
Chapter 6: I Want to Eat Chicken Tonight

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Chi and Tang Feng devised a plan to start by investigating the Spirit Medicine Valley.

Of course, there were no clues in the Spirit Medicine Valley at the moment, but he had to put on a show, so the thief would think he was still looking for clues and investigating.

In a word, he had to be meticulous.

If he was not the thief, the real thief would most likely fall into the trap.

During their time in the Spirit Medicine Valley, Zhang Chi cooperated with Tang Feng and pretended to be shocked when he revealed that Tang Ruoling was a Female Physique of Xuan Pin.

It wouldn't be long before everyone in the Hezuo Alliance would know the news.

After leaving the Spirit Medicine Valley, Zhang Chi immediately headed to the Spirit Beast Workshop.

Zhang Chi chose to visit the Spirit Beast Workshop first to help the people there take care of the newborn lambs.

When the lambs were properly cared for, he could have more fresh sheep milk to drink. This was what he called sustainable development.

As luck would have it, the sheep in the Spirit Beast Workshop were likely where the thief had left the most clues. Other sects had lost their property, but the sheep in the Spirit Beast Workshop were still there.

The Spirit Beast Workshop warmly welcomed Zhang Chi's arrival and sent an elder to accompany him.

Zhang Chi walked around the Spirit Beast Workshop like a visiting leader.

Accompanying Elder Wang Yang explained the situation of the distressed mother sheep to Zhang Chi.

Zhang Chi listened intently, but his mind wandered to the neighboring sheep pen.

"Elder Wang, what is that over there?"

Zhang Chi pointed at the ash-colored birds and asked.

"Oh, those are the newly introduced Singing and Dancing Chickens. They like to sing and dance, hence the name.

The chicken meat is delicious and rich in spiritual energy. The Workshop Master imported them from the He You Alliance Spirit Beast Sect at a high cost."

Wang Yang showed no guard and introduced it wholeheartedly to Zhang Chi.

The He You Alliance is right across the river from the Hezuo Alliance, and its leader is the Spirit Beast Sect.

Not all forces can be called sects; only those with an inherited cultivation technique or divine ability, and a divine ability realm strongman, can be called a sect or a door.

While the Spirit Beast Workshop is a local power, it has no competitive advantages internally and mainly relies on raising livestock to earn cultivation resources. Its position in the Hezuo Alliance is relatively low.

But the Spirit Beast Sect across the river can claim supremacy due to controlling the method of cultivating spiritual beasts.

Zhang Chi, hearing that these Singing and Dancing Chickens came from across the river, became interested.

These were obviously newly introduced, and he hadn't been here for a long time and didn't know that the Spirit Beast Workshop had new products.

"I want to eat chicken."

Zhang Chi discovered a pattern: every time he wanted something, he would find it on his bed the next day.

It seems that his second persona must be a little angel who can fulfill his wishes.

In that case...

"It's better if it's cooked."

Gu Youyou: "..."

As the Demon Dao Saint Girl, am I here to steal chickens and touch lambs for you?

With the Singing and Dancing Chickens on his mind, Zhang Chi reminded Wang Yang, "Elder Wang, you should be careful. The thief who stole the sheep milk might also steal chickens."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yang didn't care and said, "We already have a countermeasure. These chickens are kept together with geese, which have loud voices and are very vigilant at night. If the thief dares to come, it won't be as easy as before."

Zhang Chi's heart stirred. Were there geese, too? Roast goose tastes wonderful.

Gu Youyou: "..."

With no gains from his visit to the Spirit Beast Workshop, Zhang Chi quickly proceeded to the Pill Hall and the Weapon Sect.

Not until night fell did he return to the Sword Sect at the urging of others.

All the way, his haggard expression showed that he was worried about Tang Ruoling's situation.

It wasn't until he returned to his residence that Zhang Chi put away his acting skills.

He carefully closed the doors and windows, and after making sure that no one was peeping, he moved the bed.

Tang Ruoling was breathing evenly and had not died yet.

For safety's sake, Zhang Chi applied another sleeping talisman to her before arranging the tasks for his second persona.

In fact, he didn't need to write it down; whatever he thought, Gu Youyou already knew.

It's just that Zhang Chi didn't know this. Just to be safe, he wrote down his plan.

He and his second personality were one, so he naturally wasn't worried about his second personality betraying him.

Zhang Chi had also considered not sleeping at all, so that the second personality would have no chance to come out.

But he needed his second personality's help now, so he didn't conduct such an experiment.

After putting the note in his pocket, Zhang Chi lay down and went to sleep.

As soon as he relaxed his mind, Gu Youyou came online.

The first thing she did was take out the note and look at the densely packed small characters on it. Gu Youyou couldn't help but laugh.

As a Demon Dao Saint Girl, she didn't need anyone to teach her what to do, right?

If it wasn't for her own self-preservation, she wouldn't even bother to deal with Zhang Chi's request.

However, she was delighted that she could clearly feel that her control over the body had increased.

At first, she could only control the body for two hours a day, but after more than a month of effort, she could now control it for three hours.

Yesterday, just by abducting a woman, she was able to control the body for three and a half hours.

"I don't know how much longer I can control the body after I bring Jiang Qingyun over."

Gu Youyou couldn't help but secretly calculate, after all, what Zhang Chi cared most about was his master.

When she could control the body for more than six hours, wouldn't this body belong to her?

"Second, hello!"

As Gu Youyou was daydreaming, she suddenly heard a voice, startling her.

Then she realized that it should be Zhang Chi speaking.

At this moment, Zhang Chi was also very excited. Before going to bed, he had been wondering whether he could maintain his consciousness after falling asleep and if it would be possible to observe the actions of his second personality.

As it turned out, he could indeed do it.

He felt that he had just fallen asleep and then quickly woke up again. His senses were still there, his perspective was still there, and his body was moving without him controlling it.

What an amazing feeling!

Zhang Chi wasn't afraid at all, but rather somewhat excited, so he tried to greet and talk to his second personality.

Indeed, his second personality could hear him.

Gu Youyou: "..."

The Demon Dao Saint Girl was actually frightened. Had she no shame?

Also, what kind of nickname was "second"?

"Call me Boss!"

Gu Youyou's voice still sounded androgynous to Zhang Chi, but he didn't care about these details.

Gu Youyou thought of herself as the boss, and Zhang Chi was not going to argue with her about it.

Since they were both split personalities, they would naturally think they were the boss.

As long as both of them could grow together, it didn't matter.

Zhang Chi was a very pragmatic person. If his split personality hadn't been useful, he would have actively sought treatment.

Gu Youyou also felt uneasy when she discovered that Zhang Chi was awake.

She was afraid that Zhang Chi could eavesdrop on her thoughts, which would not be good.

So, she quickly collected her thoughts, got rid of distractions, pushed the bedboard open, dug out Tang Ruoling who was half-buried in the soil, and heard Zhang Chi speaking in her head again.

"Brother, you're quite good at this. We can learn more from each other in terms of art."

Zhang Chi was commenting on Tang Ruoling's binding method; which only made Gu Youyou even more annoyed.

She would never know such vulgar things; it was all from reading Zhang Chi's thoughts!

Although she was a member of the Demon Cult, why did she feel like she was being led astray by Zhang Chi?

Was that reasonable?