
Josh And The Mushroom House

As Josh enter the small looking mushroom house he noticed it wasn't so small. It was actually a huge hospital full of energy and flying little pixies! He was astonished by how big it was compared to the outside.

Bollop - Magic.

Josh - What?

Bollop - Magic. You were wondering how a place is so big inside for a place so small on the outside. No?

Josh - Oh! Yeah, this whole magic thing is sort of hard to wrap my head around. I am more of a scientifically person.

Bollop - A what?

Josh - Scientifically person, you know one that relies on a logical explanation based around science?

Bollop - What's this "sions" you speak of?

Bollop said trying to understand what the boy was calling the thing.

Josh - Okay one, its Science not "sions."

He said mocking the faun while not meaning to. He did this alot mocking people or... creatures when not meaning to. That is why he could count all his friends on only one hand, Daryl, Rick, Tyrese, and Emily. He corrected people so much that most people grew to hate him.

Bollop - *HMPF*  Whatever!

Josh - Oh sorry, I just sort of correct people without thinking. Anyway science is a way we explain thing is a logical manner. Do you not have that here?

Bollop - No I dont thinks so, but if anyone would know its Amon. Oh I'm Bollop.

Josh - I'm Josh nice to meet you

Bollop - Like wise. Welp we're here this is your bed. Just stay here the pixies will come soon.

Josh - Thanks

Bollop - No problem I'll be by the entrance if you need me.

Josh - Alright

As the faun walked out Josh looked around the large hospital room. There so many colors that at it was hard to believe it was a hospital then aging he did go through a magica dryer portal to get chased by " bogles " got his leg dematerialized and was saved by my best friend and crush casting a spell. He thought to himself as a small pixie no bigger than his index finger flew into the room.

Anary - I'm Anary I'll be your nurse today. The re-materializeing process is a fairly simple process. Well open the wound to see the damage, then well use our magic to re-materialize it. Then boom good as new.

To be continued!

Sorry this took so long for such a small update. I had some trouble with motivation and writers block T_T ,but I hope it was worth the wait! As always go follow me on Instagram @saturngrace for sneak peeks and possible art. Fan art always welcomed. OH! And I have a update schedule (sort of ) that I will try to stick to. The day I add the sneak peeks I will update the full chapter here anywhere from 6pm to 7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time that's all for now bye I love all you guys!