
Possessor in Naruto

Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter-4: A day in Naruto's life and stealing vegetables

After seeing that his room was cleaned and there was a warm meal on his table, he cried for a good 30 minutes while muttering 'thank you...thankyou....'.

Such small gestures mean a lot for someone who was denied basic human kindness since his childhood.

Someone who was starved of attention.

Someone who sough help from everyone but no one helped, no matter what.

Shadow and pain practically covers this world.

Well, it was beneficial to me.

Worse the conditions, faster he will fall.

Naruto will become my puppet, someone who follows only my orders and doesn't trust anyone except me.

however, it will be difficult to do.

Asura's chakra will also oppose me as I assume it pollutes Naruto's mindset and way of thinking.

That is the only way I can imagine this kid not falling into pits of hatred.

After eating, he started talking with me.

'Thank you voice-kun.' He said with a bright smile.

'It doesn't matter, boy. I am your one and only best friend after all.' I said.

'Yes you are my first ever friend and best friend. Yaay.' He said in a happy tone as he ran out to do what other kids do.

Roam around pointlessly, try to play with other children etc.

Except that didn't happen.

Everyone gave him a stink eye EVERY single time even when he wasn't doing anything, no one wanted to play with him at all, he was humiliated and bullied by other children all the time and so on.

I didn't miss these important chances at all.

I always whispered something like 'Why do you seek attention from these trashes?'

or 'Am I not the only true friend you will ever need?'

or 'Why not harm them? Just a solid punch in the stomach would do.'

But he always responded that they just need time or something like that with a smile.

Of course that smile was a fake one as I could see pain behind it easily.

It was a smile meant to comfort me but even trying so hard as a child, he cannot hide his emotions from me, an adult.

Anyone with decent EQ and basic awareness of situation could tell that it was smile filled with agony and self-mockery.

This happened everywhere.

No one ever stopped.

They were figuratively and literally kicking when him when he is already down.

Harming him whenever he wanted to talk or play, shooing him away when he wanted something even if its basic human necessity like food or clothing etc.

They did not miss even a single chance.

And all this was in span of one day.

After long day of trying to become likable, he came back home and cried for an hour.

I never missed a moment as well.

'Is it truly worth to bear such pain for others? For people who simply do not care about you?' I asked him.

'Hic....Hic...I- I just want them not hate me. Please tell me a solution voice-kun. Please! I will do anything!' He said as he cried.

'You are asking the wrong question to the wrong man, little guy. Ask yourself. Why do you want to be liked by them? Is it necessary? I will gladly answer your question once you answer this one to yourself first. Do you still believe that it's worth chasing their acknowledgement when they desperately reject you? They do not know what is your true worth. A blind person cannot appreciate beauty of a diamond.' I said.

I wanted him to question his choices, his beliefs, what he thinks is correct, what he thinks is wrong.

A man can never outperform his set of beliefs.

Changing what one believes can change the person entirely.

When the basic idea about anything is shaken, the person's thinking pattern generally collapses and he seeks new answers to the questions he previously had an answer for.

With new answers, comes new questions.

And with them comes new answers again.

This cycle traps them into overthinking about situations and scenarios, which should be quite easy to answer otherwise.

Can he in anyway oppose this way?

He cannot, for he is but a child.

He doesn't have insight or any experience related to life and therefore, he will always fall into self blame.

Am I correct? Is he right?

Through these questions, I will twist his world view.

Slowly but surely, he will not have any choice but to surrender.

A simple technique but quite effective.

Naruto thought about this for quite a while but couldn't answer me no matter what.

I could see that his thinking pattern was wavering sometimes but it did take a small step towards the direction I wanted.

Looks like this is going to take a lot of time, won't it?

I won't let him arrive at a proper answer, ever.

'Naruto...Do not resist my control. I will make a warm meal for you to eat. Think about what I said seriously after eating.' I said as I started taking over control.

Naruto didn't know what I meant but he didn't resist me at all.

I went outside the house.

It is time to steal.

I went to a few shops around, seeing what is available to eat currently. I need some vegetables and possibly meat if I want to cook something fulfilling. I went inside a couple of store but they threw me out after a few moments. I naturally argued a lot.

And that is how to shoplift.

One at a time.

Every time no one was looking, I sneaked in one vegetable, stuffed them inside my T-shirt, then argued with the vendor for a bit before they kicked me out.

It was extremely hard as some of the vendors were perceptive enough so I had some troubles but I managed to get at least some vegetables.

I ran to the home, deposited the vegetable inside the fridge and ran back to other stores for more.

(A/N: Welcome to the painful reality. Not every step of a character is a glorious one. Everyone got their own bad set of moments.)

I couldn't sneak any meat however.

After stealing the last vegetable, I was almost spotted.

I ran before anyone could be suspicious.

I took the vegetables, made some stir fry with some soup with the tomatoes and whatever I could steal and let go of the control from Naruto's body.

He was really happy when he saw that I made him a warm meal.

He was thinking about what I said during entire time.

After that, he went to sleep.

Oh boy, this cycle is going to painful ain't it?

But it will be worth it.

Truly worth it.





(A/N: patrëón.com/join/OverlordN if you want to drop in some money.

I will start writing super ultra sexy seriously as soon as I reach around a hundred people I guess?

I will also make a personally requested fanfic if you can give me enough money ;p

(I'm kidding...unless... :eyes:)

We will be slowly but surely affecting Naruto.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Story progression will be fairly slow but it will be enjoyable. I don't want to make trashy rushed content.

Opinions here.

Anyways Thanks for reading!)

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