
Houston we have made contact

Chapter 8

Splash! I've been woken up by the water splashed at my face soaking my whole body. In front of me the woman whose face can launch a thousand ship and start a war like the story of Helen of troy can be seen.

Girl:#?&£!#@*"#+=/&£&£ ?+#/#/!&££* +=+=/=/££&;" &+#+?*??!##=@/?:£)£(*+

Me: what? What are you saying I can not understand any words you say!

Girl: &*/£/#/#/!=£££&!;&()))&+£/£:_+_/&+&:&?*£?=@=;&*!&#=+_

Me: I don't understand at all. What language are you using. Do you know english? No hablo espanyol.. comprede.. banzai arigato, ni hao, bonjour. Fuck! What am I saying?!

Girl: £&**£&&##@&&££)(&££*";;;£&£

At this point we are both shouting each other I am struggling free because I am tied up like a prisoner hugging a tree.

Then the goddess sigh a long sigh then point a finger up her forehead then closes her eyes. As if meditating or concentrating on something then began to chant in a very low voice. After a few words she pointed at me and approach slowly then put her finger on my forehead. "Damn, even her fingers are perfect feast for the eyes" I said to myself. As her finger touches my forehead a jolt of electricity entered my mind compose of information that I do not know but starting to understand bit by bit. It was a language the girl is previously blabbering about. Then the girl took three step backwards and started to talk again with an angry tone.

Girl: now speak human. What are you doing here in the elven continent? And why are you spying on me while I am bathing?

Me: wait what! Human? Are you not also a human? Wait elven continent! What do you mean by elvelen continent? Are you an elf?

Girl: answer me human and dont ask me about the obvious. Why are you here and what is your purpose? And why are you spying on me while I was bathing earlier? (Still with angry tone)

Me: wait a minute this is all a miss understanding I tell you I can explain. First I don't know where I am second it is not my intention to spy on you on purpose. (Me trying to explain with a soft tone of voice)

Girl: LIES! (Shouting angrily)

Then I saw the girl move taking her bow on her back and pulling an arrow on her quiver also on her back then putting the arrow on the bow string and pulled the sting and pointed at me aiming for my head. The movement is very fast and smooth it all happend within a second.

Me: wait! Wait! Don't shoot. I dont want to die! (I scream at the top of my lungs)

As I am shouting I saw the arrowhead shinning and I was struggling hard to break from the rope that tied me to the tree trunk causing my arms to hug it. Then.. Snapped! Followed immediately a Swish sound then Bam! The sounds that heard within that momment. I was thrown back a couple of meters away from the tree hitting my butt on the the ground then looking where the arrow and the explosion happend. Shocked by the result of the arrow to a nearby tree it had a large grater in its trunks with a one meter diameter and an unknown dept, but my guess is one feet deep in the center.

Girl: how did you do that?

Did what?

Girl: how did you break the mana rope?

Of course I broke it with my strength. What do you expect you tried to kill me! I explain

Girl: that is imposible you cannot break the mana rope by strength alone, even our strongest warrior can not break it, Even a level 50 creature cannot break it lest you a mere level 10 human.

Wait what do you mean by me being a level ten human and what is that about me not posible to break this weak rope. I broke it so it is possible.

The girl approach the rope not bothering with my presence and grab it in her hand while storing her bow on her back again. She kept on looking at the snapped rope with awe in her eyes. "Imposible!" She muttered.

Girl: you, what are you? You are not a human. (She said with a very suprised look in her face)

What do you mean I am not a human I am 100% human. I am more human as I can be.

There girl quickly rummage inside her sling bag and got a small golf size red crystal ball. And slightly trow it towards me enough for me to catch it

Girl: hold it tight in your palm. ( with an ordering tone this time)

Then she pulled her bow and arrow from her back with a very swift and smooth motion. She pulled out the bow string again and pointed the arrow and aim at me again.

No! No! No! Please stop. I don't wanna die. Stop and lets talk I can explain my self.

Girl: hold the truth gen in your palm tightly!

"Ok! Ok! I'll foolow your every command just don't shoot me please I am begging you."

I kneel down and raise my hands up while my right hand is gripping the crystal.

Girl: who are you? What is your purpose here in our continent? Are you a human?

"Ok I'll answer truthfully. My name is meshac, I am really a human. My purpose here is to invertigate this lake and know where I am right now."

Girl: do you have any evil intention on our continent and our race?

"No! I have absolutely no bad intention for your race nor your continent."

After hearing my answer. The girl lowered her bow and arrow and returned it on her back.

Girl: Give me back my stone.

"Your what? Oh this stone." Then I throw the red crystal back at her. She looked calmer now and more beautiful now not like her previous look that looks like a beautiful goddess of death. Looking at me in a curious cautious way for a momment then went back to the broken rope.

Girl: how can you break this rope while still being a human?

"What do you mean can you elaborate more I really can't understand what you are saying. What is so special about that rope that attract your full attention"

Girl: ok I'll explain. This rope is called a mana rope, it has the ability to neutralize or cancel any living being to use mana. So it cancel mana therefore it only leave you with physical strength. With that you cannot break this rope using only your physical strength. Only a level 51 creature physical strength can break this rope and you are just a level 10 human. That is not possible. Now do you understand what im saying.

"Ookkeey. I really don't know the reason how can I do that but. I can show you again. Anyway name is Meshac. How can I addressed you."

Girl: show me.

"Ok. Beautiful"

Throwing the remaining rope toward my direction. I catched it then I wrap it both in my hand then tug it as hard as I can. I noticed that. Miss beautiful did not remove her sight from the rope, focusing hard on it. As I put more pressure to break the rope a distressing appearance can be seen in my face. A few seconds later, SNAPPED, a snapping sound can be heard, and as I look towards miss beautiful. A shocked expression is I see.

Girl: you really did can break it without mana.

"Wait. Mana? I don't know how to use mana miss beautiful. And I don't still know how to addressed you properly."

Girl: you don't know how to use mana? You are lying to me. I can feel that you are a level ten human. What land did you originate from. And what is your true purpose here in Elfrenheimn?

"I really dont know how to use mana and I am not lying to you. I didn't know what you ment by I am a lvl 10. I came from earth I was teleported here in this lake a few days ago so I really am confused right now. I don't know where this Elfrenheimn you are talking about? Wait a minute Elfrenheimn? Elf... are you an elf?"

I look at her confusingly and stared at her ears. I noticed a small part of her ear the other part are covered by her hair. As she move her hand and moved to tuck her hair behind her ear. Me eyes widen in suprise and excitement. There in full view of her ear. No her very beautiful pointed ear. My heart began to beat faster and faster. My awe and happiness in my heart overwhelmed me. And I started to bow down on my knees and bow my head down and outstretched my arms as if I am worshipping. I let out the words.

"I am not worthy oh beautiful goddess."

Maintaining my pose of worship. I heard her speak. "I am not a goddess and don't worship me like that."