
Possessive Addiction: Master Gu Is Bold and Powerful!

In her previous life, Mu Anhan abandoned her husband and son. It was only after her death that she learned that Gu Xiaozhan loved her madly. In her next life, she was going to cling to him tightly and give him a second child! Everyone sneered. “Mu Anhan seduces Master Gu all day long and only cares about giving him a child. She’s just trying to cement her position by giving him children. Master Gu will surely divorce her after.”Who would have thought that the Perfume Queen, top hacker, miracle doctor, genius designer, AI intelligence, scientific research master… All of her multiple identities were exposed. What annoyed everyone even more was that treasure appraisers, medical professors, and international celebrities were all kneeling at her door, begging her for guidance! At night, she snuggled in Master Gu’s arms with red lips, and was the most provocative little seductress. Eyeing her with his dashing brows slightly raised, the possessive Master Gu rasped out, “Darling, should we try for a third child?”

Fei Chuchu · General
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40 Chs

Chapter 38: Mr. Gu Gently Held Her Hand

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Xiaozhan is innocent. He is a straightforward type of man. He doesn't love Tang Xue, so her threats to end her life did not affect him. Tang Xue was a vengeful b*tch willing to die to ruin Xiaozhan's honor!" Mu Anhan's passionate speech was crisp and crystal clear, like the crunch of fresh snow underfoot, echoing across the estate.

"Jiang Fan is Tang Xue's admirer who set the bomb on Sanwan bridge. Jiang Fan was a talented student in the Chemistry Department, but he didn't use his talents to build the country and society. Instead, he blew it up because he is antisocial."

As she spoke, everyone in the Gu family listened with great interest, including a perplexed Gu Xiaozhan. How did she know all this?

But of course, Gu Xiaozhan could not interrogate her in front of the whole Gu family clan!

"This is only your side of the story. Where's your evidence? Do you expect people to believe you by word of mouth?" Gu Yonglei, Gu Yongjin's sister, spoke up. Beside her was Pei Wei, the heir to the presidential seat of Country A.

Gu Yonglei was the youngest daughter of the second wife, and she and Pei Wei were currently in a relationship. She had felt the need to back up her brother, Gu Yongjin, and could not stay silent.

The second and fourth households had always been at each other's throats and had accumulated long-time grievances.

It was an opportunity to throw shade at the fourth wife's family, and they seized it.

Moreover, the second wife's family was all on Pei Wei's side.

Gu Xiaozhan's power was too great that even the presidential house feared him. Since someone in the powerful Gu family clan was willing to join hands with the presidential house, Pei Wei had no reason to reject them.

Pei Wei had arrived a little late and missed the grand entrance of the stunning Mu Anhan that the Gu family kept gossiping about throughout the gathering.

Seeing her with his own eyes, he was dazzled. No words could do her enough justice.

Jealousy shot through Pei Wei like a fired arrow. Gu Xiaozhan was merely the son of the fourth wife of the Gu family. He did not deserve to be with the most beautiful woman in Country A.

This otherworldly beauty should belong to him.

However, he was shrewd and hid all his thoughts. No one could guess what he was truly thinking.

Mu Anhan grew a little anxious. She had already sent the evidence to her third brother anonymously. Did her third brother not pass it to Gu Xiaozhan?

Gu Xiaozhan could've just announced all this. Why was he just standing there accepting all the blame?

She desperately wanted to protect Gu Xiaozhan from injustice and recklessly professed the truth.

She had no hard evidence. How could she prove her words?

Mu Anhan frowned slightly and clenched her tiny fists tight, her nails digging into her palms. Suddenly, a warm hand gently covered her shaking fist.

Gu Xiaozhan held her hand. His warmth was comforting, and she calmed down right away. 

It was as if he had given her a calming sedative. She realized then that he had anticipated this and had a plan in place.

Sure enough, Gu Xiaozhan gestured for the servants to turn on the TV.

It was the 6.30 pm news. The head of the police department held a press conference. They were replaying the news reports and announcing the latest progress on the Sanwan bridge, the police answering cause and effect questions. His response to the press was the same as Mu Anhan's, almost word for word. 

Mu Anhan thought, 'The heavens are helping me!'

"This is the most authoritative official announcement. Do you still not believe it?"

Gu Yonglei opened her mouth to retaliate, but Pei Wei stopped her. He acted like Gu Xiaozhan had been in the right all along. He smiled and said, "Xiaozhan was innocent regarding the Sanwan bridge incident. Truly, trouble can come from anywhere. We're just glad that you're safe."

Mu Anhan felt that Pei Wei was a total hypocrite. He had wanted Gu Xiaozhan to die in the explosion but acted as though he cared about his well-being.

Then again, he was from a prominent political family, groomed to be the next president. Hypocrisy, lies, and deception were second nature to him.

Huo Yiwen glanced at Gu Zhentao, who was in a lousy mood. She held his hand beseechingly. "Zhentao, Xiaozhan is innocent. What is the matter?"

"Tell the butler to serve the dishes. Let's eat first!" Gu Zhentao was used to confrontations and fights for many years. He forcefully pulled himself together.

When everyone was seated at the dining table, Gu Xiaozhan grabbed Mu Anhan's wrist and pulled her into a corner.

Her shimmering 10cm high diamond heels made her nearly eye-level with him.

Gu Xiaozhan gazed deeply into her eyes, his black ones reflecting her beauty back at her. She entreated softly, "Hubby, what's wrong?"

"How did you know all those things?" Gu Xiaozhan's tone was colder and more serious than ever.