
Possessing A Wicked Bully (Dropped)

A happy-go-lucky playboy dies and possesses the body of a wicked bully in the middle of a crime. Will living in such a person’s body be easy? Whether a true villain or not, the bully’s sins would never wash away or be forgiven. This is a story of Drake Maxwell’s continuation.

Waterfish · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Virgo’s Perspective (1)

What happened just then… was an extreme case. I never thought thought it'd all turn out like this.

All I did was walk home after school like normal. It was just a normal day doing normal things.

Then 'this' suddenly happened…

They came out of nowhere. Grabbed me. Dragging me somewhere no one could see. A nightmare…

Since when did I predict this would happen?

Had my actions brought this on me?

I was pudgy type in middle school. They called me ugly and bullied me; ruining my social life.

All I wanted was to change and be better.

No one put more thought into their high school debut than I did. Going on a diet was really hard.

Towards the end of it, I'd lost enough weight to be considered just a normal girl with a little bit of fat.

That was enough to give me content.

I didn't need to be beautiful or stunning. All I wanted was for no one to pick on me anymore.

The day of my debut was coming close…

Then, like a miracle upon a wishing star, I found myself having changed completely over night.

My height, weight, face, hair… Everything had become unfamiliar to me. It made no sense…

This kind of change couldn't work so easily…

Obesity wasn't something dieting and exercise could 'heal'. My skeletal shape shouldn't change.

And yet, everything was different that morning.

My family members were surprised, but they slowly got used to it and passed it off as a growth spurt.

For me, it was harder to get used to.

Instead of being avoided, guys and girls alike started talking to me as if we were good friends.

It threw me for a loop at first…

…but one learns to love their new selves over time.

Popularity… The thing I'd wanted most was in my hands. Things should have been perfect.

That was… until 'he' entered the picture.


A handprint appeared on my desk after someone I really didn't want to get close with came forward.

I'd heard about him from other people.

He was a bully who hurt people without remorse. A violent kind of guy. It felt… scary… really scary…

When my head raised to look into his eyes, all I could see were a swirling vortex of desires in them.

Savage, uncontrolled…

Animalistic, untamed…

His eyes didn't see people as humans. It felt more like people other than himself were pieces of meat.

That was my first impression of him anyway…

"Hey, you're my girlfriend now."

"H-huh?" The way he suddenly declared me as his own was similar to the romance novels I'd read.

…But why did it feel so horrible to be told this?

"All of you can fuck off now." He looked at the people around me, and gave them a fiery glare.

Everyone backed down and made apologetic expressions towards me. Like it wasn't their fault.

I was isolated from any opportunities once again.

The sticky feeling of woe started to build inside me. Was this situation normal at this school?

"Hey, what's with your face?" He grabbed my chin and forced me to lift my head to look at his eyes.

I hated this feeling he was pressuring me with.

And the way he touched me like we were dating.

"Don't you want to be popular here?" He asked as if he knew what I'd wanted before coming here.

I avoided clear eye contact, only saying:

"I… don't want to date."


"No, I… won't be your girlfriend."

"You're seriously going to reject me? Even though I came all the way here to personally meet you?"

"…" I pushed his hand away. Trying to stand my ground even if he tried to be intimating to me.

"Heh~" He chuckled, which made me look up to see his gaze. When I saw it, my body froze up.

This was the first time being seen with such eyes…

It almost felt like he was licking me all over with his disgusting gaze. He didn't even look at my face.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone. Happy? Just think of me as one of your guy friends." He grabbed my phone on my desk and sent himself a text, then walked off without giving me a second glance… or time of day.

My life went back to normal when he left. Those who had previously avoided me came over too.

"Sorry." One of the girls said.

"Who… was…" Seeing that I had a hard time speaking, one of my classmates bit his lip.

"His father is a congressman." Those words seemed like all they wanted me to hear about him.

Basically, he was someone with a lot of influence.

On top of that, someone who wouldn't let go of someone once he put a target over their head.

This made my legs tremble underneath the table.

I couldn't stand up properly.

My classmates came closer to me while some looked out the corridor. They were strangely tight knit despite coming from different places, but it seemed more like banding together in resistance.

That guy… 'Alan Bernville', was a big public enemy.

"…It's better if you transfer than stay here." One of the girls said. She seemed nervous for me.

"But…" I didn't have the money for it.

"You should leave while you still can."

"Even our teacher is already done for. She doesn't smile anymore. Something had happened to her."

Just as they were about to give me the details, our teacher came through the door with heavy steps.

The sound of her heels made everyone quieten and go back to their seats. They were too behaved…

It was only after seeing the beautiful face of our teacher, did I finally understand what they meant.

