Toya controls the water and surfs on it until Lycan kicks him in the back to avoid a sharp turn that guarantees him drowning under water.

Toya jumps up and kicks Lycan back both of them looking at each other shocked when the water suddenly pulls them up.

"No! It was getting good." Rin says swinging on the wagging tail.

Alpha growls and Rue giggles, "Get off my tail."

Rin sulks, "But it's so fluffy and soft, I could just fall asleep in it. You're so warm, I can't leave now. I'll freeze to death."

Alpha smirks, "Well, if you put it like that."

Toya and Lycan fall out of the sky both of them holding on to each other.

Alpha leaps and catches the two of them, "That's enough out of the two of you." He says and turns around and Rin is snuggled into his tail with not a care in the world.

"Are you guys Okay?" Luna stands in front of Lycan making sure he's okay, he looks beat up really bad.

Toya stomps away.

Luna treats Lycan with a first aid Kit and leaves him with healing water, "Where's Toya? Why would he go so far from the baby?"