Her eyes were deathly and shallow, like there was nothing left inside her heart that could be broken.

The frown on her face seemed permanent.

We studied out of pity for her, rather than out of respect. The situation… just made me feel nervous.

Was I going to end up like that?

It felt like our teacher's heart had been broken into pieces. What happened to make her eyes like that?

So depressed and unfulfilled…

It was thing kind of deep thinking that made me careless. What happened back then lead to now.

Me sitting with a weirdo amongst the thuggish bastards that tried to rip my clothes off.

The buttons on my shirt were ruined, so I was hesitant to walk home in this kind of state.

And most of all, I was really scared…

The only person who made me feel at ease was the guy who saved me, but he… was a little bit weird.

Even now, he was staring at a porn magazine that I'd only heard of… but had never seen until now.

It was… kinda interesting?

Can bodies be shaped that way though? Or was it just the skimpy lingerie making me took more?


He's infecting me with his pervs, isn't he?

Am I turning into a pervert because of him? Would I normally be looking at porn in such a situation?

This magazine was more for guys only as well…

Though… when I compare myself to what was shown, it didn't feel like I'd lose to them in looks.

Was this my pride talking?

"Hey…" He suddenly called out to me.

Oh yeah, this guy had also asked me out.

…I wonder why it felt less uncomfortable to be asked out by him. Even though he was… strange.

So very… very strange…

"What's wrong?" I unconsciously held together my shirt. My white underwear was a little visible now.

"Did you just grow taller?"

"No…?" What was he talking about?

"Wait… It's subtle… but you've definitely changed a little. More defined… Don't you feel it yourself?"

He didn't seem to be talking nonsense. There was a rare seriousness in his eyes while looking at me.

Maybe it was just my vivid imagination, but it felt like my clothes had become tighter after all.

Was I always this big?

But… my clothes weren't outgrown though?

"I don't know what's happening."

"Really?" He looked at me a little suspiciously, but such a look wouldn't change my sincere attitude.

"…" I just stared at him without showing weakness.

"…Alright. What are you planning to do now? We can't stay here all night. Should I walk you home?"

"…Can I stay with you?"



"Even if you're sexy. No."


"…I don't take people to my house." It felt more like I was burdening him. Even though he saved me.


"Don't apologise. What did you do wrong?"

"You're strong. I just… feel safe when with you."

"Ummm… 'Sophie', right?"


"I'm feeling a little dangerous. Wanna be my girlfriend now so we can… you know… make love?"

"…" My eyes lowered down, seeing that his lower half had been standing attention this entire time.

It was a little bit embarrassing to see.

But somehow, a part of me just felt amused rather than endangered. Even though… he wanted me.

Even though it was entirely because of my looks.

It was a little disappointing that I had to answer:

"…It's an 'unsafe' day."

It felt embarrassing telling him this. My face was hot. I wonder if it was red. All the way to my ears…

"Then how about a rub?"

"Here?" I looked at the guys on the ground.

"…Somewhere else." He also didn't seem perverted enough to do lewd things in front of these swine.

My embarrassment was up to the max…!

I'd never done this kind of stuff before. I wondered why my heart felt so clear when talking with him.

As if I could tell him even my deepest secrets, and trust that he'd accept any part of me I'd shown.

Now that I looked closely… wasn't he also handsome? Wait, but I heard he was a playboy.

…Well, even if he was, I'd be happy enough just being near him. Our relationship… wasn't serious.

He was clear that he just wanted my body…

And I was clear that I wanted to do this with him.

Maybe to get some experience. Maybe because I really like him. Or just something else. It's just…

…I wanted to break that tiny 'gap' between us.

Let's make things physical!

Just as we were caught up in our mood. A voice suddenly broke the atmosphere and horrified us:

"How 'bout my place~?"

The suddenness of the deep voice made us turn our heads. There was a sound of bone snapping…

The first thing I saw was the demonic face of Alan twisted by the darkness, then his extended fist.

Then… did that… 'snap'… come from… 'him'?

My face twisted when I saw the deformed neck of my saviour. Who hadn't even said his first name.

Shivers started to paralyse my muscles…

I couldn't move at all.

"M-murderer…! Murderer!" These words came out broken and awkwardly. I wasn't in my right mind.

Alan didn't seem bothered whatsoever.

His fist was like a giant's. Was he even human? He broke a neck with a punch? And killed… him… him..

"Aaaaargh!" We'd only known each other for a brief time, but his fallen figure ripped by heart to shreds.

I crawled over pathetically and hugged him, but he was gone. He wasn't talking anymore… gone…

He was… He was…


I hit the hand reaching out to me with the metal pipe in my hand, but he caught it with ease.

A proud look appeared on his face.

I wanted this vile being to be punished. Kill him! Kill him! Throw him in a hell he'd never recover from!

As if my prayers were being accepted, a light was shone through the leaves in the opposite direction.

It was the torch of park security…!

The horror, dread, and sadness were making it hard to move, but my fury surpassed them all.

"H-help!" I called out to them, and the white-haired man in blue clothing came running despite his age.

He would definitely be able to do something.

Not fight. Just call the rest of them, and the police!

The park security member looked at the situation with the same horror I felt after seeing a body.

Those three scum from earlier also looked dead…

I rocketed off my feet so I wouldn't be taken hostage, even if it meant putting my saviour down.

Alan had to be punished! He had to be punished!

"P-please help! He's crazy…!" There was no way the security man wouldn't guess what happened.

He frowned deeply at the situation at hand, even if he was being distracted by my ripped clothes.

Still, he seemed capable enough to put faith in.

"Don't worry. Let's see who's brave enough to make a mess like this." His torch started to turn towards the wicked bastard that hurt the one who saved me. The one who callously… 'killed'.

But when he saw Alan's face, he hesitated a bit.

The murdering bastard spoke with innocence:

"It's just a little misunderstanding. You know what'd happen if my father found out about this, right?"

He threatened, but security man wasn't intimidated. His dissatisfaction became deeper.

"I've already got one foot in my grave and no family to hurt. Don't think what you say matters to me."

A radio was being pulled out of his pocket.

Still, Alan spoke with meaning:

"You won't report me."

"Why not?"

"Remember our little deal."

"That doesn't matter now."

"In exchange for 'that', you and some others agreed to not get involved in any of my business."

"That's-" Just as the man was about to retort, his eyes suddenly glowed a bright shade of silver.

He stopped talking at that moment…

The man's eyes were like that of a dead fish…

Then, out of my expectations, he really did turn a blind eye to this serious crime. I tried stopping him.

"W-wait! You can't…! Don't leave!" I grabbed onto his belt, but he slapped my hand away and left.

My hope was snatched away…

Behind me, Alan stood there with the metal pipe.

It didn't make sense…! He seemed willing just a moment ago. Why did the man leave? Why?!


"Shut it."

Before I could scream to call anyone else, a hand wrapped around my mouth in a familiar way.

The trauma from earlier suddenly arose.

Even though fury had let me push past these feelings, the fire in my heart had been dulled.

It was unable to suppress my other emotions anymore. I turned my eyes, looking at the killer.

His unfaltering satanic smile engraved into my heart. Tears started to blur my vision again…

Even when he let go of my mouth, the feeling of a lump in my throat made it hard for me to speak.

Even sobbing was hard at this point…

"Hey, you guys wake up." He kicked the trio on the ground a little, and they started to wake up.

They groaned in pain from their injuries.

"B-boss…" The shorter guy supposedly called 'Jake' tensed up. The others were too injured.

That demon handed him the metal pipe…

"Listen up. You three will take the fall for what happened." His statement only confused me.

What was he up to?

The three of them saw the body with a bruised up neck, and gulped hard in terror from realisation.

However, Jake was resistant to do what he said.

"P-please…! We were going to bring her to you like usual. It's just… that guy… Can't only one one of us take the fall? Pat can do it!" His true intentions were blurted out in the end without remorse.

He probably only said that since 'Pat' was in the worst condition among the people that were here.

That demon kneeled down and held his shoulder.


"Y-yeah?" He looked up in hope.

"Didn't I say the first taste is always mine? And that for her, I wouldn't let you guys have any of her?"


"Don't forget. You fuckers said you'd be my lackeys if you had a 'taste'. As lackeys, take the fall for me."

The moment he said that, a silver glow appeared in the eyes of all three of the thugs that took me here.

The three of them answered in unison with empty eyes, as if they had given up on any resistance:


The feeling of despair encroached on my body and mind even further. He approached me last.


"I have a car waiting just for us. Why don't you stop resisting? It's annoying. I'll hate it if you fight back."

He wrapped my head, causing my flight-or-flight instincts to kick in. My nails dug into his arm.

But the pressure on my neck didn't change…

The lack of air was slowly robbing me of my consciousness. Darkness took away my sight…

When I'd woken up, I experienced the worst hell imaginable at his hands. The hatred in me grew…

I wanted to kill him…!

But even these feelings slowly became numbed after a few minutes. My mind broke down.

My morals to break to adapt… So I could stay sane.

If only my saviour was still alive. He'd reassure me like before. Protect me. Unlike I did with him.

I wished I was dead…